[font=Comic Sans Ms] Why is some frothing old man from the Core ringing us up with some ultimatum about the Order, docking rights, murder sauce and screaming children?
Incoming Transmission
Adress: Freeport 11 Central Communication Sattelite, Omicronium Thetion
Origin: [ZF]Glorious.Advance
Speaker: Honorable Guardian Marvin James Orphelia
I am just as clueless as you are... I've been acting as Secondary Guardian of Freeport 11 for eight years now (Primary Guardian is Elizabeth Tate aboard the Phersephone...) This bounty hunters talks of Freeport 9... Are there two seperate incidents next to the recent Freeport 11 NFZ violation by the Hunters?
[font=Comic Sans Ms] Word has it the Persephone left town around the start of the Corsair debacle. Packed up and skipped town about the same time the ZTC blew our biodomes and retreated to 74. But anyways.
We didn't have a clue over here that anything was even up until that comm came in. We've hunters on station now for heck's sake. But the Core's apparently got their pants in a bind and they're directing it at all Zoners in the Omicrons. So it seems to involve what's going on your side of the map, effecting us on our side.
We'd leave well enough alone and let you fellows sort out your own mess without sticking our noses in, but apparently we're on the chopping block as well.
Incoming Transmission
Adress: Freeport 11 Central Communication Sattelite, Omicronium Thetion
Origin: [ZF]Glorious.Advance
Speaker: Honorable Guardian Marvin James Orphelia
Of course, We can handle any silly misguided attacks by the Hunters at Freeport 11... but this is where we come into consensus... Why are they threatening Freeport 9 when the 'conflict' was only at Freeport 11? Its very confusing indeed... That Hunter's got a mighty screw loose...
[font=Comic Sans Ms] We-lp, Delta stands as a bit of an economic concern for the greater Zoner population, iridium and all that. I trust that you boys will do your best to ensure that things don't go from stupid to cockeyed. I'm still going to pass the message around on our end but, for the most part, we'll assume that someone over there is on top of things.