Name: [LN]-Aleesha.Cooper
Location: Pennsylvania system, somewhere between New York Gate and Philadelphia station.
Reason: Connection lost.
Time: Some minutes ago
Name: Jambalaya.Space.Raft
Location: At least 3 times. Twice in texas near the junker base and once near Manhattan. I wasn't engaged in anything.
Reason: Apparently the server was acting up today, so I gave up.
Time: today.
Name: Order|John.O'Neel
Location: TAU-37
Time: Just now
Reason: I dunno... FPS was low and my CPU was at 100% of working, PC freezed and I had to restart it.
Location (ingame):Hamburg
Time (GMT):22:23-24 +2 GMT
Reason:Waiting without taking any action.
I was chaced by 7-8 RM and RFP in Hamburg for suggling and cut my engines 46k below the sun. Took my time to go to WC and I was disconnected. Hope I didnt break any rules since I was in RP with them.
Name: [LN]-Aleesha.Cooper
Location: Texas
Time: 5-10 minutes ago.
Reason: Guess that my DSL router had went full retard once again. Sorry, Paul, sorry, Fran, sorry, Danny. Still can't connect to server, actually.
Connected back and crashed again in less than a minute.