Guten Tag,
My name is Warner Voss, I am Rheinland Military Reservist and I pilot a Wraith. I am sending this transmission to report what I had come across on one of my patrols recently. There was a recent battle between Rheinland and Liberty, so most of the military forces had left the Hamburg System. I ended up going to Planet Hamburg to monitor the shipping lanes through there. Eventually I came across a Hathor Gunboat with no IFF and a freelancer ID. Here's some guncam images.
I ended up letting him proceed to his destination, but we had a nice chat before hand. He had stated that he was working on correcting his IFF and we had directed him to Freeport 3 to meet a man there who could possibly help with that. I don't see any problem with that though, what concerns me was his ID. It was a Freelancer, so he had more than a IFF issue.
I just wanted to bring this to the attention of the proper authorities.
Werner Voss signing off.
[color=#009900]Hello there pilot;
Your concern is appreciated.
Indeed it does look like Order vessel.
Measuers will be taken to handle this immediately.
That would be all, safe flying out there.