As many are allready aware, the unknowns have dissappeared, whether this is to gather strength or a run for it is not known. Many rumors say that they have discovered another world, but such rumors may be false. We have talked to some Rheinland citizens, and here are their thougts
Trader Hans Bachel : It is a relief for me, they have killed some of my colleags, and i feared for my life everytime i was in a tradelane.
Navy Captain Joseph Andersen : i thougt i was going to die for sure if they would ever have succeeded with their invasion.
rumors also says that one of the unknowns has been captured by bounty hunters. This however is unconfirmed.
the report was correct this is admiral stealth of the LR bounty hunter clan
There a few unnowns gathered at desimha station and a few others we were offered a load of money to capture them by the corsairs they want to deduct experiments they offered a bounty of over 500 million an offer we just couldnt refuse
the citezins are safe for now we will keep a close eye on them at desimha so u havent any thing to fear for now
*****transmision ended*****
we have not got all but i also recived reports on the new planet but i have not discovered any thing unless we get a bounty on them we will stay away from were the reports are coming in from.