I found a Gull class ship passing by Omicron 74 call Tiny.Pink.Piggy . That ship add a Zoner IFF so i greet him as usual then i notice when he passed by i notice something, his ID was Freelancer and had some artifacts, not full load. Due recent events on the Omicrons, i have more attention on scanners and notice that ship passed several time on Theta. Last time i saw it. He has on Omicron Delta. Maybe to pass by Minor then Alaska and then New Your. Saddly i didn't managed to get a visual log on him. So:
Omicroners: There is a false Zoner passing by.
Libertonians: There is a smugler with alien artifacts
Rest assured, while you provide inaccurate information, including listing a route not possible, that smuggling artifacts is a very serious offense, and we will be on the lookout for this man.
Also, we regret to hear of trouble you are having in the Omicrons. If the Liberty Navy can be of assistance to the Zoners, please submit the request through the proper channels.
Commodore Heather Cain
Task Force Seven, Commanding
Comm ID: Chico Benitez
Location: Planet Crete
Omicron Gamma
There seems to be no evidence of said crime. I am grateful you felt the need to point this out however, asking for Corsairs to comment on things of this nature and then, in the same communication, involving the Liberty authorites strikes me as an odd thing to do.
We do not take kindly to outside interference from them in our operations down here in the Omicrons and Omegas. Anyone seen to be willing to attract that form of attention gets special attention from us.
Liberty is far removed from events in the Omicrons and they already have enough on their hands with other parties a little south of their position. I'm sure they see no need to attract further attention from us as we from them.
This is most interresting. Maybe the corsairs should start setting our sights on Liberty then, since our borders are recently expanding.
Mind your business Libertonians. For you do not want to tangle with the sairs.
And to this Captain Taurus, maybe this trader was transporting our goods to export them..in witch case we see no prolbem with that. The fact that he was in a the Zoner Guard System is his own foolishness, and the zoners can do to him what they want to.
*siting on his chair, and reading what some have been told here i just can think this ... I don't understand. One guy steals artifacts on Theta, and go selling no Liberty by a route that many knows but libertonians continue to denie. Corsairs don't care that someone steals then? Ok! All fine to me! Next time i see him on 74 i just shoot him and no more problems!*