lets just make it ten as The Omicrons and Sigmas make 7 plus our Omega and Tau system makes 9. If you want I won't go into Omegas.
AND STOP ASKING ME TO GO TO TNG SERVERS!!! I play here because it a mod that I like. The people here are, mostly, nice and polite. And I don't Always want war. I just try to spice the server up when nothing is going on. Thats why I was about to attack IG. Nothing was happening and people started getting bored.
Dab,Jan 15 2006, 10:00 PM Wrote:lets just make it ten as The Omicrons and Sigmas make 7 plus our Omega and Tau system makes 9. If you want I won't go into Omegas.
Okay. I don't get this.
WHY must you have the largest number of systems, Dab? It makes no logical sense. By controlling Omicrons, Tau and Sigma systems, you control literally more than HALF of sirus. WHY MUST YOU DO THIS? Answer me this in with a real good explaination other than the usual mantra of "Cause it spices up the server" ?? It doesn't spice the server up, never did IMHO
I'm not playing on this server for system conquest or any sort of thing that even RESEMBLES it.
You want a spiced up server. Fine. Some of us just want peace and quiet.. we can come up with our own means of fun.
Just cause you're bored with it doesn't mean the rest of us are, bud.
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First I said we only owned one Tau and one Omega as they connected to the Omicrons. We own nowhere near healf of sirius, as I think Sirius is more than 18 systems... STOP EXAGERATING PEOPLE!!!
Dab,Jan 15 2006, 10:08 PM Wrote:First I said we only owned one Tau and one Omega as they connected to the Omicrons. We own nowhere near healf of sirius, as I think Sirius is more than 18 systems... STOP EXAGERATING PEOPLE!!!
I'm not exaggerating, man. this isn't simple mathematics.
Look at it from a map point. If you were to shade in the areas that AW owns, it's literally the entire right/outside section of the map. If you took the Taus and Sigmas (all of the systems) that constitutes to nearly a full circle. You'd have to take bretonnia and Omegas to complete the circle.
You also didn't answer my question. WHY. WHY is it necessary for you to own as many system as you want? It doesn't make any sense to me, logically or otherwise.
Come on.. stop beating around the bush and answer Why...
SF has already given up Liberty space as a whole onder two conditions: It remain neutral AND UNCLAIMABLE by any faction. We didn't do this cause we want the system. yeah, we do, but we felt it better for the noobs that come on to have a free system that no one controls.
Would you be willing to do the same?
The more I think about system conquest, the more I hate it. I much prefer the one-system, one-home world model. How about it people?
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Wolfpack98,Jan 15 2006, 08:14 PM Wrote:SF has already given up Liberty space as a whole onder two conditions: It remain neutral AND UNCLAIMABLE by any faction.
Um, the SF only gave up NY. At least that's according to the latest map which no one has corrected me on, so I'm assuming it's right.
Quote:I play here because it a mod that I like. The people here are, mostly, nice and polite. And I don't Always want war. I just try to spice the server up when nothing is going on.
Ok Dab, that could sound good if you wouldn't have posted stuff like
Quote:And name whatver your price Igiss and I will pay it if I can get all Omegas, Taus, Sigmas, and Omicrons (exculding non-claimable ones).
every single day.
All Omegas, Taus and Sigmas are 12 systems total, and 4 more claimable Omicrons. It's already 16, and if new systems and Unknowns would be available for claiming, your ambitions will certainly grow.
Further on, you said about you planned assaults against all capital systems of 4 major houses some time ago, isn't it? Rather clearly describes your intentions.
As I see no point in turning Freelancer into a strategy wargame instead of space adventure/sim, I'm starting to see point in propositions that would remove claiming at all, leaving only one home system as controlled for each faction. Of course it would be better to have territories for factions, but these should be persistent in a way, not to allow chaotic takeovers.
Igiss,Jan 15 2006, 11:26 PM Wrote:Further on, you said about you planned assaults against all capital systems of 4 major houses some time ago, isn't it? Rather clearly describes your intentions.
Igiss,Jan 15 2006, 08:26 PM Wrote:Of course it would be better to have territories for factions, but these should be persistent in a way, not to allow chaotic takeovers.
I thought that the system maintenance fee would solve the problem of expanding territories. The idea being that if AW wanted to control a huge number of systems they would end up paying a huge maintenance fee to enforce their "rule". In the event they couldn't pay the full amount they would loose control over systems down to the amount they could pay.
OK, enough of this Crap alright, It doesn't really matter, having one system to work out of is Fine, hell thats less work for most, who gives a Rats ass, personally so i don't have to listen to everyone whine, on who is attacking who or what, lets just narrow it down to this...
One system, each Faction / Clan gets one system, thats it, NO MORE!!, this solves the hole i own here, i own this, and save Igiss Wolf and I the hasslte of having to listen to why people are claiming what, DAB, stay in Omicron Alpha OR Gamma, TG in the Tau system, Ill be in Berlin SF can Be in New london or whatever, therefore only Clan/ Faction rules apply there, see pretty fricken simple, leaves plent of room to Trade, and allows everyone to have free Rein and not worry about other Factions!!
Alignment:The Outcasts Status: Retired Personal Bio Click here Current Ships:The BlackPearl Base Of Operations:Pryde Villa, Planet Malta