Rhienland Cruiser spotted in the Bering system. Proceeded to follow, engage, and destroy. Two Bombers and a fighter chased down the Redwood City and attacked. Lieutenant Matt Smith was instrumental in aiding our escape. We would like to commend him here.
Bering was quickly reinforced with a second cruiser. Without additional help, we were unable to stay and engage. We retreated to Zone 21 for repairs. I have told any who ask to call me 'The Falcon'. This name will do for now..
[color=#99FF99]We will continue to strike fear into the hearts of criminals who see fit to bring warships into Liberty. They will fear our vengeance
[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing... Lieutenant-Commander Samuel Zanders
[font=Palatino Linotype]Salutations Admirals,
Today, myself and several other Liberty Navy pilots, mostly of ensign rank proceeded to patrol the New York system as well as the California system.
New York proved to be surprisingly quiet during this hour of the day, however, Ensign Elena Stanford reported the presence of a Scylla Destroyer operating inside the California system. After an intense search of said system we didn't manage to find the vessel. But, Ensign Stanford's observation skills would prove once again to be of use, and this time it would reward us with the rescuing of several Liberty Navy Captains taken hostage by a Rogue Gunboat.
Said Rogue Gunboat was ordered to hand them over or be dealt with through the use of deadly force. As expected, the target refused to comply and we proceeded to take it down.
Lieutenant-Commander Maximo Valeri
[color=#FF7700]Okey. So somebody was shouting something but I didn't really listen until the word strudel-muncher ringed like an alarm bell inside my head. Next thing I know I'm at the Bering system, witnessing a - ton of Rheinland fighters descend upon some poor SOBS. Well I wasn't really there from the start, and apparently the Liberty boys were going down real hard, real fast.
That however, was about to change. Now I'm not saying I was some kind of hero, because I wasn't. Just doing my part for the group. But, I managed to bring with me a few fighters, and I guess that extra wind was all that was needed to get the current commander on the field, that um... Cordova guy, TF7 fella - good guy, enough motivation to kick those Rheinlanders' ass.
And boy did we kick some ass. But let's not forget, plenty of our own people got shot down as well. Those Rheinlanders ain't nothing to laugh at, they know their game. But so do we. After an intense battle, we managed to force half of their remaining people to retreat, while a few of them got shot down as well.
In the end tho', and here is the best part. We managed to catch some footage of a particular Rheinland scumbag, running like a sissy <strike>boy</strike> girl to the Freeport. That's right, under the act of engagement. Now last time I heard with them Zoner boys, that didn't sit tight with them.
Personally, I don't give two ***** about it. But if one of you ten-foot pole up your rear-end command wants to take a look at it. Well, I got the stuff you need:
Name: Ash Hill
Rank: Captain
Location: Captain's Quaters, LNS-Portland
Subject: After Action Report, Saturday, 13th November
To add on to what Lieutenant-Commander Maximo Valeri has already said I do have some additional information to the begining of the conflict. However. I also wasen't there for the whole fight. So I'll Just start from the begining.
I was doing my standard patrols around Penny and Texas and decided to head over to the mississippi after sorting out a fight between a group of miners. When I arrived at the mississippi two Assault Battlecruisers, one LSF and one LN, were stationed outside and sent me a group communications Ident. After getting my coms officer to input said Ident we were informed of the conflict in Bering. The reports coming though were rather sketchy. But from what we could hear we were doing fine. But the tides of battle change very quickly and after a report that Rheinland had anouther fighter wing and a battleship en-route to Bering the three of us headed off over as support. Despite this things seemed to go from bad to worse. We ended up turning up just to replace the various Gunboats that had already been lost in the combat. And when the LN Assault battlecruiser went MIA the rest of us were left to hold the line. After several more Rheinland military wings joined the battle and LN/LSF forces starting to run dangerously thin. Lieutenant-Commander Maximo Valeri and various other fighters showed up and the tide turned our way. And stayed that way. After the Hostile Battleship was destroyed I held at the gate for about anouther hour. Until decideing that we had more than enough force here and my cruiser would be more useful elseware and falling back to texas.
*** Incoming transmission ***
*** Sender - Recruit Arthur Crawler ***
*** [color=#33FF33]Target - Commanding officers of Liberty Navy ***
I have already accumulated 8 (eight) hours of flying in my Executioner while patroling,
fighting the criminals and doing few missions for Liberty. Therefore I am asking to be promoted to Ensigns.
>>>>Incoming Transmission<<<<
>>>>Comm ID: Commander Hank Kapinos<<<<
>>>>Loading Message<<<<
>>>>Subject: Come on big man.<<<<
Where're my sunglasses? Right... there we go, found them. Let's get down to business.
Kapinos here. That's right, yours truly. Kapinos, the guy taking a smoke instead of barking out orders as he should. It wasn't really a problem at first, but obviously I was doing a piss-poor job. So I saddled up, took charge, you know what I mean? It worked, for a while. But you know what? I'm sick of that, I'm sick of cleaning up others messes. What do I get for it? I got Casero breathing down my neck like he's some kind of moody babe. Don't get me wrong, he's a good guy but... Annoying.
So... I'm asking you, you know, pretty please with a cherry on top. Get me out of this hell-hole. Get me out of Mid-command, put me in some lower rank, just get me the hell away from Casero.
I'll try and be more formal, for you desk-jockeys. I'm requesting to be demoted to uh... Lieu? Tenant? Lieutenant, that's the one.
<--Incoming Transmission-->
<--ID: Henry Ian Butler of the LN-Halibut-->
<--Signature Authenticated-->
<--Message Digest Authenticated--> CLASSIFIED
I have disheartening news.
A one miss Jenna.Strawberry confessed to treason against the house of Liberty today. She seemed rather distressed and mentally unstable. Afterwards admitting, in full, how she had: 1) gained access to secure facilities within "zone21" using her Navy ID privileges 2) aided and abetted the escape of numerous dangerous order individuals (and various other terrorists) 3) Stolen sensitive documents regarding Z21 4) Stolen various nomad materials. Furthermore, stating that she intended to defect and release said materials to her "contact".
Given her crimes our patrol was forced to take measures to bring her into military custody. Unfortunately she fled and I..much to my regret...ordered the patrol to open fire.
I hereby report that her vessel was destroyed... no survivors were recovered from the scene.
Neither was the data recovered, it seems she unloaded it to her "contact". I have no evidence regarding who received the documents, materials or prisoners. However, Comms from Black.Icarus were intercepted suggesting he has information regarding this. <strike><censored>Although the whole situation seemed too...coincidental... I suspect further shady workings within the Liberty Forces.</censored></strike>
I assume full responsibility for the failure to recover said Liberty property. My thoughts are with Jenna's family at this time.
Through a few complaints and reports I've been getting, it appears there isn't a general consensus when it comes to dealing with AI units within Liberty. Let me make myself perfectly clear:
AI units are permitted in Liberty, providing they obey all of Liberty's laws.
For example, the small AI-drone is permitted in Liberty, however the much larger AI-cruiser is not permitted as it is classed as a foreign warship.
Kapinos and Crawler,
All requests for promotions and demotions are being processed at the moment. Hang in there a little longer.
...Incoming Transmission...
...Encyrption: Medium...
...Origin: Fort Severn...
Sender: Rct D.Ripper, 3rd Liberty Navy Training Wing
Recruit David Ripper Reporting.
<div align="center]Notable Events
Permission to enter Liberty granted to an ALG train. [Cargo of Nuclear Devices.]
Pilot Shiro Otonashi sighted attacking Bounty Hunter Personell. [Warned. Files Forwarded to Kusari Police.]
Good Evening, below are detail concerning patrol out of Fort Severn (Approx 1 Week Sirius Standard Time ago).
After being dispatched to a training exercise out of the Fort, I was contacted by the ALG Train Tsukikage, requesting permission to ship his cargo into Liberty from Rheinland.
The Train was hauling Nuclear Drive Cores, apparently for use in the construction of Liberty Warships. After consideration and inspection, the vehicle was granted permission to dispose of its cargo at Planet Denver.
I appreciate the law on the matter, Sir, I simply lacked the means for safe transport of such devices. Nor could I risk the contamination of public space by nuclear materials. Logs are below.
After safe delivery of the cargo; I received reports of a Nomad vessel from Secondary Fleet Officers. Unfortunately, I was intercepted by a Rogue Gunboat before the alien could be contacted. Thankfully I made it away with my Executioner's hull intact.
Following on, Sir, I linked up with the Siege Cruiser [LNS]Capetown, and Pilot Roy. Before beginning our Patrol proper we were diverted to California hearing reports of a firefight. Well, you know what they say, Sir, a picture says a thousand words.
Upon refusal to stand down or provide reason for the attack of a Bounty Hunter pilot, I ordered Fighter support to Engage the Pilot calling herself Otonashi. She demonstrated considerable skill, evading all firepower directed at her. Upon the Bounty Hunter Gunboat joining the fight, I requested our troops pull out.
The vessel, apparently of Kusari Origin, escaped before I could retrieve a scan. There were no losses on our side, though the willingness Capetown's commander to unleash his weaponry was somewhat concerning, as was the significant Bounty Hunter and Vigilante Hunter presence. The pilot of the Kusari ship seemed to be some variety of unlawful hunter. The Hunter Pilot she attacked made it away.
Contacted via long range communications Otonshi refused to provide anything beyond 'He was my bread and butter for the week' in way of an explanation.
I recommend that any Liberty Vessels encountering the above pilot exercise caution. She was able to dodge fire from well over five hostile vessels, including the Capetown.
Files concerning the pilot have been forwarded to the Kusari Police Force.