I enjoyed The Fifth Element (yes, Chris Tucker has a weird role... but it's suppose to be like that).
One movie that made me want to chew off my own wrists... Bloodrayne !! What a disappointment... love the actress and especially the game, but the editor and director must be shot AT ONCE !!:angry:
That movie was just utter bull. And also anti-Iranian propaganda...
They completely ignored the true historical context, in every sense, EVERY SENSE!!
The Hoplites looked like gay naked idiots. Dammit. They were supposed to be elite, heavy infantry, carrying like 30Kg of a bronze armor, a long spear and a big round shields. Also, lacedaemonians (aka, spartans), were supposed to be the only state city with a true full time army, made of men bred to be warriors.
Also, there was no Hunchback of Notre Dame in the historical record... :dry:And the guy who leaves to inform Sparta of their defeat (Faramir from LOTR:P), is not put in charge of the army, but casted as a coward for leaving the battle, and he suicides not long after.
The Persians looked like ugly orcs, with lots of heavy armor. Can't be further from the truth, as they were in fact, light infantry, formed by people who weren't professional soldiers, but citizens called upon service.
And they didn't have stupid trolls in the real life, nor lots of babes to have fun with back at the camp. The only pro army they had were the immortals. Who also were light infantry, but professional and better equipped.
Also, it wasn't 300 vs 2 million. It was more like 7.000 vs 100.000. the 300 were in fact almost ~1000, as each Spartan lord had like 2 or 3 helots (slaves) at their service, and they fought side by side with the soldiers too. Let alone that there also were soldiers from other city states too.
And don't make me get started on the oracle.. Uber sh*t!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111one!!11eleven
The battle of Thermophylae is my favourite epic battle since I was a child. A grand last stand. Every man fought to the best of them.
They completely ruined it with that movie. I hope their creators die horribly on a Chuck Norris spork-related accident, and all the material related to that movie banishes not to be seen ever again..
Instead of watching that movie, read the "Gates of Fire" book, from Steven Pressfield. Its much more historically accurate. I would have loved to see that book made into a movie.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
From a historian's point of view, I agree, but from a cinematic point of view, I disagree. I enjoyed that movie, however un-history-like it may have been, but I will agree, the Ten Thousand so-called immortals weren't Orcs, and they were indeed light infantry, who didn't have two short swords, but had wicker shields and longer swords and spears.
That idiot they call Xerxes wearing that silly amount of piercings is completely untrue, he would have been wearing a persian style hat, which is kind of a cross between a birthday hat and the pope's one. I think. kinda triangular anyway. But, he did have somthing like that ridiculous throne.
Also, the slaves probably died alot faster than the spartans themselves, and those who came to aid the spartans numbered about 2000. All of them were tasked in defending a mountain pass not too much larger than the pass the spartans were guarding, and they failed.
Also, I love how Leonidas rants on about a Phalanx, and you never once see a phalanx in any battle, because you see a formation, and then it disintegrates just before the battle.
Also, arrows from Persian composite bows usually go through any shields of that period, due to the fact that composite bows are more efficient at delivering power and that the Persian archers pulled back the arrows to their ear rather than the norm of the shoulder. A shield would never survive more than 4 to 6 arrow hits, let alone thirty.
Oh yeah, did I mention Leonidas died in the middle of the battle of Thermopolae, not at the end?
Historically, its funny to think how much they got wrong.
Cinematically, its a great movie, with lots of action and well acted roles. I dont understand how it's anti Iranian propaganda either, as the story, its art and its general accessories such as nill armour on the Spartans are ripped straight from a comic book...
' Wrote:One movie that made me want to chew off my own wrists... Bloodrayne !! What a disappointment... love the actress and especially the game, but the editor and director must be shot AT ONCE !!:angry:
Dont make me kill you even more painfully... loved it, although abit amateur-ish.
Allso, worst movie(s) Ever imo : Star wars saga.
Utter bull, their supposed to be in a far off galaxay, but speak english, people being put in suits after being engougled by lava and still walk on cheerfully. dudes swinging lightsticks around and then cut off one's arm and then go AGAHGHRGHRGRHRGRH! I IZ YO FATHER LAWL11!!!!1
As a matter of fact, the Persian spears were shorter than the Greek ones. So not only were the Persians lightly armored, but also sort of outgunned.
And Xerxes wasn't an African, but a Persian..
I better not talk about this "movie" anymore, or I will begin wreaking havoc on my own office.:dry:
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )