while it has something kusari-ish.... and kusari does like to add ornamental elements to their ships - they are still not flying "scultured statues of dragons" - but only ships that may ... in a vague and abstract way - resemble sea serpents or dragons.
i think that kusari "could" pull it off - but not at the verge of war ( or in times where they submit to something to stay out of it )
anyway - it is fun to just play around with "what might be" and "what something might look like" - and model it quickly in metaseq. other than that .... showing ( off ) models is also quite beneficial, cause modellers can learn from each others by simply looking at the style of others.
and thats quite a nice thing on the forum - so many modellers have so many different styles - and its quite exciting to see how they work out on a common denominator like freelancer designs.
Looks like the emperor built himself a dragon in space. Although it's beautiful, it's pretty impractical to have all this fancy decorations, I'd say you've slightly outdone yourself.