So.. Here i was, going to Colorado to start my patrol, when a ********** pirate with the transponder name Thunder.Witch decides to cut the lane right smack in the middle of New York. Clearly an attempt on piracy, but his luck ran short when this Legionnaire appeared instead of a big fat transport driven by a citizen.
There i was, making my way through words to point that he was in fact a pirate, and thus deserves to receive a cool and awesome welcome to Liberty from my Hellflurry's, when go guess, one LSF boyo decides to drop by. A =LSF=Scott.Robinson. or what not.
And gee, go figure the coolness spreading through the zone. Another LSF appeared. *Rolls eyes*
If they shouted Hellfire on their comms every time someone was pirated, i bet they would reduce the crime spree quite quickly.
So there i was, ignoring the LSF, not so chillaxed, when that Scott 'Crayon' Robinson decides to ignore the blasted pirate and starts to nag me due to my 'visitors' in my hold.
You know, the ones from that little battle yesterday in California?
Well.. They start nagging.. And nagging.. Soooo not cool, believe it.
Thus, i do what i am best. To find weaknesses. I scan everyone's ship around.. And go figure.. I was the only CD user in the hole neighborhood. And then.. A simple plan in my head formed.
Why not make the LSF look like the low tech users they are?
All words of my sister, people. She met them, a lot of times when she was working in Liberty.
And she always replied to me.. "LSF?" And then she laughed at my face. Over and over. Not cool.
With a stiffled laugh.. And the nagging LSF dudes all over my armor, i decided to finish the whole business with a Screamer mine, since they felt sooooo close to me, and then hitted my cruise engines.
While they panicked with their shields down... *Sighs* I just waltzed out.. And go figure..
They managed to let a Legionnaire escape, through their fingers.. In a most embarrassing manner..
And guess what.. The pirate also managed to get away.. Go bloody figure.
Due to this show of incompetence, i support for more heavy patrols near the tradelanes in Liberty, especially New York and California. These kind of pirates run unchecked and it's Liberty and their citizens that suffer.
Let's recap the day, shall we?
So, here i was entering New York, after a very cool and chillaxed night with some of those wicked Xeno girls (they do know how to party, and all went ice smooth) *chuckles* when i get a beep from that gal Alexis, that she and two friends were being overwhelmed by a big patrol from those not cool Blue and White boyos from the TF7.
And she, being Tharog's girl, well, i couldn't let that slide. What they would say if we let the Navy catch them? Well, the message needs to be: 'No one messes with Legionnaire's girls.' Hell no. Way not cool!
So the Danger Zone was officially installed in New York. And you know what that means.
'Iceman' went full and came back dandy. And the girls loved it. The crowd was ecstatic. And oh boy. Even tips! Which i obviously directed to the TF7 'cause i am a swell guy. They need it.
So.. Let's give the 101 on the whole Danger Zone happenings.
Let's see... I got there and guess what? A dandy Dread or LABC (didn't looked at it much, was busy at the time picking a valid target) with the transponder TF7|LNS-Midway alongside a Liberty Gunboat with the TF7|LNS-Florida painted on the side alongside not one, not two, not even three.. Can you guess? Yup, five Guardians shooting Alexis and her friends. Here's the list:
Now.. First one to bit the dust was the gunboat. Oh yeah, major fighter pain in the a** with them turrets and 'siles.
So we all poured our coolness together and bang! Down it went.
The TF7|LNS-Florida made a wrong turn and faced the awesome and the cool. In a big bang style. Oooooooh yeeeeahhh...
Then, TF7|SK-C.Johnson went poof thanks to Tharog's girl, with an awesome move, and schwiiiing. She's cool on every level.
Mr. Maddy. did the 'le boom' thanks to Miss Bordetella. Lovely way to say hi.
Then, as you can figure, i decided to wrap it up in style and spreading the coolness in New York.
Just to keep the ladies interested and showing off some Hellfire finesse.
Bang bang poom pow! TF7|SK-J.Burton now rest in the cool and infinite space of New York. Love you too, babeh! *Winks*
By now, the crowd was riveted! The crowd was on fire - oh wait, nope it was just TF7|SK-M.Brown feeling the heat of the Danger Zone and had to be chillaxed by me.
Well.. While this intense experience happened, Mr. Delgato had left in the middle of the confusion, and the Midway went on ghost mode.. Or else the coolness would spread to it, i suppose.
So, after this, we gave our thanks to New York, our words of love to everybody and bam! Left the tips to the TF7 boyos. With that, we went to the fields and chillaxed with some ice in our drinks and coolness all around.
And Tharog, Alexis says "Hi and get your sorry ass to my side right this instant!" or something like that.
Without anything of note to tell anymore,
Whisky and ice to all, High Command.
Yeah, i'm at the ***** bar, chilling while listening to some groovy cool music instead of making this report at my desk. Not the paper pusher here.
So.. I was transferring some Navy boys i caught the other day, from Ouray to our facilities for a good 'debrief' as one would put it... When i was.. Well.. Intercepted by them Blue Collar Navy boyos.
Not cool, but still.. It was only one.
Yeah right. I bet your eyebrows raised just now, ye?
Yup, you can figure it out. In less than five minutes.. I was surrounded, while i was trying to enlighten the Navy boy called Luke about the Hellfire Legion.
So, let's recap the passengers of the brand new tour-bus of Danger Zone in New York.
Luke TF7|SK-J.Burton TF7|SK-M.Brown TF7|RA-D.Jones
Yeeeee haaawwww.. Danger Zone was too hot for my style. And guess what, a bloody lucky shot from the LSF and the Navy boy Will (which decided to double team my cool style, while the rest watched in awe), wasted my long range comm array. So i was stuck with system wide transmissions.
And yeah. No Hellfire in system to help my, now very in danger, behind.
Luckily, a previous acquaintance of my sister and notorious unlawful in Liberty, Mr. Crazy and his Sabre with the Go.Crazy sign painted on the canopy, managed to received my may-hell-day, and provided me with support. Even so. Way outnumbered.
Heck, underdogs are stylish and cool, right?
So, we decided to attack. In a pure, Crazy Cool, shooting down the bad bad bad Blue Collars.
And wow babeh! The Danger Zone was officially ON!
With some witty moves and saucy walk, =LSF=Morgan.Donald bit the space dust, thanks to Mr. Cool Crazy.
Then, it was my turn to shine. And what a light i was basked with. Booom! TF7|SK-M.Brown was the generous boyo that decided to blow up under my guns and generate the light.
Thanks man!!!
A little push here, a little nudge there, and my Hell'Goddamn'flurry's did the damage to make TF7|SK-J.Burton implode in awesome and cool.
Then, we danced with them Navy Blue boyos for some time.. Mr. Smith was the target that was about to be put down.. But moooooore reinforcements arrived. Go figure.
And as i and Mr. Crazy checked the names.. Well, we feared.. We wept... We cried. For there was too much awesome together now in such a confined space.. that well.. New York could implode.
So, with many tears and bye-bye's, we decided to skidaddle out of there.
As we finally reached the Colorado jump.. Well, it was a teary farewell between me and Mr.Crazy..
Because.. Well.. That was a heck load of fun. *Laughs*
"Evening. Just thought I'd report my last two operations in Liberty. This quick pair of shots is the take down of a Liberty Gunboat, the LNS-Braemar. Not my kill alone, but I did have the pleasure of being the lone bomber in the Beta 1. He was a tough one, but we nailed 'em."
"Next up is a long, drawn out fight with numerous Navy, SCRA, me, some of us, and a random AI Cruiser. We caught us three gunboats, and most of the Navy fighters had flown off in the brawl against the SCRA. All in all it was pretty successful with no casualties. Surprisingly. I was eating fire like a circus freak out there. I need to set up my own bomber. Unfortunately my guncam was less than in working order, so I only got a few shots"
"Nothing too exciting. Three gunboats down, an AI Cruiser I can call to our aid at any time, and a slightly beat up Sabre. Lieutenant Nighten, signing off."
Note to self: Get a damn Roc. Maybe another Sabre with a different setup. Perhaps a Bayonet.. Hmph.