departing to : Kusari Naval Forced HQ
source : [KNF]Si.Daisa.Takato
raport : 04/10
starting location-Battleship Matsumoto,Hokkaido system
very capable technicians, make all repairs in a very short time and then I'm ready for the upcoming tasks.
started the patrols at 10:00 h, and usual route was Hokkaido, Honshu, New Tokyo, Kyushu
Besides the usual small patrol Dragons and GC in Hokkaido was quiet and without much traffic, so I did not dwell much.
My goal was to control the scanning of cargo traders, those who came from the direction of sigma-13 and the Rhineland, so I turned off the engine near the Akita Border Station, and began the task.
number of miners with IMG tag, very mood for a story but without any prohibited goods in cargo, all the destinations were Narita Outpost.
at 11:42 h at a distance of 12k from me, it was observed an unidentified object.
I headed towards the radar signal, and through the open channel requested identification and destination of movement, but there was no answer. Suspecting the smugglers, and the largest reflection (possibly to the vessel with 5000 cargo space unit) engages in a pursuit.
direction the object is a Sigma-13 jump hole.
Unfortunately, with the support of several lightweight fighters of corsair, I lost the concerned target.
at 12:00 am entering the New Tokyo system, and the speed of light instead of heading toward Kyushu jump gate.
when entering into Kyushu from the 12k jump gate in the direction of Tsushima Depot, I saw two ship markings WK-Watanabe family-dragons.
Talking about WK | Ujihiro (guard leader) and WK | Kiyoshi (warrior). both were in the dragons VHF.
a few quiet words, and asking a go with me to Battleship Nagumo, but the usual response was negative, so the only option left to me to be arrested and brought to justice.
very, as expected, resourceful fighters caught me in the crossfire, but I managed to fight and to destroy a one ship.
Unfortunately, the other was very careful and continuous circulation and avoiding my attack managed to inflict tremendous damage to my engine, so I had to abandon ship.
My capsule had picked up IKN Gb and now I rest on Nagumo.
>>>Incoming Transmission: ShoSho - Takahashi, Mikako
>>>Time: Week 63, 817 A.S
After being re-assigned to Kusari core space, patrols have been relatively peaceful; except for a few traders who were ignorant of the law: until enlightened. Returning home was a heady experience and in the bustle of it all I neglected to sign my Chimera in for regular maintenance.
I arrived late to a recent outcast incursion including: Huanita.Muchaches (whom the Emperors actual flagship destroyed!) and [XTF]Zaza[R] *. I proved ineffective as I struggled to maintain my ship: re-routing and balancing failing systems whilst battling with defiant flight controls. Luckily Daii Nakamura, Chûsa Kokori and Emperor Kogen himself easily defeated the enemy force. Still: my failure was devastating, and became terribly apparent during the recent dragon attacks.
Their attack was preceded by a misguided criminal named 'Halloween' causing trouble in New Tokyo *. After a hectic system sweep including Shōi Rika, Daii Nakamura, Chûsa Kokori and Chūjō Kitao he was located near the Hokkaido gate. Chūjō Hajime Kitao annihilated the threat in the blink of an eye and led the wing to Kyushu where we happened upon the dragons: WK|Kiyomi{W} , WK|Ujihiro{GL} , WK|tadashi{G} split and attacked a single target each, our forces retaliated with Rika, Kitao and Nakamura whilst the Chûsa and I waited for the moment when the balance would shift. After a while the tactic changed and our forces concentrated on Tadashi, who was the first to jump ship at the hands of Rika. The dragon backup arrived in the form of a gunboat - WK|Kamaitachi which brought Kokori and I into the fight. Against the power of 5 Chimaeras the Kamaitachi was soon destroyed, and prompted the dragons to call in more backup in the form of a Katanas. ]bd[-Ryuu.Noboru and ]bd[Kaga.Takanami joined up with the WK| pilots and the battle drifted across the system, Takanamis' ship was soon debris under the fire Chūjō Kitao. The cumulative damage to my ship had made it a perilous environment: I was forced to leave the fight and make an emergency landing at Kyushu where they are patching her up sufficiently for me to limp back to base. I found it noteworthy that Rika fought hard despite massive damage to her vessel. I left the scene aware of additional mercenaries in the area offering their services, and was confident that the dragons would suffer. >>>Transmission Ends.
this evening, I took the liberty to escort a Universal ([*USI*]) convoy.
I checked the delivery logs from Kyushu, and contacted the leader of the convoy, and stated their convoy shall be escorted through Kusari. I believed because of the up-rise in Blood dragon activity, they could try and attempt to strike down on our shipments, however during the time in Kusari, we didn't come across a single Blood Dragon, or even a pirate all together. The USI convoy safely arrived at their intended destination."
The following list shows the vessels which were involved in the convoy: [KNF]Di.Taiki.Ono
[KNF]Tomoyo.Okazaki [*USI*]J.Adams[CSO]
"When the convoy reached their destination, I received a report from a IMG escort, claiming that there was a pirate on the Honshu trade lane, I went to check it out. The lane was clear, but I jumped to Honshu to find a Hogasha to be engaging a IMG Mining vessel. the IMG escort vessel too.
I arrested the Hogosha for assaulting, and engaging a civilian miner within Kusari space, unfortunately, the Hogosha escaped, and the case did not have enough evidence to continue the the high command.
That is all.
- Nakamura Out"
Name: Action report
Location: Battleship Nagumo; Kyushu sector 5/B
Name of illegal: "Endo"
Action: Transporting Cardamine
I was passing through the Honshu system on my way to Tau-29 for a patrol when I noticed an unusual vessel passing by. Upon scanning this vessel I discovered it to be illegally transporting 510 units of Cardamine. He jumped before I was even able to say anything; but I was able to record his cargo hold. I will be watching for him in the meantime
departing to : Kusari Naval Forced HQ
source : [KNF]Si.Daisa.Takato
raport : 05/10
Today's patrol was mildly said was very interesting ...
Immediately after leaving the dock I received a call from [KNF-IG] John.Miyagi.
it was the OC attack ships and bases in Kyushu sector
in quick search sector, established the presence of 4 ships with markings Outcast, and to 3 GB and 1 fighters.
Unfortunately, they seem concerned only checked vigilance of our patrol units and quickly drifted away to JH to Tau-23. It seems that it was a planned invasion of their units, and everything related to the recent meeting that they had in the Tau-23 with the Blood Dragons
I continue patrols in Kyushu, and receive alerts by Gopnik | Tsy.Na.Mi that two ships with illegal cargo has a path of movement toward Kyushu.
I asked Gopnik | Tsy.Na.Mi them only from a distance monitor, and it informs me.
A few minutes later both were spotted at the 6k distance of the planet and stopping
Names of ships are Rikhard and Ol'-Digger.
scanning cargo space was found to carry military vehicles and their destinations Bretoniya space.
warned about the illegal load and asked to empty cargo, however, both have behaved arrogantly and with a touch of hostility, and attempted escape.
their unhappiness with the intention failed and were destroyed, while part of the cargo transferred to the Battleship Nagumo.
one hour later, ship called TSS-Radecki, also stopped.
At my request that identifies the answer I got: 04/12/2010 11:45:09 SMT
TSS-Radecki: Nuclear Cargo is Divices, ID Interspace Comerce, Distination Java Station Tau-23 systen
04/12/2010 11:45:17 SMT
it seems that guys from Interspace Commerce does not know Kusari Law Codec!
and again the same warning and notice of the prohibition of cargo, and the ban on trade between Tau and Kusari. I guess the commander of the ship observed that it is not time for playing the hero, so that the cargo was thrown out into space and destroyed, and the ship returned to the Liberty.
Also a warning to all patrols to pay attention:
several pilots with freelancer ID, encountered in New Tokyo System, harass dealers and law enforcement that looks like Liberty law.
them ahead with a pilot called GForce.
Only request Command KNF:
, In order to avoid confusion and unnecessary debate, to re-publish a warning about the permissible and the illegal cargo
Name: Action report
Location: Battleship Nagumo; Kyushu sector 5/B
Name of illegal: "Warren.Ward"
Illegal Act: Transportation of Military Vehicles to the Tau systems"
I was patrolling in New Tokyo when Warren.Ward passed by, upon scanning him I discovered him to be carrying Military Vehicles under an IMG ID and IFF. He refused to respond to multiple hails and fled before I was able to catch up to him.
**Transmission 1 End, Transmission 2 Start**
Name: Action report
Location: Battleship Nagumo; Kyushu sector 5/B
Name of illegal: "Hachi_Boy"
Illegal Act: Transportation of Optronics to the Tau systems"
Almost immediately after Warren.Ward fled, another trader passed my location under the name Hachi_Boy. He was in a small craft carrying Optronics to the Tau systems under a Freelancer ID. I informed him to Halt, however he jumped into Tau-29, and I was stuck in Kyushu behind a docking Kishiro vessel. Unable to pursue, I decided to dock at Battleship Nagumo to resupply before continuing my patrol.
Our exact though short conversation recording is below: [KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Halt Hachi_Boy: For What? [KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: You are carrying Optronics to the Tau Systems Hachi_Boy:For Profit! [KNF]Si.Tomoyo.Okazaki: Only Samura, Kishiro, and GMG may do this.
departing to :Kusari Naval Forced HQ source : [KNF]Si.Daisa.Takato
<div align="right]raport : 06/10
Urgently New Space Tokyo
Planet New Tokyo
was observed hostile gb
code name of ship: [color=#FF0000]Yofej
type: Bretonian Gunboat
Identification: Bretonian Mining and Manufacturing BMM
not paying much attention to warnings from my side and opened fire, the enemy ship turned towards the TL to Shikoku JG
I left him to the JG NT - Shikoku where I left it ... follow the enemy ship is taken over patrols stationed at Battleship Myoko and escorted him to the Liberty [OOC] seems to be some new, yet uninformed player, so I did not want to engage in the story
New Space Tokyo
Planet New Tokyo
30 minutes later
ship with the code name- Mark2
type of ship - Liberty gunboat
Identification of Interspace comerc
crew contacted, and also shipped to the Liberty system
the rest of the patrol was common,,, scanning of cargo, but no foul is not observed
>>>Incoming Transmission: ShoSho - Takahashi, Mikako
>>>Week 99, 817 A.S, Core patrol log
An alert went out indicating dragons in Core space, fighters were scrambled and the unit searched for the dissidents until finding trouble at the sigma thirteen gate.]bd[Chisio, ]bd[Ryu.Mitano, and ]bd[Adam.morrel were met by [KNF-IG]John.Miyagi, [KNF]Kanadzuchi, [KNF]Si.Daiso.Takata and myself, the dragons soon broke formation and disappeared into the clouds; leaving Chisio alone.
Out of nowhere a vessel named Shimekiri appeared: it fought against the katana for a while, before the dragon emerged victorious. Mitano of the dragons returned to aid their wingman and one of our wing engaged the aggressor. I experienced further equipment failure as I picked up erratic stray transmission from the watanabe kazoku, soon a fire erupted from the controls and I was forced to land. I took small comfort in the fact that our forces seemed to have the upper hand as I skidded into Akitas' bay. During recent engagements I have had a chance to survey the field at length; as I stated last report: Rika made a notable performance, and on this occasion Takatas' restraint and adherence to orders impressed me. Of course the flight logs reviewed by High-command display commitment from Daii and shoi alike. >>>Transmission Ends.
Incoming Transmission
Source: Imperial Guard George Takei
I encountered a ship flying Xeno colors. It claimed to be an undercover Order agent, but that was highly unlikely since he announced it on system-wide comms. Myuki Kokori arrived to provide a cruiser disruptor in case he tried to flee, and he did, running to Hokkaido. There we managed to stop him right outside the gate, and Myuki dispatched him with little trouble.
Proceding with stage two, I moved my chimaera to the lane between planet Leeds, and the New London jump gate, looking for the commodities listed in our briefing.
On the first day, a "Colossus" train belonging to Border World Exports was stopped carrying ship hull pannels in direction to New London, I ordered the pilot, to drop everything to the last piece, and having no other choise, he complied.
On my second day, a Heron train belonging to an independent trader was stopped in the same circunstances than before, with the same cargo. This time the pilot was not cooperating, and some persuation was needed, after that, he was like a kitty.
So far, the operation Strike Down is going well, however, it has been hard to keep the Stealth part to the letter, as a couple of bretonian miners spotted me, and I had no choise but to take them down, same with an armed forces officer who tried to stop me.