Now i don't have a problem undocking afterwards just so the cruiser (oh my freaking god :nono: ) that asked me for toll can kill me (happened tonight). Trust me it is'nt a problem to die, but it seems wierd in a way (in that for example freighters can't seek shelter). Maybe i just got things wrong and this post is unnecessary. So am i allowed to logout when in dock?
In my opinion, as long as you don't switch to another character to get revenge on the other player, you should be fine. But don't take my word for it, as I'm not an official source.
I've used this particular tactic before when making a run to the Hawaii, back when Eman was in a Transport. One of the NovaPG had been following me from Sigma 13 to Sigma 19, where he demanded a sum of money. I was far enough ahead of him that I landed safely on the Hawaii, told him he'd missed out on his chance, and switched to my other trader for a while. At no time did I attempt to get revenge on him.
Its totally in RP for a trader to run for his life and dock at the nearest base, what worrys me more is that a cruiser was trying to tax you which isnt allowed.
' Wrote:Its totally in RP for a trader to run for his life and dock at the nearest base, what worrys me more is that a cruiser was trying to tax you which isnt allowed.
Yeah should have taken a screenshot to burn his a**
Correct me if i am wrong but in a way, A battleship or Cruiser can tax trader's
But your Battle ship or Cruiser must send a fighter or gunboat to do the job if you refuse
Becouse the BS/Cruiser can not engage the trader
Yes, you can log out after docking, because if you don't, and just sit there, the server kicks you after awhile anyways. Its sort of forcing you to log off or undock.