I quite understand that you don't particularly like me. Actually, I understand that, the feeling is rather mutual, after all. But like or dislike, you do still fall under the jurisidiction and authority of the Guild - and you have shown that you respect that, which I appreciate.
You're certainly aware that the situation in the Omicrons has been rather fluid lately, and that's putting it politely. Seems like every time you turn around, someone else has decided that they are our enemies - and then we show them our strength, and suddenly they back down. In any event, as I was saying, the recent disruption of our battle plans appears to have been resolved. Those plans - and the orders regarding them - have never been rescinded, simply held in abeyance as needed, with limited operations occurring in their place.
Now, however, we have plans to raid not just Minor, but also continue on into 100 and launch commando raids upon the Order research facilities there. So please feel free to do what you can in assisting in those efforts. Also, if you happen to be in Theta and want to run to up to Eta and into Outcast space, do that as well. We need more information on what those Nomad worshippers are doing.
As for Captain Archer ...
You accepted command of a Guild Battleship voluntarily. I don't recall seeing anyone twist your arms, or put a gun to your head threatening you that you HAD to do this. Therefore, you have, by those actions, placed yourself under our command as far as regular operational orders are concerned. While you have had our
There are no restrictions on any of our pilots operating in Omega-7 or Omega-3. The only restriction is on the ships - as previously stated, our Threshers, Bullheads, and Makos are required for other operations and are to avoid these systems.
It is, of course, your choice as to decide whether or not you wish to follow our lawful orders. There are, of course, reprecussions should you decide to not do so.
---End Transmission---
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
Greetings Guildmaster. We do have an issue at our hands. I commissioned my ship with my own personal hard earned credits. However If you want me to be on those lines with you when it comes down to taking on the order i propose the following.
1. You give me a set date to be there I will be there I suggest you be behind me because i would hate to have some friendly fire.
2. I will continue my operations in omega 7 until the Rogue IMG threat is removed There is nobody else to protect these civilians agaisnt these renegade capital ships The military's presence is just not enough.
3. As i said Before you no longer sighn my paycheck i will battle the order with you On My tearms I have seen what the core does when there is nothing to shoot at they stand around and shoot at each other for fun and games Something i do not wish to be apart of.
---Archer out.
http://signavatar.com/15890_s.gif First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
As the official faction, we have the right to give you operational orders, regardless of whether you are in the official faction or not.
The following is Faction Right 2, as currently written:
Quote:RIGHT 2) Official factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction. However, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and one rank below him/her. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even "lethal" force in extreme circumstances). Official Factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to.
The standing order ever since the Bounty Hunter ID was 'un-nerfed' has been that no Thresher, Bullheads, or Makos operate in Omega 3 or 7. I issued that order as the official faction leader many months ago and this order has never been rescinded. In another thread, someone mentioned that there was a Mako operating in Omega 7. I simply bumped the notice so that all players could see that.
If you wish to operate in Omega 3 or 7 as a bounty hunter, even one with a Guard ID, please feel free to do so. Just not in a Thresher, Bullhead, or Mako. Those ships may transit those systems with no issue, but there has been an official order to not operate there. I have in the past ordered other ships out of those systems - this is simply a continuation of that ongoing faction policy, just as there is a faction policy that you don't take your big cap ships into Magellan or Kansas, even though it's possible to get there.
We long and involved discussions about have our ID's changed to reflect an actual area of operations, this is simply our way of self-policing that and is not intended in any way to be personal.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
// Now that we're oorp. To be honest Agmen, these IMG indies instigating this situation are a prime example of how little influence the official guilds have at the moment over indies. Every halfwit can buy a battleship and go on a rampage wherever they please, and there's no real way for anyone to call em to order. Even an FR5 (which we at IMG| have called for) does not take away the ID and ship on repeated direct violations of existing diplomacy. Not sure if there's a solution, just pointing out there's a problem.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
I understand your desire to defend those within the chaotic events that now swell within Omega 7. I truly do. I risked leaving the Core to help my brother in his time of need, but I left the Core behind to do so. I took it upon myself to not involve the Core in my personal and family affairs and you cannot continue the course you are taking.
Archer, my brother in arms, listen to me. What you are doing is right, but it is not righteous. Defending the weak and promoting the common good is the duty the Hunters and even the Core strives for. We are close to achieving our ultimate goal. Don't leave us now. If you see discord within the Core, then remain with the Core, if nothing more than to be a light to others to remind then what we stand for. You cannot remain on this course and not see that it will deface the Core and the Guild in the end.
The house systems can fair on their own. The greatest test of purity can only be tempered through fire. If you involve yourself in this matter, you will not strengthen the bonds Kruger, IMG, and those involved in can achieve on their own. Yes they will suffer, yes there will be losses, but they can achieve much more if the Core'¦.you, are not there.
Before you respond, think of those with good intentions, who's actions only paved the way to their destruction and those they intended to protect.
Please you must see this. Return to the Core, help us vanquish our long time enemy once and for all. The House Hunters can assist Kruger if need be. At the same time, the Core will not be involved and in the end, we can show all of Sirius we can obtain both righteous honor and power and remain uncorrupted.
Guildmaster, the Righteous Fire stands ready to assist the Core.
----Transmission Terminated----
Can you remember the fallen, the Righteous? If you forget them, you lose sight of your purpose, your honor, your soul. You become, like them...
Your words move me very much so. I will make the core a deal Allow me and my crew This includes my personal Orca and my Personal Manta to rejoin the core and wear the BHG| / BHG|Core- Tag and i will Conform to these orders.
There is no circumstances no Greivences these are my tearms
I would ask to be allowed to wear the BHG|Core tag and my personal Orca would remaim back in omega 7
and my Mako would remain back in Delta. These are my tearms Agree to them and this all ends.
Do not and all hell will break loose. It's up to the guildmasters seing as how you so willingly booted me out without a word or a talking to.
I leave this decision to you And this does include being re added to the S.K.Y.P.E communications network.
Archer out---
http://signavatar.com/15890_s.gif First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
Greetings, Now... I too purchased my ship with MY hard earned credits, My ship has protected many people in the Omega-7 and Omega 3 area... My ship performs two actions.
1: Protect lawful in the extermination and eradication of unlawful
2: Serves as a Guardian to all who call among it, and supply it.
So, How/ Why do you expect ALL of the Thresher, Mako And Bullhead to assist-- Put their lives on the line -- for the war? Sure, i actually do understand why.... Pride, Victory... Freedom... and justice. Yet, Surely you knew, deep down guild-master, as all guild-masters must take into consideration --- That some, will not fight... That some prefer to protect others that are threatened by a different war....
Although those individuals have a different perspective on the more important, I-- And you, Can see that the reasoning here is good.
You may see it as a "You fly under our command... Our ship-line, Our war"
Where as others may see it as a war that they do not wish to enter... They prefer helping the little guys... Miners... Traders... Civilians... However, We both know the overall outcome to the war will help all the people.
You know what i am getting at... You knew of this occurrence... Although one... maybe two of you ships decline... You still demand ALL?
I myself would state any ships that do not assist in the war, must have proof of assistance else where...
One last thing guild-master... What if they never come? What if they refuse your orders... Will you turn on those that protect others... Will you turn on those that don't fight for you? Will you turn on those that prefer a smaller war? Will you shame them... Will you outcast them... Will you disown those that protect where others do not....
I can remember history stories of those who would execute soldiers who fought for them but ran in the mist of an ambush. These same leaders recived a bullet through the head from the snipers who refused to fight. Your right you did not handcuff me and force me to purchase this ship. But i am here and this is the situation.
You Send your ships to hunt me i will defend my self. Others are already joining my cause. We are doing what you are to pathetic to even ponder Defending those who need it instead of Filling your own pockets. You had your chance to accept my tearms. The fact that you even thought about it i recive my answer.
Archer out-
http://signavatar.com/15890_s.gif First: You've got a picture in there that's 800x286 pixels. The maximum signature size is 700x250.
Second: Your other picture in the rotation fills the full 700x250 boundaries by itself.
With an image that big, you can't fit any text below it. Please fix this.
A sane man must become insane to look sane
In an insane world.
Those that do not wish to fight for BHG... Wont, And if the BHG faction takes that as an insult, then they are as open minded as a goldfish on cardamine... I suggest you command those that are tagged... If the non tagged ones would want to, or need to follow you, they would of tagged themselves to you...
I suggest you just command the ones that have bound themselves to you lad... It's gonna be a lot easier... Our BHG ID states our freedom, Now you wish to change such a document?! As far as i see, That will stir a lot of trouble, and it seems that the BHG tag is the only one wishing this... Perhaps limit your pilots-- Limit your faction, and not those that fly your ship-line...
My ship will neither follow this command, I will- Fight for the BHG, But i will not remove myself from Omega-7 nor 3, I protect people there too and I will continue to do so... If you stop me, i will defend myself as well... I defend miners, civilians from barbaric people... And if you wish that i get called to removed myself from their aid... you sir, are a cold individual.