Comm ID: HFGB Mentu
Target ID: Hellfire Legion
Mission Time: Today.
Mission Location: Magellan, Near Mactan Base
today. one of the most successful campaign i have led in the absence of a superior officer. it started of by merely defending mactan base from fighters. HF-Defcon1 was engaged by an LSF fighter. ans was destroyed before i could come and aid him. by the time i arrived, he was being engaged by HF-Kaoru, and HF-Debian. the HFGB assisted the fighters, and another LSF fighter approched. he was dealt with first. and then after a lengthy fight, the other LSF was killed. we were aided by Taurvi as well
we proceeded to the Freeport and we were engaged by another LSF fighter. he was eradicated quickly. during this time, our outcast brother Azumi.Kirake assisted us in killing another LSF at the freeport.
after this, we saw the SA-LSN Jericho launch in california for its patrol duty. we all led a strike force into california and searched for the dreadnought. it was stationed at California minor and was destroyed rather quickly... it didnt even pose a challenge... during this time a helghast gunboat captain offered his assistance to rid california of our opposing forces (Helghast Ferdimond)
he reeengaged the Mentu and was warned as well. since he paid no attention, he was eliminated by the mentu again. by this time, the HFGB-Eclipse had reached mino to assist us.
i havent mentioned him yet, but by far, the most challenging fighter was the SA-Mitch Woods. he managed to take out the tauvri and another outcast brother even with us all aiming at him. i was busy wathing out for other foes, so i couldnt devote my time to him. but after the chicago was dispatched, i gave my full attention to him..
this was supposed to be our last kill for the campaign, and we were returning home victorious to enjoy a drink at the bar. but lo and behold, 3 corsairs, members of the OPG were waiting on the other side of the megellan jumphole. 2 were in fighters, but there was one... he was in an albatross battlecruiser...
we were about to engage GD, but due to another asteroid shower, a rather violent one, we had to find shelter (serrver crashed). when the shower ended, the corsair was nowhere in sight, so i gave the orders for everyone to return to headquarters, to rest, and yet be ready for another battle another day.
this is the Captian of the HFGB-Mentu signing out.
"In the next few days two new bombers and a new fighter will be made available to our forces. I would like all people to dispose of their Taiidan bombers in favor of the new Havoks and Warans. Anyone seeking information pertaining to their sale location contact me."
Intel reports indicate that the Havoc MK2 is available on board Battleship Mississppi in the Texas System. We might have to hijack a shipment of Havocs while they are enroute to Texas
This is Admiral Dvorak. The Thick-as-a-Brick is in Texas currently. We can set up shop by the trade lane at any time; my engineer got the Cloak working last night. I'd ask for a few fighter squadrons and a marine landing craft, if we do. Word from the Battleship has there's a shipment coming through tonight.
***End Transmission***
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Iron crusifix and i set out to the texas system today to capture the Havoc bomber and its plans, we where fortunate to capture a vip who once properly 'motivated' gave us the details for the shipment we then stoped the tradelanes from the NY JG to Hostion several patrols of navy and police ships appered but where quickly dispatched the transport then appered and a quick scan showed it to be the correct ship. Marines where then dispatched as a bourding party and took the ship in a lightning raid the ship was then taken though Perta Rico and Humbolt to Vespuchi where it was taken to Pheonix Shipyards. About 16 ships and the technical readouts where captured and we sould be quite easily able to begin production soon. My onboard camara captued these shots
Unfortunatly it was damaged when a group of Rouges opened fire on the junker station
Another VIP was captured later in the raid and has given us several new liberty acces codes.
Comm ID: Captian Legeonation
Location: [HFB]-Vircruz R&D Labs, Vespucci system
Today is a glourous day for the HF. Pilot First Class Corax and I entered the Texas system in order to comandeer a shipment of Havoc MK2 bombers. A shuttle full of HF marines were also sent to the Texas system to aid in the hijacking. After recieving reports, data mining and taking several high ranking prisoners we were able to pin point where a shipment of Havoc MK2s were coming. Once the trade lane was disrupted an assault shuttle full of HF marines were able to take control of the ship.
You would think that our Liberty Navy/Police emenies would have done more to protect a vital shipment of military hardware. Once the transport was taken we escroted the ship back into Vespucci. When we arrived back at Vespucci HFB Vircruz took a pair of Havocs and the technical readouts to examine. It should only be a matter of time before we are able to replicate the Havoc MK2 Bomber
"My contacts amongst the junkers have managed to locate a shipment of Waran bombers we can use, Trafalgar base is where we need to head to find the thing. They of course are offering a discount to our forces. Although with the nova cannons being worthless we need to think of different tactics..."