So I'm doing some retextures of the existing cargo pods, for each (corporate, though I'll probably do generic house ones too:D) faction in the game!
Each corporate official faction in Sirius (Gallia will sit this round out, as they don't have cargo pods, but that may change in the future) has the oppurtunity to choose a design of cargopod and submit a logo to be used. This will go to the devteam along with one with the NPC logo on the grey cargopod, just in case they think you suck and have no taste, or whatever.
So! Official Faction leaders, please send in your preferences, of both pod type and logo. The red pod is not a good candidate for branding, unfortunately. Logos will need to be in png format with a transparent background. Unfortunately I can't really accept submissions from unofficial factions... But if you really want it in there I might be convinced (in the end, it's up to the devs anyway).
Keep on the lookout, I'll be designing some new pods, as well!
Here's an in game example for you, with a Stork coming to you from beautiful New Berlin, showing off the Ageira pod!
And yes, due to the nature of how the pods are mounted, half of them on trains will be upside down. Can't really help that.
Current candidate factions I can think of:
Deep Space Engineering
Universal Shipping
Ageira Technologies
Bretonia Mining and Manufacturing
Border World Exports
Gateway Shipping
Samura Industries
Kishiro Technologies
Republican Shipping
Kruger Minerals
Daumann Heavy Construction
ALG Waste Disposal
Cryer Pharmaceuticals
Orbital Spa and Cruise
Interspace Commerce
Planetform, Inc.
Gas Miners Guild
' Wrote:As much as I like the idea I will never fly that ugly train line.
I want logos house transports. Possible?
It requires an entirely new good in order to have different textures.
So that would mean multiple clones of the same ship... Not really a smart option.
Personally, I think all transports should use pods, but that's just me.
Ah on a related note, if you make an Orbital Spa and Cruise one, do you think instead of a logo you could put windows on the pod, you know, like a passenger attachment for transports? Makes more sense than putting them in shipping containers.
' Wrote:Ah on a related note, if you make an Orbital Spa and Cruise one, do you think instead of a logo you could put windows on the pod, you know, like a passenger attachment for transports? Makes more sense than putting them in shipping containers.
I'm likely going to make a generic OSC one, for when they move cargo about, but yes passenger pods are on the to-do list, and there will definitely be an OSC branded version of them.
' Wrote:We have a version with a white train, I'm not sure if that would work better. I can also give you the vector of that logo if you want it.
Vector is unnecessary due to the size of the textures (that's likely bigger than them:P), and I'll play around with it and see how it looks.