[font=Arial]- Channel Opened -
- Transmission Incoming - - Source:Colorado, Ouray Base- - ID:PFC Guy Dale - - Subject:Reporting In -
Guy Dale reporting in on the massive engagement against multiple Libertonian "Lawfull" forces.
The fighter wing I was a part of was holding down a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser while we were waiting on capital ship aid. As soon as they arrived, Libertonian fighers started to pour in front of Manhattan. The capital ship aid stood by after taking on the ships their size, and let the fighters do their job.
We were slowly gaining on the oposing force, when the Liberty Rogues decided to make their appereance, and engaged Liberty's forces. As we received the order to stand down, all that was left was to watch. Soon after, it was decided to retreat.
All in all, we won this one, taking two fighter losses. However, in comparison to the oponent's losses, I believe we turned out quite well.
I feel blessed to be alive. One week in and I've already witnessed the biggest battle in my life. I wonder what the Hellfire Legion has in place for me in the future...
The following pictures are taken from gun-cameras aboard various Hellfire Legion ships:
//Sorry about that watermark.
===Message Starts=== [color=#000000]Pilot Name: Uhhh... Peaches of course. [color=#000000]Date: 04-01-819
Another lil Message from your favourite Peach!
Peaches here, once again. Today was a good day, a very good day! First off I got promoted to a Major... With this rank I get command of one o' those lil Hacker Gunships. Great little ship! But of course I couldn't just go an get one from Leniex now could I? I had to do bloody tasks for the Hackers for the most part of the day. Shoot this guy, shoot that guy. I was shootin' a lot of guys today. But finally I managed to do enough for them blighters to give me one o' their ships. And what a beast it is. Slapped the biggest portion of armour I could find on it and a massive scanner which I found layin' around on Leniex. Great pieces of kit if yo' ask me.
Once I had gotten my lil ship ready the battle sirens screamed out! This was gunna be a good'n! Well at least I hoped it was going to be. I wanted a challenge for my beauty! I rushed to the RV point which was on the Colo hole in New York, by the time I got there our forces were in pursuit of an Outcast cap. It cruised all the way into Colorado with an accompanying fighter, well that little blighter CD'ed the Ven'Gyr, Voss wasn't 'avin' that now was he? Sent myself and my new vessel after it! Through we jumped to Ontario... Aaaaaaaaand he jumped back as soon as I got there. Soooo I jumped back once my engines had charged again. By the time I had jumped back he was on his way to the Keplar gate, I pursued anyway... When he reached Ames.. Well, he saw the whole of our fleet and ran straight past them, our fighters latched onto his behind and didn't let go till he jumped to Shikoku! Wooh!
Our fleet moved back to Ooooooooooooooooooray where we stayed for a bit of rest before our New York extravaganza! Well... If I hadn't of dozed off for a while it woulda been, but you know, I've been patrolling most of the time! I get tired! I needed some rest!
But aaanyway, when I woke up I headed straight for New York, well Manhattan to be exact where our fleet was engaged. The Incy, Pandy and Abbey were 20k above Manhattan waiting for a larger target to turn up whilst our fighters tore apart the enemy. It was amazing! But yeah, we did a fly by and well, we didn't leave, the action was really intense from here. We hung here for a little while till what was cruising in?... A nice big juicy Carrier! We moved our Capitals to intercept, the Captain of the vessel was a quiet one... So we destroyed his vessel. Whilst this was happenin' some lil Challenger bomber decided to engage the Incy. I wasn't having that now was I? I opened fire and my god did I rip him apart, left him dry with only half hull by the time he got out of range! Shame that... But a little later on a 'acker named Cray and a Rog gunboat finished 'im off.
By this time our fighters were mopping up the last remaining Navy boys, they tried their best... but yet again it wasn't good enough!
Peaches out.
[color=#000000]===Message Ends===
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
Due to these last two major battles in these last couple of days, the situation regarding my right forearm has worsened.
The doctors say it's nerve damage and that to continue operating in the front lines, either it's chopped off and replaced by some bio-prosthetic, or i 'miraculously' regenerate all the damage tissue and nerves, which even with our current technology, it's a big fat no.
So, in an effort to keep what is mine, since i do like myself, *coughs* and so some of the ladies *coughs*, plus those prosthetics tend to.. act bad with EMP conditions and slugish if the whole arm isn't replaced..
I've heard that the Hellfire had some major breakthroughs regarding genetic transmutation and engineering, neural transmissions, high level tissue regeneration, the works.
Normally, i can get access to all the project files, but even a Star Colonel has to be granted access to that research, since they are classified A01 Level (Lord Commander level).
So here's my formal request to access those files.
===Message Starts=== [color=#000000]Pilot Name: Uhhh... Peaches of course. [color=#000000]Date: 05-01-819
Another lil Message from your favourite Peach!
Dear Diary, today was an... Wait. Uhh I mean Peaches here, a pretty eventful day if you like talking. Me, I'm more of an Action Peach! Blowing enemy ships is the best kind of day for me... But today was an exception from the exploding front. I didn't get to shoot at a single ship... In my Sabre or Gunship. Shame... Real shame. Some people out in New York were just begging to have their vessels blown up and a triumphant Peach cart them off in their pod back to base. But no, I didn't have the time to do that. I was on my way from Oooooooooooooooray to join up with the rest of the fleet in pursuit of what I understood to be two Outcast Dreadnoughts... I had lil Vinnie in "Haul Ass" mode across the New York system where some lil blighter was a ragin' and rantin' about the Hellfire! I shoulda splatted that grape flat! But I didn't... I was in a rush. No time for a nap here, I was headin' for a battle! Well... What I thought to be a battle.
As soon as I entered the California system I shot down the lane to Riverside... I was met by a cruiser, luckily for me it was to busy firing on a Rogue Gunboat to see my lil Vinnie sneak past and down the Los Angeles lane. And damn... What did I find when I got to the other end of that lane? Some bloody Liberty Navy folks! Luckily they weren't takin' much notice of me as they were in comms to the Ven'Gyr. Soo I just snuck around the back of Los Angeles where I caught a glimpse of the Ven'Gyr on scanners, I locked on the signal and closed in. When I reached it... Well, it was cruising for the Ontario hole, the RTB order had been issued. The Dreads were long gone.
Shame really, I wouldn't mind shooting something. Ah well.
Well anyway, we headed back to Ooooooooray to resupply.. Which is where I am now funnily enough. You know the room service in here is dreadful, I ordered a Synth Paste Shake three hours ago and it still isn't here.
Aaaaaaanyway, that's it for now. Well... One last thing... Everyone has been sayin' to me "Oh have you got a name Mr Peaches, sir?" and I've always said that I haven't... But you know, that got a tad boring. Sooooo, I made one up. Major Jack "Peaches" Cass. Good, eh?
Peaches out.
[color=#000000]===Message Ends===
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
===Message Starts=== [color=#000000]Pilot Name: Uhhh... Peaches of course. [color=#000000]Date: 05-01-819
Another lil Message from your favourite Peach!
Well did I just have a good time or what! Took Vinnie out for a lil spin in Oooooooooontario... Yeah, that name really doesn't work. But anway, took Vinnie out for a spin, guess what I found near a the Hacker base in there? A lil Sammy Beumont. He was somethin' of a scrawny blighter from the looks of him through the windo's. But you know, he can't help not having enough credits to feed himself now can he?
He did say something interestin' though...Said his bro was in the Liberty Navy Primary fleet an that he don't like him that much... Well, hate was the word he used but it's such a powerful word I hate usin' it... Know what I mean?
This lil Sammy fella also said about joining the Legionaries.. You know I think he would be pretty good, even as a toilet cleaner or summin. But he seems to have the right motivation to do so... Although it might be just that he wants to get back at his brother for something that happened as he ws a lil kiddo... Or he might just want to kill him. But you never know... He might be good. Waaaait... He said he was adopted... Oh, he said that him and his bro were adopted. So yeah, I think he'd be good. But like I said... as a toilet cleaner... No not really, but it's worth a try you know... Or plonk ''im on Oooooooooooray for the Xenos. Man I though the room service was bad, you should see the toilets. Sheesh.
But anyway, I think he'd be good. So he gets the Peaches up from me! Wait.. Thumbs up from me!
Peaches out.
[color=#000000]===Message Ends===
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
I decided to take a patrol into Liberty and observe the Naval forces. At first nothing, I flew around searching for some ships but found no such Naval officer, as I was about to fly back to Magellan I noticed the pilot in Task force 7 Mason Ralusch. As I began to speak with him another showed up from the Liberty Navy a Ms.Robinson. Ralucsh as always was calm, and tried to keep things simple and calm. Ms.Robinson on the other hand was much like most Navals, angry and impatient.
I decided to tease them for a bit, seeing as I certainly couldnt fight them both on my own. I was really getting under Ms.Robinson's skin until she decided to ignore me and fly off. At that point I decided I should engage her as the other kept reffering to her as the ranking officer. Ralusch obviously, decided he couldnt let me do that. So I warned him, if he got in my way I would have to take him first. He attempted to talk me out of it but I refused.
That is when he proposed something interesting... A bet. He bet me that he could cripple my ship, before I could cripple his in single combat. If he crippled mine, I owed him a drink, and vise-versa. I agreed being interested and figured, if i defeated him, i could chase down the Officer. It turned out, my time recovering from my injuries from the battle a couple of months back made me a bit rusty at combat, and he defeated me. Although to my suprise, he kept to his agreement. I now owe him a drink. Heh... maybe I can woo him into buying mine too, he is quite the softy...
This is the end of my mission log.
Fleet Captain Luara Aristan, over and out.
I WILL pay for the damages to my personal fighter. Kind of a silly move on my part this time.
//Transmission end//
When life gives you lemons..... throw them at your enemies!!!
===Message Starts=== [color=#000000]Pilot Name: Uhhh... Peaches of course. [color=#000000]Date: 05-01-819
Another lil Message from your favourite Peach!
I'll have a Pepperoni Pizza, Large Fries and a Medium Coke please... Wait... That can't be right. Oh!
Peaches here! Took my lil Vinnie out for a spin again today. New York is a great place you know... The people are remarkable! Well... 'cept from a few lil blighters who didn't even know what a Peach was!! I couldn't believe my own ears, I went into shock for a moment.People like that don't deserve to live! Bah, still can't believe it! But aaaaanyway, those two plonkers weren't the only people in the ever so lovely New York. Oh no, we even had a lil trouble maker! Thought it would be a good idea to try and scratch my lil Vinnies paint! I soon showed that lil blighter... In fact I brought him aboard... And then flushed his head down the toilet several times before letting him go... What? It seemed like a good idea at the time... Don't judge meeeeee!
Well after a while of my usual antics in New York I headed for the Pennsylvania system... Dark system that one. Infected by disease, gave me the shivers just being there... A Peach shivering? Whatever next? Man flying to distant stars? Wait... That's what happens everyday.. Oh well.
I got real deep into Penns, started chatting to a dismall Zoner... He seemed depressed so I left him be... After trying to council him... Well all I can say is that it didn't work. He put a downer on my whole day! I was even meant to be playing golf in the afternoon but ooooooh no! He went and ruined that. Waaaait... Golf in space? Yeah right.
Aaaaanyway, this depressed Zoner soon got me bored.. Soo I headed off to the California system where I met a rather funny Rogue.. Seemed to think she was a Robot of some kind, kept on saying funny things. So you know.. A complete wierdo. But since I like wierdos... I started talking! Rather interesting person... Even if she did only say "Beep." oh well. I enjoyed myself, even if it was mostly talking to myself... Nothing unusual.
She did stop beeping all of a sudden though, may have run out of batteries. May need a good charge! Shame I didn't have the correct charging adapter, oh well. After this I went for a quick tour of California... But got bored so went through Ooooontario... Yeah, didn't work again.... And back to Ooooooooooray.
Peaches Out.
[color=#000000]===Message Ends===
Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid. - David Hackworth (1930 - 2005)
Lieutenant Josh Quino with the report of todays events.
It started of rather boring as we were on the search for something to pop. We reached Manhattan and there it was, a Liberty Assualt Battle Cruiser just sitting there I recieved orders to pop it and we did.
Because we had only bombers in the area at that time we hired a Freelancer for a million credits, showing not worthy of the money he recieved. He got killed by some unknown Navy guy and the battle took for ages.
We were about to leave and suddenly the Navy guy started to make demands about some pilots I had in my hold, the man in charge ordered me to give them to him.
He started making more demands about us leaving the area, we made clear that we were the ones making the demands but he wouldn't listen. He started shooting so I was ordered to return fire at that point we recieved back up from a [HF]-fighter who took over the battle.
The Navy guy was almost killed then he started to flee to West Point. When another [LN]Navy appeared. At first he didn't interfered but that didn't take long he was killed pretty fast. Soon more showed up with LABC's and later on some fighters and a bomber, we also recieved back-up. The unknown Navy guy was killed and we killed another LABC but we were outnumbered.
Leftennant Alison here sa. Just got done with a fairly routine patrol through California and New York.
First contact was a group of rather confuzzled Rogues hanging about the California - New York gate. They seemed to think I was there to help them, bless their hearts. As they scurried off to Galileo, an Orca showed up and started blasting all he could find. It was also at this point that Sagittarius joined me to fight off the eager hunter, and later, a star colonel Dagon. Needless to say, with our three Sabres the hunter was swiftly dispatched.
Let's see....we then ran off to reload at Ouray, where we picked up a hacker by the name of Beaumont. With him in tow, we went back to New York for a chat with the local goon squad. They appear to prefer their comrades die to Dagon's Hellflurries, then fetch me a toasted sandwich. Sadly, guy in charge ordered us back to Vespucci for food and drink.
+-+Incoming Transmission+-+
+-+ID: PFC Sam Beumont+-+
+-+Subject: Patrol Report+-+
+-+[color=#FF0000]Video Link Enabled+-+
Beumont Here Reporting.
I awoke on America, and received a distress call from
Star Colonel Dagon. He said they had run into trouble, a Liberty Dreadnought
to be exact. I was granted access to a Waran, and I headed out to assist him. On
scene in front of Manhattan, there was Beta 5, but his bomber was put out of
commission by the Dreadnought, leaving Dagon alone to dodge the Dreadnoughts
fire. I arrived and opened up, and shortly after Beta 1 and 2 arrived to assist in its
destruction. I was told to make the report, so to add, Dagon also destroyed a Guardian.
Follow guncams are compiled from Dagon's guncam and Beta 4's guncam.