I know this is a common tactic to get away from pirates. I don't us it myself, but have heard many folks doing it. It happened to me last night. Some guy ran during a transfer when I was trying to pirate him. Fortunately, I've learned to watch for this. He didn't get far.
This is the last straw. I will give no mercy to any trader who does this. I will distroy your ship, cargo, and take your money as well. I don't care how loud you scream. You will not leave that system with your ship intact.
On that note, save time and hassle by learning/using the server commands and/or drop your cargo. If you only use the transfer screen, DON'T RUN
Many have tried to do that as well....I simply make my demands clear, and give them a specified time....
I also continue to circle there ship even with the transfer screen up, just to let them know that I am still aware that I'm flying a spaceship.
I especially enjoy the ones who claim to "not understand", after repeating my demands one more time, and giving them time, I let them have it.
I refuse to believe a level72 char who "doesn't understand" is telling the truth, you can't make 100 mill credits and never run into a pirate situation. Those are the hungry one, so I offer them a delicious SNAC.