Today I saw a pirate yell 2 mil or die. I'm sure it would be appreciated if you would STATE THE NAME of the person you are taxing. I mean come on, when this happened people were asking " are you talking to me?" My trader was within range of the pirate and the people that were responding. So thats three people who could have been taxed at the same time.
I realize that people don't want to pay tax, but if you at least say the name you stand a better chance of getting a response to your liking. BTW I will and have paid reasonable requests for tax when called on by name.
how u may ask?...hes being CDed and fired no need for whole system to know who is being is important that trader knows...and he me
I have yet to hear a pirate go so far as to call people by there name.. As an equal...
I myself think 2mill is a very resalable rate. The same rate I do all my taxing;)
___ New Avatar.. Needs a Bit of cleaning (Damn, I forgot the transparent Background again) The Crateria is Unhappy. From now on if you think you can carry on trading after you've faced Death you SHALL Face him again, and again until it Sinks in! Come on, Traders need to Follow the 4 Hours Cool down after death.. So your dead, Whats that? Your going to get me with a Big Bad Cruiser? As long as it is NOT piloted by yourself let it come...
I guess i wasn't clear, If there are a group of traders with in scan range, to just say 2 mil or die becomes confusing. hence the are you talking to me question.
if you take the time to type 2 mil or die
it only take 1 sec more to type 2 mil or die " trader " if you have already fired then its easy to know the target, but if its just a tax threat with no cd or anything it could be confusing in a group.
originally by sjmuup in #trevanian (irc)
<sjmuup> I really need to learn russian
<sjmuup> I want to be able to go like destroyska destroyska kabumschk!
"Wait... An escape pod within an escape pod? This is like some sort of Escher painting, the eternally ejecting LPI agent." (LPI-Sean.Toronto)