This guide is written & distributed by the Outcast Council of the Dons to educate both
independent & faction pilots of the Outcast Nation regardless of rank, status & ship size.
It's purpose, to give reference of our history,our economy, our current affairs & some common sense
laws we all try to follow.
The History of the Outcast Nation: Our Orgins..
The crippled sleeper ship Hispania arrived in Omicron Alpha almost 800 years ago. Its
passengers named the planet Malta -- a harsh place of acidic oceans, gray skies, and vast
plains covered in a species of tall, thin, orange grass. They later learned that the grass
could be rendered into a narcotic substance, that they called Cardamine.
Eventually the Outcasts -- as they came to think of themselves -- began limited exploration
of their system. As pilots wandered farther and farther afield in search of resources, many
became seriously ill. Upon planetfall, the crews mysteriously recovered.
Doctors were baffled. By chance, they made a genetic scan of a critically ill pilot and made
a startling discovery. His genetic codes had been altered. Outcast DNA contained strands
identical to that of the orange grasses that covered the planet -- from which Cardamine
was derived. Trace amounts were present in everything on the planet, from the air they
breathed to the water they drank. Once pilots made lengthier journeys away from Malta,
their bodies went into shock, followed by death.
The Outcasts were now truly separated from the rest of humanity -- changed so that they
could never expand beyond the planet on which they had landed. They needed the
Cardamine now, like air or food or water. But with the origin of the sickness solved, they
could at least compensate by carrying supplies of Cardamine with them and resume their
exploration of their surrounding systems.
When they encountered the rest of the Houses in the seventh century, a new strategy
emerged. The Outcasts would deliver the poison that would rot the other Houses from the
inside out and grow rich from the profits of their trade.
Today the Outcasts conduct a lucrative drug-smuggling operation using the network of
Jump Holes to escape detection and transport their product into the heart of the House
systems. The Outcasts remain relatively few in number; a crash in the birth rate seems to
have been another side effect of their genetic modification.
A new development has been Cryers continued efforts to create a synthetic version of
Cardamine that would be approved as a legal medication within Liberty. This poses a
direct threat to the Outcasts' source of income. The Atka Research Station, with nearby
access to Edge Nebula clouds, is the most immediate threat to the Outcasts. The location of
the base within Corsair territory has brought the Outcasts into conflict with their ancient
Outcast areas of influence & operation:
The Outcasts are known to preside over at least two star systems (Omicron Alpha,
Omicron Beta), while maintaining their own bases in several others (Omicron Eta, Tau-23,
Newcastle). They control only a single planet: Planet Malta within the Omicron Alpha system.
Territorial claims
Outcast units can be found more or less all across Sirius, with the notable exception of
Rheinland and the Omega systems. Our bloody war with the Corsairs spans across several
systems, although most notably in Omicron Eta, where the majority of the war is being
fought. The Outcasts are also engaged in a conflict against the IMG in Tau-23 and Tau-37
as well as the encroaching GMG in Sigma-19 and Omicron Beta.
Our Government Structure:
Malta itself has no official government or political bodies or leaders, and no economic
regulation or a set of written laws as a result. Its society is ruled by an anarchic
plutocracy of Dons, where each Don is in control of his own portion of land and his family,
hired guns and any slaves he may have bought. The only real semblance of a government
are the periodic meetings of the most powerful Dons of Malta, universally referred to as
the Council of Dons. This council is in control of the general diplomacy of Malta towards
other willing factions in Sirius, as well as setting production and military goals for the
only unified structure within the Outcast nation: the Maltese Navy.
All of the Outcasts are centralized around their homeworld: the planet Malta, with any
other bases they control being used either as a military staging point or a supply station
for smugglers.
Unconfirmed rumors state that the Outcast nation may be working with Bretonia to halt
Kusari expansion in the Tau systems. The validity of these claims is unknown, as both
parties deny any sort of agreement vehemently.
Our Economic Structure:
The economy of Malta is an uncontrolled and unregulated free market, largely in part due
to a lack of an official governmental body. It revolves almost entirely around the
production of the euphoria inducing drug Cardamine, and it's spread across Sirius. Each
of the plantation controlling Dons is responsible for the propagation of his own produce,
frequently leading to rivalries between families should they become too competitive with
each other.
Aside from the export of drugs, Malta also relies on a steady inflow of slaves (mostly from
Liberty) and general military and material supplies, using primarily the Junkers to
smuggle these goods through territory otherwise hostile to them, then take their
Cardamine back to the houses. Most of the light arms and alloys used in the construction of
Outcast ships are provided to them via their allies, while MOX smuggled from Bretonia
serves as a source of fuel. Other supplies are frequently obtained via both smuggling and
piracy operations, which extend from the Tau and Sigma border worlds all the way to
Kusari and Liberty.
Common Sense Laws We All Live By:
We Outcasts are a close networked family. Some may have differences of opinions, but we
always back each other & defend our home.
Below you will find some simple common sense laws that all Outcasts should follow.
1. Aid and respect one another
From a rookie pilot up to a Dreadnought Captain, we all should strive to assist our
brethren when and where ever needed. All should be treated with respect regardless of
status. Faction & Independent alike, we are all Outcast.
2. Protection of our economy
Smugglers of most types should be allowed free access to and from Malta to haul our
lifeblood, Cardamine, through out the reaches of Sirius. Pirating ships that haul our
Cardamine or bring us much needed items such as slaves, mox, engine parts, etc. would be
seen as an attempt to harm our way of life & greatly discouraged. All freight ships leaving
Malta should be encouraged to haul our Cardamine when leaving our system.
3. Defending our home
As we have many an enemy, defense of our properties is always a must. But firing on
unknown ships may cause incidents that may harm our trade & economy. Always be sure
of the identity of foreign ships in our space. Later in this guide, you will find a list of
known enemies to the Outcast Nation that should be chased away or destroyed if needed.
4. Education of newer pilots
New pilots to the Outcast way of life should always be greeted warmly & helped when
needed to assure their abilities to preform as a respected member of our family. The
Council of Dons has made arrangements with the main military factions & support groups to
assist new pilots in missions & education when asked. They are more than willing to do
this to help preserve our way of life.
5. Interaction with the Nomad species
In the past, Outcast worshiped these beings. Looking at them as Greater Spirits that
protected our dead. Some still follow this practice, others have moved on to
acknowledging them as entities that appear now & then for what ever reason. They are to
be respected, yet dealt with using caution. The Hunting and killing of these "Nomads" is
frowned upon by the Outcast, as they do no harm to us, so shall we not inflict harm upon
them unless in self defense. Use of their technology should be used sparingly and with
their consent. They should be notified if a foreign party is doing them harm in our systems
so that they may deal with the party involved.
6. Use of non Outcast ships
We Outcast produce some of the finest ships through out all of Sirius. Most are available to
all Outcast pilots. However, some pilots may wish to use ships of foreign design. It is a
common sense practice that non Outcast ships flown by Outcast pilots have the permission
of the allied party that manufactures the ship before purchasing & operating it. The use of
enemy ships is discouraged unless approved by the Autonomous Departmental Managers
of Interstellar Navigation(A.D.M.I.N.) and the Council of Dons
7. Use of non Outcast Weapons
We as Outcast also produce some of the deadliest weapons known through out Sirius. How
ever, some pilots prefer to use weaponry from allied sources, neutral entities, or special
enhanced 'Codename' weapons. Weapons produced by our enemies is highly discouraged
with out special permission from the a fore mentioned A.D.M.I.N. and the Council of Dons.
8. Use of odd & foreign languages
Communications between Outcast & allied ships should be of clear and concise content.
Using coded foreign words such as "LOL" , 'OMG' , and the like are seen as possible code
language used by our enemies. Conversations that do not pertain to Outcast business
should be done so in a private communication link.
9. Pirating
Not all Outcast are rich, Cardamine field owning citizens. They must do what they need to
survive. Pirating is one of the most common of these practices. The Outcast look upon this
as an honorable meens to support ones self. However, pirating of ships carrying our
products or needed supplies is highly discouraged as it effects our economy.
Pirating in Omicron Alpha is prohibited.
10. Use of force against fellow Outcasts
The destruction of a fellow Outcast is regarded as a serious crime against our people. One
should do what they can to explain our ways of life to confused brethren with out
destroying him or her. There are however, instances when force must be used to remove a
Outcast who refuses to abide by our common practices after repeated attempts to try to
educate the pilot. Destruction of an Outcast should only be used as a last result after
several failed attempts to educate them.
11. Respect and aid towards our alliances
Outcast have very few & limited allies. To keep these alliances, any & all Outcast should
make attempts to assist our allies when needed. Everything from helping them to fend off
their foes, to donating some of your Cardamine to them if they ask, is good gestures that
will help to strengthen our bonds.
12. Needed items for survival
As an Outcast, we have one dire need that is unavoidable, Cardamine, a supply of it should
be in the cargo hold of each & every Outcast tagged ship.As well with capitol ships, crews and supplies such as food, water, & Cardamine should be in your cargo hold, as 1 person can not operate a large ship on their own & supplies needed to keep them alive should also be on board.
Current list of Outcast Factions, Groups, & Allies
Below is a list of the current Factions & Groups
Official Factions:
101st Ghost of Razgriz (101st)
The premier Outcast Guard fleet, carrying the Flag for the entire Outcast Navy and the
base of operations for Naval High Command, with exclusive military jurisdiction over
Omicron-85 .
The Shadow Outcast Brigade {SOB} / Blue Lotus Syndicate [BLS]
A national guard / Militia organization who supports the military factions in all operations, as well as operating a vast pirating and smuggling operation that hopes to addict all of Sirius to Cardamine with their sub-division of the merged Blue Lotus Syndicate. It also has exclusive governing over Omicron 64.
Known Outcast Allies
Liberty Rogues LR
Golden Chrysanthemums (GC)
Lane Hackers LH
Current Diplomatic Status Reference towards entities through out Sirius
101st Ghosts of Razgriz, Liberty Rogues LR, Reapers of Sirius [RoS], Red Hessian Army
[RHA], Lane Hackers LH, Golden Chrysanthemums [GC], Blue Lotus Syndicate [BLS],
Shadow Outcast Brigade {SOB}, All independent Outcast
NPC: Outcast, Molly, Liberty Rogue, Red Hessians, Lane Hackers, Golden Chrysanthemums
Junkers Congress .:J:., Border Worlds Exports (BowEx), Volksfront, Phantoms [Phantoms], Mandalorians [M]
NPC: Zoner, Unioner, Bretonian Armed Forces, Police, and Corporations, Nomads
Natures Last Hope NLH, Black Squadron Bs|, Reinland Military RM, The Artisan Farmers
Alliance [AFA], Reinland Federal Police RFP
NPC: Gaians, The Order, Rhienland Mmilitary, Police, and Corporations, Military ID, Freelancer ID, Trader ID, Farmers Alliance
Benitez Family *_Benitez, Kusari Naval Forces KNF, Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
SCRA, The Brotherhood TBH, Colonial Remnant =CR=, Liberty Security Forces LSF,
Liberty Navy LN, Liberty Police Inc. LPI , Xeno Alliance XA, King of Fighters KOF, Search /
Destroy Agency S/D, Omega Pirate Guild [OPG], Gas Miners Guild GMG, Independent
Miner's Guild IMG| , Harvesters Harvester_ (With Exception of Harvester_24), The Black
Dragon Society [|] (Hogosha)
NPC: Liberty Navy, Police, and Corporations, Kusari Navy, Police, and Corporations, Corsairs, IMG,
Farmers Alliance, GMG, Bounty Hunters, Xenos
Groups and Factions not listed should be treated as NEUTRAL untill diplomacy is known.
Current common used Outcast ships Reference:
RM1 Outcast Destroyer
Outcast Battleship
Outcast Dreadnought
All Civillian / Neutral ships
All Approved Allied Ships (Approved by Allied Faction permission)
Current common used Outcast Weaponry Reference:
All Cruise Disruptors
All Missiles
All Mines
All Outcast Turrets
All Krakens
All Wyrms
All Infernos
SuperNova Antimatter Cannons
All Dragoons
All Pyros
All Torpedos
All Civillian / Neutral Weapons
All Approved Allied Weapons (Approved by Allied Faction permission)
Current Outcast Planets & Bases
Planet Malta - Omicron Alpha
Ibiza Base - Omicron Alpha
Ruiz Base - Omicron Beta
Palmero Base - Omicron Eta
Bastia Outpost - Omicron 85
Dreadnought Capitana - Omicron 85
Corsica - Omicron 85
Cape Wrath - Newcastle
Cali Base - Tau 23
Updates shall be made when needed to this guide.
Printed & Distributed by the Council of the Dons
Base of Operations
senor, as a true outcast ive explored our systems and done my part to help our nation
it is with the nations interest at heart that i am pleased to inform you of a error in the guide above
1: we ocupy not only 1 planet but 2 at this very moment, Malta and Soledad
2: i'm an outcast who spends alot of time fighting corsairs and hogosha near dublin (ofcourse with the proper ammount of cardamine to support me) and am pleased to say the NLH (nature's last hope, an enemy) wants to turn its back on the sairs and become neutrality with our people
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever
This guide is out of date, irrelevant to the current state of affairs and as as a former member of the now-scrapped council of dons... I want this thread locked and the original post removed.
' Wrote:This guide is out of date, irrelevant to the current state of affairs and as as a former member of the now-scrapped council of dons... I want this thread locked and the original post removed.
What I would much more like to see, is the original post edited (with errors fixed) and re-posted, instead of just removed/deleted/forgotten.
Real life takes priority over a game, I'm afraid. It'll be updated when I have time to spare... but I suppose it could be put out sooner if somebody was willing to lend a hand.
To make a long story short: Don't complain unless you plan to do something about it yourself.
Ps. Seeming as this thread is no longer in-rp, I'd like it locked and thrown in the dungeon as I previously requested... or at least thrown down into one of the ooc forums.
i'd be more than willing to edit it in the name of the outcast nation?
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever