' Wrote:Show it to me, because I didn't see it, and I wasn't actually shooting when you shot, so you're contradicting yourself. You've actually went from making a complaint to defending yourself, guess that shows the validity in your even beginning to post here.
Looks like I've been way too subtle for ya. Let me give you my points.
-You have every right to shoot me on sight, just as I have every right to go after you. That being said, you are not permitted to ally ANYONE apart from a few certain factions
# Cannot ally with any Sirius factions except: Council, Maquis, Rheinland unlawfuls, The Order
-The Lanehackers and the Xeno fired on me only after I fired upon you, which means you were working with them.
EDIT: Also, check your logs. The words were said.
Anywho, my point stands on its own. It isn't my intention to make this into a trial by forum, and I am not calling you out - just voicing my disapointment that an exclusive faction like the SCRA would resort to this sort of OOC nonsense.
Like I said, show them to me, because I didn't see it, just have a screen of you shooting. Secondly, you were the last to die after about three people, and as I said in my first post, after the Junkers told you not to shoot me, you didn't. You shot the others, who then shot you back. Which is why I asked you to post proof or ask for mine, because if you're going to lie, at least be good with it.
Hekatoncheir's friends cried for help because they were getting shot at by random Falcatas.
Hekatoncheir jumps on his OC Tridente to help out his friends who according to the screenshots was simply adding more firepower to a team who had already outnumbered and outgunned the opponent.
Hekatoncheir got totally owned.
Hekatoncheir in his massive failure, sees there is a chance to take the fight to the forums. Because you know how it is, can't win in game? Try the forums!
Hekatoncheir tries to lie about the situation and gets called out for it. But the best part is this, he complains about getting shot by people whom he initiated hostility against.
Suggested course of action:
Learn to fight.
Stop whining because you suck.
I think what happened is:
Lukas Wexler has absolutely no clue as to what he is talking about.
Lukas Wexler assumes that all scra are paragons of fairplay and better than everyone else.
Suggested course of action:
Staying alive for ten minutes with two bombers and two fighters on your tail in a gunboat is actually not bad, redefine your definition of massive failure.
Don't accuse random people you don't know of lying just because a faction member says so.
Keep in mind that the only two people that I initiated hostility against were the Xeno and the SCRA ship.
My recommendation is that you start out small. Shoot some trade-lanes and see if you can hit them.
If it's too hard try hitting a Planet.
I'm good but I'm not that good. I was too busy shooting at the Xeno with my fail aim. Glad to see that you're either the Xeno or the Lane hacker that OOC allied a member of the SCRA.
Might as well give up trying to give "feedback" to SCRA. They don't know how to accept it nor do they really want it. They just have this tread so they can say they have one and so they can flame everyone that says anything bad about them.
I've tried to reason with them earlier (which led to the time out given earlier). They just flat out do not care nor do they want feedback unless you say something about how awesome the SCRA is.
The SCRA just cannot play well with others. We just gotta accept the fact that elitists cannot converse with normal people.