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[font=Century Gothic]Senor Delgado,
You may know we offer various services for various people and we need various recourses for that Senor. But lately we kind of ran from one of those resources. Hookers. But there is no one better for that job than Chrysanthemum girls. Your task is simple and hard together.
We want you to bring us 100 Golden Chrysanthemums pilots. You are still sure you want your Raba senor?
[font=Century Gothic]
So-Honbucho of Black Dragon Society
Very well. I will have to position our base near Kusari. I 'm quite sure that sigma 13 cloud will perfectly hide it.
I'll send some pilot to harvest them. And we will allocate them a special room. I 'm sure that you want them 'Fresh'. So We will prepare all basic commodities. Except this cargo in a few days.
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[font=Century Gothic]Excellent senor,
The transfer was finished just a few moments ago and we've accepted the cargo. Good pieces I must say. Our bordellos will flourish again.
You did your job well senor and so did you prove yourself. We are now sure that our technology will be safe in your hands. Bretonians will suffer even more from now on.
[color=#33FF33]Permission granted
[font=Century Gothic]
So-Honbucho of Black Dragon Society