I, Seymore Justice, hereby resign my post as Lieutenant of the LPI. I have come to realize just how corrupt this organization really is. I can no longer be a party to a corporation that does not have the best interests of its citizens at heart. Unlawful imprisonments of those who try to shed light on your practices, the taking of bribes by many officers and unsavory connections with profiteering companies like the IND have forced me to sever my ties with the LPI.
You used to be great--an organization I was proud to be associated with. Now...I can't run from you fast enough. I will not reveal in this letter to where I am going. You will discover that soon enough. Suffice it to say, you had best not come looking for me. I would hate to put Black Widow scorch marks across your hulls.
To the very few officers I consider friends. You know who you are. I urge you to reconsider your standing with the LPI. Follow me to a place where your efforts to help Liberty's citizens can have real meaning. I'm not talking about greasing the palms of corporate CEO's. I'm talking about helping the hard working citizens who struggle to put food on the table because their jobs got outsourced to some sweat shop Kusarian who is willing to work for a pound of rice a day. We need to help these people, and that's just what I intend to do.
So, consider me off the roster. I have left my badge and credentials on my desk. You will be hearing from me no more.