***Incoming signal ID: New Tokyo, KNF Kaigun Daisa private Dojo***
***Transmission received, opening ...***
<div align="right]Konnichiwa Samurais !
My ships inspection took longer than I assumed. Thats why for now I must take care of things which do not require flying. Thats why I ask you to send your patrol reports and increase their number till my return. Long time passed since new reports were sent, so fix this Samurais.
>>>Incoming Transmission: ShoSho - Takahashi, Mikako
>>>Time: Week 108, 817 A.S
I have had the privilege of meeting officers of the Kempetai on recent patrols in the core. Upon responding to a tactical alert, I found the [KPT] engaged with a strange outcast sabre, after a concerted effort, we failed to get a lock on the gas-head and moved on to ensure traffic remained safe. I encountered a trader named 'Malkocoglu' with Optronics, who did not seem to understand our laws, even when explained. I attempted to stop the ship, but he managed to flee to Bretonia as I was distracted by yet another outcast threat, which was quickly taken care of.
Days later in Kyushu [KNF]IKN-Niigata and [KNF]Si.Kiku.Hayashi were engaged near Tsushima with two outcasts, a corsair imperator, and an Artificial Intelligence cruiser.
I rendered what help I could, and soon Corsair 'theriddler' was put out of action by [KNF]IKN-Niigata. Hayashi and the Niigata quickly dispatched the cruiser, it wasn't long before VHF-Ayla and Benvolio were forced to retreat and Kyushu was safe once more.
The next day I was lucky enough to attend a training session with [KNF]Si.Akira.Tyas, [KNF-IG]Masaru, [KNF]Si.Yoshiro.Sezumo, and [KNF]Si.Akuma.Takeru. Though not of the impeccable standard of Kanadzuchi, the four pilots skills' exceed my own, they all showed aptitude and discipline.
Takahashi out. >>>Transmission Ends.
Timeframe: from 16:12 to 16:52 and from 21:38 to 22:23
I started the first part of my patrol on my Chimarea. No emergencies had been reported so I assumed a routine patrol. After a while my scanners picked up a freelancer Gull transport Grinning.Liar, carrying Engine components and H-Fuel in Honshu clouds. The transport did stop and wait after my request. Destination was said to be Kabuchiko depot. I have no ways of confirming it, but captain of the ship was very polite and did not made any objections when I asked him to drop the cargo.
I met the same vessel later in Kyushu. This time it was carrying legal cargo.
After stationing my Chimarea for scheduled repairs, I decided that I have to take my Umibozu for a flight, it had been standing in hangar for a good while now.
Soon after launching I got a report form KPT pilot of a trade vessel with plutonium coming towards planet New Tokyo. I were in position and halted the vessel the second it came out of tradelane. kolossator was slightly slow to react, but did halt in the end. Cargo was dropped and destroyed.
There were reports of Rogue presence in Galileo, so I headed to Shikoku where met up with [KNF]IKN-Niihama and hogosha [|]-Supernova.Samurai
Upon jumping to Galileo we spotted a Lane Hacker Mule, yet it managed to quickly turn around and flee by lane.
Rogues were found soon, and the first one was destroyed just minutes later.
Second Rogue made a jump to their hideout system, Hogosha and I followed, but unfortunately under cover fire of stationary destroyers and due to very lucky shield regenerating it was able to moor securely with nearby station.
We returned to Shikoku, where a smuggler, McFly79, run right into our arms.
While others dealt with him, I went to check for junker contacts we noticed previously. After a while of cruising along the lane trying to pinpoint their location I got a secire lock and managed to get in CD range.
Those were two freighters, after they ignored repeated request to halt, hogosha and I concentrated our fire on one of them, Rebellion. After a short chase, it underestimated the range of our weapons and I managed to land an antimatter projectile into his ship's unshielded hull.
Second junker, Rainer left his companion and managed to flee.
Starting patrol: Shinjuku station. New Tokio system
From mild relaxation, reading the experiences of the old Zen master, dropped me the Red alarm.I went from the room and from duty officer received notice of the presence of the enemy capital ship, the 12k of the planet Aso. Time from Katana wing.On the dock i met Commander Takero-san, who the released last orders to the crew for urgent action.[KNF-IG]IKN-Kirishima and me flew at the same time and headed toward Kyushu. On the way to zero points, joined us and [KPT] Kitsune-3.While we were of monitoring duty officer, informed that runs from Tau-31 IKN-Haruma, to the meeting place.
14k from planet Aso,2 hostile ships- [color=#FF0000]Cleaver. and .Sentinel.. Both ships were "Storta" Outcast destroyer. And both were stopped and surrounded-coordinated action.
The day before that, in conversation with a friend from Nensei Researcher complex, I found that he have been seeking an opportunity to examine and test some from capital ships of our enemies.Why not try? Visibly confused and somewhat shaky voice, both captains are obeyed orders to follow us to the Battleship Nagumo and that they were arrested.
For security reasons, we separate two destroyers in the convoy.first -Kirishima, me and Cleaver, and second Haruma,Kitsune-3 and Sentinel.
with Impuls speed my convoy fast aproaching BS Nagumo,and take our prey Commander Takeru-san, was stayed to provide for the transfer of destroyer to Nensei complex, while I returned to the second convoy.On time. Encouraged or in some madness, Sentinel was repeatedly tried to accelerate and run away, but the CD has been very effective, Kitsune-3 and I are in each case gave OC a warning shot.One time he was quiet, but, unexpectedly opened fire to us. No waiting time, and rapid fire gave the result
Duty officer informs us about the termination status - red, so I returned to my Book of Zen masters.
A short report of yesterday patrol is due. As I launched an operation of pursuing a criminal had just been finished and KPT forces were returning to their position in Sigma-13. I informed KPT commander that he can rely on our assistance in case of need and along with Chūi Daiso Takato and Shōi Akira Tyas assumed routine patrol through Kusari systems.
We checked Shikoku first, but it proved to be empty bar for a few civilians without cargo. Since other Kusari core systems also seemed very quiet, we set our route to Taus.
The first interesting encounter was at Freeport 6 in Tau-29. A Zoner "Fearless" destroyer ORI-|Mordren-[pri] was in a position next to Freeport. It's cargo hold had nothing of interest, just some helium. We questioned the captain of the ships intent, purpose of being there, its flight plan and reminded that the vessel shall not proceed any further into Kusari, as Kusari codex prohibit forign warships in core space. Captain claimed the ship's next waypoint to be in Baffin system.
Patrol route went forward to Tau-31 and then to Tau-23. The surrounding of Java were surprisingly empty. Though near Kyushu jumphole we noticed a hostile contact, which also did not hesitate to hail us. That was an outcast pirate transport Jack_Ramirez, confidently sitting next to a particularly large asteroid, apparently a base of sorts.
After a minute or two while I politically educated the outcast, Tyas and Takata spotted a Junker slave liner 'Crimson.Gale' with human organs and assumed chase. I caught up with them in Tau-29, where they had already halted the smuggler.
Unfortunately for him, its captain was not very cooperative and attempted to flee. A last chance to halt and drop the cargo was offered by me and ignored by the junker. Direct fire was opened at the liner. Junker was aided by an outcast repair ship, but, fortunately, it encountered technical problems and had to power down its systems.
The liner's hull had little armor enhancements so it went down relatively fast. Unfortunately, no organs could be salvaged for use in our hospitals.
We returned to Kusari core space. There had been reports of Outcast Storta in Galileo, so we launched our katana wing bombers, but the reports proved to be untrue.
First, I was making a routine check of Honshu tradelanes in my fighter when I spotted a corsair IFF'd Artificial Intelligence Core Cruiser-class vessel leaving from planet Honshu towards NT gate. I immediately docked my fighter and launched an Umibozu, which is more suited when dealing with capital ships. The AI was intercepted in New Tokyo, near Honshu gate.
System_Overseer_22 did not seem to be able to communicate at first, transmitting only static over channels. A bit of antimatter on its shields after a few warnings seemed to open up its communication software and it was able to partake in a limited conversation. Its destination was Tau-23, apparently with aim to hunt outcast ships.
I could not allow it to proceed through Kusari core space, so I demanded it to leave either back through Honshu the way it came, or to Hokkaido, where it could proceed to outcast systems. It chose second and I took the duty to escort it out of New Tokyo. However, it chose to waste my generous offer and took a lane to planet New Tokyo instead.
It was a mistake, a fatal one. Once I got in range again, I informed the AI of its mistake and opened fire. Soon, due to its poor armor and lack of repair equipment, as well as thanks to assistance of Gopnik| tagged Hogosha gunboat, the cruiser went down.
Right after that a well-known smuggler, Sava' got in scanner range.It was carrying blood diamonds. Even though they are not considered contraband in our space, the very presence of said smuggler in our capital is an offense. I ordered to drop the cargo and leave the Kusari space. Surprisingly, my demands were met.
Lastly, I came across a freelancer, M'ir, carrying H-Fuel. The captain was very cooperative and, after I explained him our law, agreed to sell its cargo on Yokohama shipyard. The fact of selling is confirmed.
Starting patrol: Shinjuku station. New Tokio system
Received an invitation to escort convoys from sigma13 to Narita Outpost NT. Kruger ID three ships, cargo silver ore. Ships-Kruger|KMS-Oberthauzen,Kruger|KMS-Waskenwald and FuryKiss.Meeting point was near Osaka Storage Facility. All ships arrived on time and we went slowly together towards last destination.While I waited for ships to move into NT, appeared on the radar reflection from BH ship. callsign RilllBilll.That was word about pilot who was just passing through our system to the Rheinland, and i did not want any action to execute, except that I have informed him about our laws.
convoy arrived successfully at the destination and I went on patrol.
Shinagawa station. 12 minutes later, meeting with the RN gunboat! quaint little explanation, that a warship of a foreign country performs patrol as some of his ships - pirates robbed in Kusari??Captain from RNG-Oktoberfest, visibly loose and a bit angry, told me that it was a meeting Kruger - Hogosha, which ended miserably for Kruger. To calm the situation, and to remove the foreign ship, I explained some things the captain from Rheinland. Appears successful, as the vessel gone out to their house.
At the same time, besides Shinagawa station, stopped the trader Warmachine, who passed 3000 units of Human organs, with Frelancer id, type of ship-Heron CT-53.The ussualy action of stopping and explanations of laws on smuggling and illegal cargo, has made his own. Cargo dropped and destroyed, and the ship removed from Kusari.
An hour later, I joined the pursuit through the NT. Two ships from the 113th carried out the search for a spy from QCP. Chase was very long where my camera was damaged by several enemy patrols GC and BD, but is successfully completed with the destruction.
Quite damaged fighter, I left the technicians at Yokohama Shipyard, and continued to patrol in bomber.
4 hours later. Honshu system, received notification of spotting cruiser with GRN flag. Unfortunately I arrived late because of the rapid action of the KSP KPT and with support with IKN battleship, the threat has been removed.
Already tired, I headed slowly towards the NT, and to finish it today 'patrol, but ... KSP and KPT halted ship with DSE id, calsign King 24,with illegal cargo.Crew did not want to cooperate, repeatedly tried escape through trade line, so there was inevitably expected the end..
Now here it was already too tired and I somehow dragged to Shinagawa station, where I waited for a gentle massage, and friendly company concubines
>>>Incoming Transmission: Kusari Naval Forces HQ
>>>Time: Week 112, 817 A.S
Recovered from the Blackbox of ShoSho Mikako Takahashi:
Quote:Abschnitt: ***Gently***
Abschnitt: **We touch...-humanmind-...what is made Known?**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: O lords, by the emperor! *mikako was thinking of the lonliness of patrol* Abschnitt: **So alone...**
Abschnitt: **With death so near**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: Yes, death is often near - and yet - i fear what may be beyond
[KNF]So.Takahashi: father tells me i will meet him in the end - but i'm not to sure Abschnitt: **Heen?**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: He is passed, his body...dust. Abschnitt: **Motivation?**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: Like him, we all serve the emperor, perhaps even after death. But I would so like a child someday Abschnitt: **Geisha?**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: *giggles* I'm sure there are few that wish i were - I'm just a female too big for her boots, in their eyes. Abschnitt: **Emperor is not worth serving?**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: The emperor is divine, I am only alive because of him. Though I also serve my family and comrades
[KNF]So.Takahashi: The women here, some think it is worth questioning
[KNF]So.Takahashi: I do not Abschnitt: **Subservent.**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: Yes, I suppose so - but then aren't we all subservient to one ideal or another ?
[KNF]So.Takahashi: I've not spoken to people so freely about these things before, this is strange for me...
[KNF]So.Takahashi: a shepherd is a slave to his flock, a flower to the light.. Abschnitt: **A women to her Children?**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: Indeed, I think we are all willing slaves to certain things.
[KNF]So.Takahashi: For some it is merely wealth and baubles.
[KNF]So.Takahashi: Who are you that puts me at such ease to speak so ? Abschnitt: **Thoughts echo.......**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: Konichiwa
.thirtytwo: Konichiwa
[KNF]So.Takahashi: everything has been clear here
.thirtytwo: thank you sir
[KNF]So.Takahashi: i just want to make sure you get there
.thirtytwo: Ok
Abschnitt: **thirtytwo will cause harm to the Emperor**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: O! he will !?
[color=#FF6666]Abschnitt: ***Assassian***
[KNF]So.Takahashi: I have just recieved word that you may have other motivations here thirty two
[KNF]So.Takahashi: what is your intention please?
[KNF]So.Takahashi: I shall investigate this seeming trader further... Abschnitt: **Protect Divine**
.thirtytwo: Im transporting ore to Narita
[KNF]So.Takahashi: He claims to be visiting narita, I will watch him closely
[KNF]So.Takahashi: very well, clear here
Abschnitt: **Lies**
Abschnitt: **Protect Divine!**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: I will protect the Emperor as permitted by bushido
[KNF]So.Takahashi: my hand is bound by honour, my arm by obedience
[KNF]So.Takahashi: Thirtytwo is obeying course. Abschnitt: ***A vision: You are guarding the Emperor on his way to meeting the Shogun. A man rushes out of the crowd with a drawn weapon
Abschnitt: you are the only one who sees him, but you cannot cry out for help, and your feet are rooted to the ground.
Abschnitt: you watch as the Emperor is struck down.***
[KNF]So.Takahashi: noooo!
[KNF]So.Takahashi: this cannot be ! someone help me ! get a doctor ! Abschnitt: **We tried to Warn you.**
[KNF]So.Takahashi: *sobbing* my emperor is dead?! gone?! Abschnitt: **You did not prevent it**
Abschnitt: ***Disappointment***
[KNF]So.Takahashi: O my lords! I have failed !
[KNF]So.Takahashi: I have failed the emperor ...spirits forgive me
[KNF]So.Takahashi: may father forgive me for what i am to do
Death: [KNF]So.Takahashi suffered a self inflicted catastrophic decompression.
Takahashi is in a severely critical state, and is being attended by the finest doctors available. We pray that she survives this suicide attempt. This is the second recent incident of what appears to be Alien influence violating the minds of the emperors children, we must increase our vigilance and our resolve if we are to resist this alien threat. >>>Transmission ended.
When leaving the dock from Tsushima Depot, I intercepted vessel with the flag of IMG. concerned the vessel Titanic, codename UMWS | River.Mosel. Scanning was noted that vessel carrying 960 units of Military wehicles.During talks from the commander of the ship, I learned that the last destination of the ship is Tau system, but that the current cargo drive at Leeds, the unload at battleship Nagasaki. I also noticed that the commander of a very honorable and honest person, so I did not want to destroy the cargo on seeing, but I escorted him to BS Nagasaki.Concerned unloading cargo, the commander of IMG ship indeed set a course to the Tau23.
I returned to my patrol. mostly he was quiet the rest of the patrol, Kusari was visited from a lot of traders, but it was mostly cargo Boron and Copper ore.
Shinagava station. Titanic vessel type.Ship name and Identification Ageira | Peak-Seven.Cargo of ship-4590 units Engine components.Surprised by the question of the place of unloading, the captain said that cargo carried in the Liberty.Brief introduction commander of the ship on the blockade of cargo, and familiarization with Kusari law, made it their own, so that cargo is handed over to Shinagava.
Next destination was the Shikoku system. Junyo next planet, our destroyer. with unknown tags.[PYM] Tachitari-[grd]?? faced with the unknown, started talking and I found that a protectors Yoshimura monastery, located on the planet Junyo,and that destroyer belonging to members of the Guard.At fleet is another destroyer, and a few Chimaera.I did not want to give any comment, but just in case I scanned the whole vessel. and 1,2,3,4.
Still a bit of conversation with a monk, and I turned to New Tokyo, where I also completed the patrol.