' Wrote:I dont know if its a bad idea. I dont know if its a good idea. I do think it would need to be waaaay more fleshed out before I can make a call on it.
My major questions would be:
1) What lawful activities would they partake in?
While its more forum then in-game centric, I think they could fill their inherent role (of disenchanted politicians, educated men and women, and progressive thinkers quite nicely, there is also a nich RP for a press, or some kind of reporters.
2) What unlawful activities would they partake in?
Dunno, this is a tough one. Most likely continuing to quietly support the other Rhineland unlawfuls in their struggles against what they see as an unjust regime while they take the inside path, trying to change the government form within.
3) What would make the government overlook the unlawful activities?
This one needs work too, Im looking to you all for ideas.
4) What would their relations be with the Rhineland lawfuls?
Schoolteachers, progressive thinkers, a liberal party for the people of Rheinland, championing the people above state.
5) What would their relations be with the Rhineland unlawfuls?
Quietly supportive of the Hessains, I can see them supporting the LWB as well, as event the Military is sympathetic to their cause.
6) Why would this change bring in more activity to the faction?
It would add a completely different dynamic to Rheinland, the ability to fly around without being engaged by everyone that sees you, a faction for those who like to deal in the shades of grey between lawful and unlawful black and white. The ability to present themselves as something other then peaceful hessains.. to name a few things.
I'll be honest, if you do this you'll destroy last "freedom fighting" faction that actually looks like one.
VF has problem cause no one plays, same as half of other factions, if 10 pvp whores were in VF they would get more members. So all this ideas aren't going anywhere, leave it as it is and join if you like what they represent.
Also, I would advise people take a look at the proposed FA, Hogosha and Junker ID's in Dusty's ID thread. I would imagine that if the Bund to a similar course, there would be similar restrictions.
But the one thing I know I agree with is that the Rhineland unlawful rp is stupidly monotonous.
' Wrote:I think they should be more pro-democracy and stuff, like the HF, only not really a rebellion but just political activists and stuff.
Rheinland, at its base, is a democracy. Well, it claims itself to be one. It simply is very right wing. The Bundies are more of a left-wing movement than people claiming democracy. Or else they wouldn't have existed in the first place, since the Bundies begun as a political party before getting outlawed.