Let me introduce myself. My name is Robert Pirx. I'm Director of Trading Office Freeport 5 in Omega 41. I am also Administrator of this station. I am writing to you because Ageira is a company that has the greatest experience in high-tech magnetic fields and space issues. I am interested in technology of magnetic fields. I'm not a physicist, so please be understanding if I mix something up.
Freeport 5 is located in a system with dead neutron star. Here is high radiation, which is 1000 times bigger than acceptable norms for armored ships. Our station is located inside an asteroid, and the thick stone walls protect residents from radiation. But parts of the station - gates and docking systems are exposed to damage from radiation. Also, vessels that moor to the station are being damaged. This is serious problem. Recently we have made repairs of these systems and reinforcements of the gates.
During discussions with engineers working on these systems, an idea appeared, to secure the station and a small space around, using a magnetic field that would reflect radioactive ions, and deflect radiation waves, so that radiation would not reach the station.
Our engineers suggest that such a solution is possible. They calculated that by using suitably modified positron shield generator battleship class, we can build a radiation deflector to protect the station and about 0.5-0.8k space around. Of course, we know that we don't stop the radiation completely, but we hope that we can limit it to a size acceptable for armored ships.
In theory it looks well, but in practice modifications are big problem. We can't make that, because we do not have the appropriate background in science and technology.
The radiation deflector should produce a field of not so high density (no need to neutralize shots), but stable and widely extended. The field must let pass macro objects, but reflect charged radioactive ions, and deflect radiation waves of a certain frequency, specific to our star.
I therefore ask for an answer whether you are able to verify the theory, develop and implement necessary modifications and to provide a radiation deflector to the Freeport 5. The last section is optional. I understand that there may be some problems with delivery to Freeport 5. In this case, perhaps a third party will agree to arrange the delivery.
Waiting for Your answer.
Robert Pirx
Director of Trading Office
...:End Transmission:...
//OORP Freeport 5 has a exclusion zone 0.8k size around, where radiation damage is limited from 1000 to 0.1. I want to RP this fact.
It's not every day that such a request reaches my desk. Public Relations sent this one straight to me, and with good reason. In fact, I'm delighted that you given my corporations a chance to use its technical expertise for the good of the people.
I've copied this transmission to Research & Development down in the Technology Department. From initial reports, they're coming up with ideas as I write. I'll leave them to communicate directly with you.
Mr Pirx, our R&D people have finally provided me with a comprehensive list of all the materials required for this project, as well as an overview of its implementation. I have to warn you now - this project will be time and resource-heavy. Another important thing is the remoteness of your station, and the presence of certain... unsavoury characters in proximity. If we're going to even consider doing this, we need you to help ensure our security while travelling through the lawless systems.
Your scientists were correct in suggesting the use of a Battleship - class Positron shielding system. It's the only item in production that can be adapted to this project; all other station shields are custom-built during construction, and are not designed to sustain these rather specifically hostile conditions. One single Shield suite should be enough; if we require more secondary emitter nodes, we may be able to manufacture others without a brand new primary emitter.
Quote:Raw Materials:
These raw elements will be used to help construct radiation-absorbing layers around the surface of the station, reinforce the shield emitting nodes, and buff up your existing docking hatches and so on.
- 8000 units of Beryllium [8,000,000 SC at 1000 SC/unit]
- 2000 units of Iridium [8,000,000 SC at 4000 SC/unit]
#Subtotal: 16,000,000 SC.
Please note the high price of Iridium is due to its extreme scarcity in Sirius, and the risk of us transporting it. On that note, we would need you to grant us access to the Omicron-74 system.
Power Supply:
Your Freeport's existing power generators will not be enough to maintain this enormous shield. The following goods will go towards powering a specialised generator we will construct for this project.
- 500 units of MOX [1,000,000 SC at 2000 SC/unit]
- 3000 units of Deuterium [7,500,000 SC at 2500 SC/unit]
# Subtotal: 8,500,000 SC.
Processed Materials:
These items are going towards the core components of the deflector system, to the power grid that will run throughout the station, and solid protection hubs around the external emitter nodes.
- 1000 units of High-Temperature Alloy [2,500,000 at 2500 SC/unit]
- 3000 units of Super Alloy [9,000,000 SC at 3000 SC/unit]
- 2000 units of Superconductors [5,000,000 SC at 2500 SC/unit]
# Subtotal: 16,500,000 SC.
Power Control Systems:
Listed are the necessary electronic goods required to administer and control the deflector system.
- 1000 units of Nanocapacitors [3,000,000 at 3000 SC/unit]
- 750 units of Optical Chips [900,000 at 1200 SC/unit]
- 1200 units of Optronics [1,250,000 at 2500 SC/unit]
- 500 units of Quantum Multiplexors [1,750,000 at 3500 SC/unit]
- 1 Battleship Positron Shield [18,000,000 SC]
# Subtotal: 24,900,000 SC.
Director Pirx, once this amount has been settled, we can begin shipping immediately and discuss labour costs.
Note that if you intend to have a third party do some of the shipping, the Raw Materials must be delivered to Pueblo Station, and the rest of the goods can be delivered directly to your Freeport.
Dear Mr.Thaddeus Gideon
President of Ageira Technologies
Thank you for prompt response. I am glad that our idea is feasible.
You should know that now we are implementing a program of upgrading our station. In the last month we worked on docking systems. In April we will work on power systems and reactor.
Supplies of necessary materials, we ordered in OSI. Please refer to the list drawn up by our technicians and ordered already in OSI to avoid double orders.
Beryllium - 5000 units
Cobalt - 5000 units
Boron (Control Rods) - 3500 units
Superconductors - 3500 units
MOX - 3500 units
Nuclear Devices - 2500 units
Plutonium - 5000 units
I understand a difficulty for your company, in dealing in remote systems. Materials that must be bought in Border or Edge Worlds may be delivered by OSI. The same in case of material that should be delivered directly to Freeport 5. OSI Corporation has extensive experience in dealing in these dangerous places. They also have the necessary authorization to transit goods through restricted systems such as O74.
Materials available in House systems and needed in Pueblo, I leave your company.
Please give me a list of materials to be delivered to Freeport 5, and materials from danegerous places needed in Pueblo. I can order that in OSI, of course if you agree with that.
Dear Mr.Thaddeus Gideon
President of Ageira Technologies
Due to serious circumstances, I would like to start this project as soon as possible. Therefore, please about an info when could we start and what can I do to increase the pace of work.
My name is Nikolas Burton, Trade Manager of the Ageira Technologies. I was granted permission to take over the negotiations on behalf of Ageira.
Since some of the commodities which are needed for the construction are already ordered, I will list the rest of them.
8000 units of Beryllium [8,000,000 SC at 1000 SC/unit]
2000 units of Iridium [8,000,000 SC at 4000 SC/unit]
3000 units of Deuterium [7,500,000 SC at 2500 SC/unit]
1000 units of High-Temperature Alloy [2,500,000 at 2500 SC/unit]
3000 units of Super Alloy [9,000,000 SC at 3000 SC/unit]
1000 units of Nanocapacitors [3,000,000 at 3000 SC/unit]
750 units of Optical Chips [900,000 at 1200 SC/unit]
500 units of Quantum Multiplexors [1,750,000 at 3500 SC/unit]
1000 units of Robotic Components [1,000,000 at 1000 SC/unit]
1 Battleship Positron Shield [18,000,000 SC]
From this list we are unable to obtain Iridium. Furthermore, the heavy water (Deuterium) is being extracted in a remote system in which we never travel. So, for these 2 commodities you can contact your Zoner friends to ship them. Finally, there was a mistake and we didn't list Robotic Components in our previous transmissions. Since robots will solely make the construction, we will need plenty of replacement components to keep the robots in an operational status.
As it was mentioned in the previous messages, our main concern is the dangers that the Omega-41 system has. Ageira Technologies will do the delivery, but firstly we want some insurance.
Anyway, I would like to listen to your opinion about what you could do to ensure the safety of our transports. About the price, excluding the 2 commodities, the material cost is 43.500.000 SC and plus the shipping costs the total cost is 50 million SC.
I accept your terms.
I am organizing the delivery of Deuterium and Iridium. The goods should be in Freeport 5 soon.
To ensuring the safety of your transports, I am attempting to hire an escort from Venatror Private Security Company.
I am waiting for their answer. I will be back with more informations soon.
Meantime you can start to perform the work on this project in Pueblo.
Do you need a contract and down-payment?
Best regards
Director of Trading Office
Freeport 5, Omega 41
We are also eagerly waiting the responce from Venator Private Security. I have worked with them in the past and I must say they are professional in the job. I am very pleased with your decision to choose them.
As for the Iridium, it's a raw material, so it should be sent to Pueblo and not in Freeport 5 as our President already pointed out.
' Wrote:[color=#FFFFFF]Note that if you intend to have a third party do some of the shipping, the Raw Materials must be delivered to Pueblo Station, and the rest of the goods can be delivered directly to your Freeport.
Needless to say that both Beryllium and Iridium should be delivered first since they will be used in Pueblo for the construction of other materials.
Yes, a contract is of course needed. Note this is only for the shipping of the material, not for the construction costs.
Quote:• Ageira Technologies agrees to transport the listed amount of commodities to Freeport 5 for the construction of the project:
1000 units of High-Temperature Alloy [2,500,000 at 2500 SC/unit]
3000 units of Super Alloy [9,000,000 SC at 3000 SC/unit]
1000 units of Nanocapacitors [3,000,000 at 3000 SC/unit]
750 units of Optical Chips [900,000 at 1200 SC/unit]
500 units of Quantum Multiplexors [1,750,000 at 3500 SC/unit]
1000 units of Robotic Components [1,000,000 at 1000 SC/unit]
1 Battleship Positron Shield [18,000,000 SC]
• Ageira Technologies agrees to transport 8000 units of Beryllium to Pueblo Station which will be used for the construction of other material that will be used in Freeport 5 project.
• Robert Pirx, Direct of Trading Office of Freeport 5 will pay a total of 50,000,000 Sirius Credits for these deliveries. The material cost is 43.5 million SC and the shipping cost is 6.5 million SC
Signed on behalf of Ageira Technologies Nikolas Burton, Trade Manager
Signed on behalf of Freeport 5
A final question Mr Pirx. Do you want to use this channel to submit the deliveries or you want to use another one?
It looks like Venator Private Security Company is busy last times or something is wrong with their comm channel. If they won't answer soon, I let our Security Chief Cpt. Dali Lama to talk with other parties. I think we will be able also to dispatch a wing of three fighter ships to escort your convoy. I want you to know we are working for insuring your safety trip to our station.
As for the materials. There was misunderstanding from my side, and I was too hurry, so Iridium and Deuterium was ordered and delivered already to Freeport 5 yesterday. But I have relocated part of Iridium to Pueblo today, using our transport. Delivery reports: 123
I accept proposed contract.
Quote:- Ageira Technologies agrees to transport the listed amount of commodities to Freeport 5 for the construction of the project:
1000 units of High-Temperature Alloy [2,500,000 at 2500 SC/unit]
3000 units of Super Alloy [9,000,000 SC at 3000 SC/unit]
1000 units of Nanocapacitors [3,000,000 at 3000 SC/unit]
750 units of Optical Chips [900,000 at 1200 SC/unit]
500 units of Quantum Multiplexors [1,750,000 at 3500 SC/unit]
1000 units of Robotic Components [1,000,000 at 1000 SC/unit]
1 Battleship Positron Shield [18,000,000 SC]
- Ageira Technologies agrees to transport 8000 units of Beryllium to Pueblo Station which will be used for the construction of other material that will be used in Freeport 5 project.
- Robert Pirx, Direct of Trading Office of Freeport 5 will pay a total of 50,000,000 Sirius Credits for these deliveries. The material cost is 43.5 million SC and the shipping cost is 6.5 million SC
Signed on behalf of Ageira Technologies Nikolas Burton, Trade Manager
Signed on behalf of Freeport 5 Robert Pirx, Director of Trading Office
We can use this channel for all matters associated with this project.
Best regards
Robert Pirx
Director of Trading Office
Freeport 5, Omega 41
Dear Sirs
It looks like we will have an escort. Venator Private Security Company will take this job. I think I will be able to settle things with my neighbours and there won't be problems during delivery, at least from them. How things are going? Do you need me to something? Should I send a down payment?
Best regards
Robert Pirx
Director of Trading Office
Freeport 5, Omega 41