' Wrote:The iridium field in Kansas seems to be off. I've tried it several times over the last week {Mafic, IMG IFF, IMG ID, fighter mining turret}. Just wondering if that was intentional or an oversight with the new mining nerfs.
That has been so since the mining system change. You can still mine iridium with a mining ship and "Miner ID", using any IFF. Mining anything is off at the moment if you don't explicitly have a bonus toward it. Plan's to get it back, but you'll be mining as if you had a 0,5x faction multiplier - it won't go very fast.
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
yes i know it will be a pain to fly a cap through a field then!
but! hey... should such a ship fly in such a field if the risk of ramming anything is to high? no:P
that would be so awesome + bring more RP (less caps in fields but more snubs... small ships can run in fields to have a + and so on)
/edit: and caps can still fly there but possibly it is a better idea not to fly in cruise and play pingpong:D
still... good job to everything except the docking thing cannon:P
/edit2: cannons post count made me lol
This would rock i think. Also if done make them destroyable. It can be done,i have seen on other server's where you can blow up asteroids. That way a dread can fly through if they wish,but under reg engines,and have to blast a path through.
' Wrote:Yes.... yes it does.... without damage it is bad enough.. trust me. And no, we cannot avoid flying there and we cannot take the time. You ever seen Magellan? that's where we have to fly through, and unless we use gates and lanes, also fields in cali, Texas and finally the badlands in NY.
If asteroids would do collision damage, you'd kill the Spyglass Q_Q and all other unlawful BSes prolly
That would just be a shame now wouldn't it. I fly a dread,and it would annoy me,but i still think it is a great idea,and makes more sense then just bouncing off them. after all if a fighter slamming a BS does damage,why not rocks that are far more dense,and 10 times the size.
' Wrote:That has been so since the mining system change. You can still mine iridium with a mining ship and "Miner ID", using any IFF. Mining anything is off at the moment if you don't explicitly have a bonus toward it. Plan's to get it back, but you'll be mining as if you had a 0,5x faction multiplier - it won't go very fast.
Thanks for the info. I guess I'll just have to stick to stuff that IMG is proficient at for now.
[size=6]Gentleman Julian Gentry's Gems and Jewelry: your source for the finest in personal accessories.
Maybe all this programming will result in this one:
Quote:* Second idea will definitely need much more flhook programming, time and also testing before it can go live. It counts with 2 servers (later maybe more) but only one Sirius universe, each of the servers 'serving' only 1/2 of the systems. During a jump player is (if needed) automatically re-logged to the other server. Jumping, messaging, transferring cash between the servers and other stuff is handled via an flhook link. But some things will most probably be impossible to implement (like groups - they will have to be re-joined after a jump to another server's system). More issues will definitely be known later. This way looks perfect, but don't expect it to come sooner than in the end of this year most probably even next year. It's also possible that we run into problems that we're not able to solve at all.
That would be really awesome =)
Another little question: Some Notices before it was written that Helium in Pennsylvania will be turned on again - is this done yet? It doesnt appears to me so..