I'm not forgetting anything. Twice the fleet implies twice the snubs as well. Experience? I can't even give them that. 80 years of war- failure. Nomad war, entire economy and natural resources pared to the bone in order to antagonize every other house simultaneously- failure. Rheinland should have imploded into a state of total anarchy. Trading blow-for-blow with a house twice its power in the first place? Utterly ridiculous.
Using the Nomad War as an example is just as ridiculous as you're trying to make out the current war to be. Face it. Rheinland lost to Trent. Not to mention the other very, very silly things that occurred. Such as single snubs being able to destroy battleships.
As for the 80 years war, using developer lore is very strenuous. As it is obvious that Rheinland was supposed to be the 'bad guys'. And as such the 'good guys' would win in ridiculous odds against superior foes. Why? Because it tells a good tale.
Once again you display a complete lack of knowledge. I recommend you watch 300 or something if you love numbers so much. It should be enlightening.
Rheinland is stressed yes, but it's recent forays into the Omegas have opened up new resources for them to tap into, and you suggest that there is nothing learnt in failure? The Bombers of Rheinland are a lesson LEARNT from the 80-Year War as it spawned their existence within Rheinland. The nomad war I don't believe to be a Rheinlandic conflict due to Das Wilde and Nomad interference on a massive scale. Frankly sir I am a firm believer that Rheinland CAN indeed 'trade blow-for-blow' with Liberty as long as Liberty continues it's current tactics of using it's Capital-Ship fleets as a shield.
Snub-Fighter numbers? *Rolls eyes* I say Quality over Quantity.
Play Lib navy or Rhienland navy chars. The war is over. Have not seen a single engagement for weeks now. The odd ship may go into others systems from time to time, but otherwise dead.
In RP both house leaders just need to start talking, and declare war over. Pretty simple. Hell if Official factions can cut all trade, then they can also end the war. Thing is they won't. That would take away thier PvP fix.
' Wrote:Play Lib navy or Rhienland navy chars. The war is over. Have not seen a single engagement for weeks now. The odd ship may go into others systems from time to time, but otherwise dead.
In RP both house leaders just need to start talking, and declare war over. Pretty simple. Hell if Official factions can cut all trade, then they can also end the war. Thing is they won't. That would take away thier PvP fix.
Just because you personally don't see or participate in them doesn't mean they don't happen. Today a bunch of RM snubs invaded Texas and krieg'd quite a few Liberty Caps and fighters. And this was in response to LNS invading Hamburg, so please. Just because -you- don't see it occur doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
Ontop of that, player factions != inRP NPC factions and their actions.