A tall, short-haired recruit walks calmly through the door, "I hear there's good opportunities to be found here. I'm not very experienced, but I follow orders well enough...If you guys are still accepting?"
Do you have any experience piloting a ship?, inquired the Admiral.
"Yes, mostly with light freighters, but I've got experience with a light fighter too.", stated Rann, "I feel I should tell you though, I've also sent my information to the BPA."
The BPA? Why would you want to join a Police action?
Hereby, I , former Lieutenant Commander Kenji Shinoda request my reassignment within the Armed Forces. As you may or may not know, I had some quite bad experiences during my time within the Fleet and I've asked for my early retirement after, under some yet unconfirmed circumstances,managed to return safely to Bretonia.
At this time, while my home on Leeds is still under constant danger, I feel like I'm ready to rejoin the Fleet and protect my home and all Bretonian Citizens.
I know the details of my reassignment are up to you and the Admirality Board to decide, but if possible, I would like to continue in the uniform I left a few months ago.
**INCOM** ID: Sir Jack Fraser HMS-DAGOBAZ
Lt. Commander Shinoda, (ret).
At this time, the Bretonian Armed Forces has no need of your services. There are those amongst us who don the uniform with the intention of serving our life in it. Others don it to do their duty and move on. I feel that your heart lies elsewhere than in the regulars.
With this, I must reject your application for a return to active duty.
Yours, in god and in service to the Queen,
Sir Jack Fraser,
Her Majesty's Most Diligent Interdiction Wing
Bretonian Armed Forces.
A Tall figure enters the recruitment office. quickly he sits in one of the waiting chairs and grabs a pamphlet reading it over a few times.
After a few minutes he walks up the the desk and puts down a filled out Application. He grins softly, "How soon could I start?"
The aplication stated a few things clearly at first glance,
His name, John Erich Tailor jr.
His skills, Piloting and maneuvers.
His Goal, To be the best pilot he can and maybe fly a gunboat someday.
There are no accidents and no fatal flaws in the machines; there are only pilots with the wrong stuff.