Due to the fact that the mentioned problems only affected the trading division, recruitment for both the security and mining division is open again. Switching over to the trading division on a later point may be possible if we consider yourself ready for it.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
*** Incoming Transmission***
*** Comm-ID: Director Marusa Ryo***
I would like to remind all applicants that we require a full name to process your applications. That means family and given name.
Furthermore it would be appreciated for potential escort pilots to state their combat experience separately for fighter and bomber combat.
Marusa Ryo
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
I am pleased to announce that the recruitment office for Samura Heavy Industries has been re opened and we are again looking for new applicants who wish to be part of Sirius' largest and most powerful corporation.
All application will again be looked over for suitability.
Do you already own a ship / Are you already captaining one / Can you afford one yourself?
I have very heavy fighter ''Eagle''.
Current residence
Planet New Tokyo
Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences
I am average fighter pilot. Used to be an escort pilot.
A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries
Was born on Planet New Tokyo. My father was trader and he preparing me to be trader too. But it is too boring to make money by trading. More interesting is to defend other trader from pirates, criminals. I think that Samura| will be quite good faction to join in, at least i haven't find the better factions.
From: Okada Kazuya, Chief of Human Relations
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Konnichiwa Takashi-san.
I have received your application letter and you should expect an communication shortly.
We have recently changed the way we handle career opertunities and I am sure you will do well.
Konichiwa honorable men and women of great Samura.
Application Form
-Name: Long Hoang Nguyen
-Division applying: Shipping
-Ship: "Crane" civil large train
-Current resident: Nguyen's villa, planet Kyushu
-Past employment: small shipping co. , independent trader
-Background: You may find my name odd, it's because my family has a long history. Back to old Earth, my ascentors were Vietnamese who immigrated to Japan. We were lucky to be able to keep our name after thousand years, but, we are now true born Kusarians, and we live the Empire's way of life.
Our family has a good business on Kyushu, but that's for my elder brother, the grand son. Planet-side is not for me anyway, so I used my saving to buy a Bumblebee and later a Crane. I used to work for a small shipping co. but then moved to Independent when the "company" was ambused by GCs.
Indie trading eventually makes me feel like losing our way of life and irresponsible to our Empire, so I want to get back to the right track, to devote my life to the good of our great Empire. And Samura is the only destination of the true children of Kusari.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
*** Incoming Transmission***
*** Comm-ID: Director Marusa Ryo***
*** To: Long Hoang Nguyen ***
Konnichiwa Long-san,
I'm glad to hear that another son of Kusari did the right choice to serve the empire by serving Samura.
You are hereby accepted as an employee of Samura Heavy Industries, please report to Yokohama shipyard to paint your vessel in our colours.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
Name: Ryo Miyagi For what division are you applying? Shipping. Do you already own a ship / Are you already captaining one / Can you afford one yourself? I don't own any ships at this moments and can't afford one of myself. Current residence Planet Kyushu. Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences Independent trader. A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries. I was born on planet Kyushu. Now I'm 23 years old.My father Kazuki was a honorable men working as a shipper for Kusari .He did teach me all about traders and helped me to improve my flighting skill and how to handle a big Transport ship. After I finish school I went with my father on planet New Tokyo where I made at a bank a loan of 2 millions Sirius Credit .With this cash I did buy a J20P - 21F "Drone" Kusari Freighter.And I start to trade goods on my own in the Kusari space.In one of my daily shipping I encounter two pirates.They wanted 1 million Sirius Credit from me. I wanted to explain them that this is impossible that I don't got so much money.They started to yell at me and then open fire on my ship. I started to run but they were disrupting me every time.Thanks that the Kusari State Police was doing some routine patrols I was saved by them in the last seconds before my ship exploded. Now I own cash to the bank and don't have any ship. I saw on a publicity banner about the offers the Samura Heavy Industries give me .
OORP: I'm an experienced trader 6 months ago before I left FL I had piloted a lot of transport ships .
Colossus, Titanic, Kujira, Salvager, Percheron, Pelican and other warships as cruisers gb's.
Akemi Akizuki For what division are you applying?
Shipping Do you already own a ship / Are you already captaining one / Can you afford one yourself?
I have a Big Dragon that has been passed down my family for many years, its named Akizuki after my family. Current residence
Planet New Tokyo Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences
Independant Trader A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries.
My family is of old Japanese decent. Our family name means Autumn Moon. We used to have our own trading company, but thanks to my Uncle it went bankrupt, and I became an Independant Trader. I have always admired the mighty Samura Heavy Industries, and now, I would like to try and join you're magnificant company. I have found times hard lately to trade between houses, due to the wars between Kusari and Bretonia, but also between Liberty and Rheinland. I hope I may join this extrordinary organization.