' Wrote:Playing a Nomad means access to dangerous stuff.Even the Nomad snubs are dangerous.Look at the Nomad Fighter.And the snubs can use Class 10 weapons.
Nomad cap ships?Powerful.The Irra is more powerful than like,75% of the other cruisers.Same for the Nomad Gunboat.And see the Marduk?Insane.
killed a marduk in my juggernaut. They are not undefeatable. strong but not stronger than a jinkusu. And that one already is available to everyone. And against a GEb or something like that im sure the Irra will go down pretty fast as well. And as everyone likes hunting nomads you wont survive long if you are alone.
just to clear that up...i personally don't want any nomad ships its more like that i would like to have more action on the server.
and there always will be pvpwhores...but in my opinion they fit much better in the nomad RP than in the ones they are currently in. ;)
Don't make it personal. I'll just ignore that stupid comment. Keep it a reasonable discussion please?
' Wrote:playing a nomad will make you a target. so you cant go through the systems as one man army. thats why people will team up with other nomad players. (unofficial facs d possible too).
Sure they will, but I don't see what your point is with this one. Why would you need a public ID for that.
' Wrote:communication...pretty much like the open AI id. ppl will use specific language while interacting with others. and in group chats they will use common language... easy like that.
Its not that easy. Making it public means people can do whatever they want when it comes to communication. AI RP is something people can imagine without too much trouble, we all know robots. Telepathic aliens however, is a different case. That is why you have to join the Keepers to get nomad equipment. We make sure everyone who plays like one, CAN actually play like one.
To sum it up: If you want to play as a nomad, you have to proof you can play as one. That is what the Keepers do. Making a public nomad ID would remove that only barrier.
' Wrote:Don't make it personal. I'll just ignore that stupid comment. Keep it a reasonable discussion please?
if you insist.
' Wrote:Sure they will, but I don't see what your point is with this one. Why would you need a public ID for that.
without a public ID there aren't enough nomad players to form bigger groups.
' Wrote:Its not that easy. Making it public means people can do whatever they want when it comes to communication. AI RP is something people can imagine without too much trouble, we all know robots. Telepathic aliens however, is a different case. That is why you have to join the Keepers to get nomad equipment. We make sure everyone who plays like one, CAN actually play like one.
no one of us is a robot nor an alien.
dunno about you but my toaster at home usually does not scan me before doing its job, my fridge does not even greet me when i get something out of it and the worst thing is that my washer is not running around exploring the house.
maybe you have more experience with robots than me, i only saw the terminator films so far. But i have seen a lot of alien movies actually and while playing freelancer SP i had much more contacts with nomads than with robots.
in short: i dont think it makes any difference if you play a robot or a nomad.
' Wrote:To sum it up: If you want to play as a nomad, you have to proof you can play as one. That is what the Keepers do. Making a public nomad ID would remove that only barrier.
ahh you edited something....well.
I have a question which really interests me (seriously)
What exactly do you think makes the nomad RP more worthy to be protected than any other RP already set for open use?
do you really care about the RP itself or more about loosing your special status? (no trolling, but a guess)
' Wrote:without a public ID there aren't enough nomad players to form bigger groups.
If people want to play a nomad, they can apply for Keepers. Why would people get a public ID instead of applying for Keepers when basicly the only difference is they have to show that they can produce proper quality nomad speech?
' Wrote:in short: i dont think it makes any difference if you play a robot or a nomad.
I think its easier to imagine what a computer/robot would do in a certain sitation then a telepathic alien. Alright, I guess the behaviour isn't the problem, but the specific speech is. I hear a lot of people having trouble producing it, while I don't hear such things about AI speech. Maybe because there are so many levels of artificial intelligence, while there's only one way (Though many styles) to speak as a nomad. Did you read the the recruitment post? Once you figure out the basics on your own, we help you develop your own style.
' Wrote:What exactly do you think makes the nomad RP more worthy to be protected than any other RP already set for open use?
Mostly the speech, and the motivations to kill stuff
' Wrote:do you really care about the RP itself or more about loosing your special status? (no trolling, but a guess)
The Keepers are a special faction, sure, but that doesn't make the players in it special. Anyone who wants to join, can apply. I care about the experience people get when interacting with Nomads. It has to be something special. So yes, I care about keeping the Keepers a special faction, but not in the way you meant the word special. We have an open recruitment, but with some specific requirements.
Nomad caps,more powerful than most other caps?Check
Nomad snubs,capable of mounting powerful faction Nomad Class 10 weaps?Check
Nomad roleplay,complex?Check
Nomad Mass lolwuttery if Open use?Check.
It's been done before and it failed<strike> terribly </strike> epicly.
Also,why do you want big Nomad groups?I mean,if it is open use,it would be big-lolwut-Nomad-groups-who-can't-produce-a-simple-Nomad-roleplay-line:P
Stop it.Seriously,stop whining.Stop Q_Qing and stop trolling.Stop exaggerating things which are minor,stop whining about stuff which happens every time the blue moon appears.Stop Q_Qing because people do not comply to your wishes.This is not your personal universe where you can lord everyone around and judge people using your emotions.Think logically.Think.Just think.
I'm gone.Goodbye.
' Wrote:It's been done before and it failed<strike> terribly </strike> epicly.
Also,why do you want big Nomad groups?I mean,if it is open use,it would be big-lolwut-Nomad-groups-who-can't-produce-a-simple-Nomad-roleplay-line:P
I would prefer this to the cute pet nomads that often fly around.
Spirits...dun want to hurt anyone...just curious etc.
***engaging*** and then 5 marduks open fire on me...yeah thats style and i personally would this situation describe more nomad like.
' Wrote:Mostly the speech, and the motivations to kill stuff
The Keepers are a special faction, sure, but that doesn't make the players in it special. Anyone who wants to join, can apply. I care about the experience people get when interacting with Nomads. It has to be something special. So yes, I care about keeping the Keepers a special faction, but not in the way you meant the word special. We have an open recruitment, but with some specific requirements.
I just say we already have strange acting navy officers, aggressive zoners, triggerhappy pirates etc.
insane nomads would just fit in perfectly and bring more excitement on the server.
but i see that our opinions on that matter are just different.