---Incomming Transmission---
Comm ID: Vivien Schmitt
Rank: Feldwebel
Guten Tag High Command,
I have fulfilled all the tasks to request my next promotion from Feldwebel to [color=#33CC00] Oberfeldwebel
I have served well and will do so in the future
I have fullfilled the requirements to advance from Gefreiter to Feldwebel.
- Equipped and tagged Bergelmir bomber.
- 2 more patrol reports (4 total).
- One month spent in service since the last promotion.
-Erwin Helge
Your field and training performance has been reviewed by the High Command and I am glad to announce that the following Rheinwehr personnel have been promoted:
[color=#009900]Oberleutnant [color=#33CC00]Ludwig Meyer to Hauptmann, Feldwebel Vivien Schmitt to Oberfeldwebel, Feldwebel Laura Schoon to Oberfeldwebel, Hauptfeldwebel Joachim Landers to Leutnant, Gefreiter Egmund Tauber to Feldwebel, Gefreiter Erwin Helge to Feldwebel, Gefreite Sascha Reginleif to Feldwebel.
Continue with your excellent service for Rheinland, Soldaten. A promotion is not a reward, but a responsibility and a sign of trust. Do your duties as well as you did so far, we are counting on you.
Admiral Alec Voelkel,
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.
It appears that you were the only one to take the initiative as of late, and that surely helped your standing with High Command as your field and training performance were evaluated. As such, we unanimously congratulate you on your promotion from [color=#009900]Oberfeldwebel [color=#33CC00]Vivien Schmitt to Hauptfeldwebel,
Continue with your excellent service for Rheinland, especially on the front line and our trust in you will continue to grow. However, with our trust comes a greater sense of responsibility, if you are not up to the task, make it known.
Pia, regardless of what you may have though; insubordination isn't amusing, even when conducted by yourself. While you take the time to consider what proper entertainment is, Feldwebel, I regret to inform you, that such a learning process will take place while you are a Flieger.
Major Verena Higham,
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.
[font=Agency FB]-Connecting to Rheinland Military Network-
-Connection has been established-
-Proceeding with intended message-
[font=Cambria]Hauptmann Zain Rahimi reporting in,
[color=#009900]GefreiterAlaric Kaufmann has been promoted to the rank ofFeldwebeleffectively skippingTier 2 Training Programmefor expressing desirable attitude as a Rheinweir Pilot and proving solid dedication for his nation.
Source: Mecklenburg Station, Braunschweig System Encryption:Medium, Medium, port RM-CH-HC-1488-M. Decrypting...
Comm ID:Vizeadmiral Verena Higham, Rheinland Military Target:Flieger Adolf Hoguf
It appears that everything is in order from your stint through your trial period. As such you've now advanced from [color=#33FF33]Flieger to Gefreiter and are set to begin tier one of your basic training.
I would congratulate you, but it may be more appropriate for me to wish you luck from this point on.
Vizeadmiral Verena Higham
Oberkommando der Rheinland Militär.
[color=#000000]Source: Battleship Strausberg, New Berlin Submitter: Carl von Manstein Recipient: Rheinland Military High Command Subject: Promotion Request from Gefreiter to Feldwebel
[font=Times New Roman][color=#FFFFFF]I have submitted a total of 9 reports of multiple patrols und have enforced the Rheinland Law several times. I would like to have the Rheinland Law test in order to fill the last requirement for the promotion.
[font=Monotype Corsiva]Signed, Carl von Manstein, Gefreiter of the 88th Rheinwehr Brigade