**.....Decision{agreement}...human entities known as Corsairs...repeated incursions...-We- respond in kind...Jeske Vardogr, Gerrit Reuter, Wesen, Gunnar Goderich {organisms} sortie.....**
**Our Abilities 'Grow' --- Mistakes are -Corrected-**
**Experience Gifts Us Enlightenment --- We Seek Further Enlightenment**
Quote:Gentleman.Caller: Ted: This don't look good
Wilde.Betrug: **('Looks' --- Reading Suggestion...)**
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***....Silence-answer of *Them*......sense of letting live(?)....***
Wilde.Betrug: **(-Community- 'Suggestion' Not Located)**
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: I don't understand your speech.
Wilde.Betrug: **('We' Demand Status --- To Continue 'Being' - To Be Removed)**
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: To continue being?
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: You meen to keep livin?
Wilde.Betrug: **(-Community- Wishes for Suggestions on 'Usefulness')**
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***....*Other*named.....not willing to cooperate with -(us)...sense of letting live(?)-*none*(!)....***
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: Don't really know about what ansewer would be proper.
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***...The Time....*other*-could-answer-....gone....***
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: About the only thing im good at is tickin off them Kusari folks.
Wilde.Betrug: **(A 'Good' Answer Would 'Equate' "Proper")**
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: Don't why thou
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: Them fellers don't take kindly to us junkers
Wilde.Betrug: **(-Cummunity- ... Lacks 'Knowing' on 'Kusari')**
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: their them fellers up in them gas clouds.
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: Out by the Sigmas.
Wilde.Betrug: **(Location Known by -Community-)**
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***.....*Junker*named....useless to-(us)....***
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: To each being their own.
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***dissagreement***
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: Dissagreement?
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***....*Junker*named....saw-(ours)....information-lacking....***
Wilde.Betrug: **(-Community- Desires Removal of 'Useless' Information)**
Gentleman.Caller: Ted: No offence intended but your language is a bit hard to follow
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***.....Sense of letting live......none(!)....***
**Experience Ends in -Removal- --- We Do Not Relent**
Quote:Wilde.Betrug: **('Demand' -Entity- Stop --- Relent Momentum)**
DallasX: hello
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***....*Other*named....unaware....danger(?)....***
DallasX: how can i help you?
DallasX: no danger
Dallas: no need problems
Wilde.Betrug: **('You' Possess a 'Problem' --- 'You' are in 'Our' Presence)**
DallasX: can i go and leave you with no problem?
Wilde.Betrug: **(-Community- Requires Purpose and Reason of 'You' Existing)**
DallasX: i'm helping people - i'm giving them food
DallasX: averyone have to eat
Wilde.Betrug: **(-Community- Knows 'People' Stole from 'Us')**
Wilde.Betrug: **(Assisting Thieves --- Equates 'Treason' - 'Backward' Thoughts)**
DallasX: if community let me pass i can return some debts
DallasX: of my people
Wilde.Betrug: **(Continue on 'You' Path --- 'We' have no 'Use' for 'You')**
DallasX: thank you
**This One --- Removal Equates Waste --- We Let 'You' Continue Its Dreams**
**Retribution is Sought --- Those Fall for their 'Kins' Errors**
**Another Commits Errors --- We Correct Them**
Quote:RNC-Munchen: There is... Hostiles comin for die..
Wilde.Betrug: **('Demand' -Entity- Stop --- Relent Momentum)**
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***....*Other*named....unaware....danger(?)....***
Wilde.Betrug: **(-Community- 'Demands' Purpose of 'Munchen-named')**
RNC-Munchen: so.. ?
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***...(we)-dislike...hostile intentions of *theirs*.....***
Wilde.Betrug: **('We' Collect - Sort Information)**
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***....running away....a sight of weakness.....*They* shall perish....***
TR-Miner: ahahah
TR-Miner: come onnnn
Wilde.Betrug: **(Information - Nonexisting -- Removing Uselessness)** Death: TR-Miner was killed by Wilde.Zweifel. (Gun)
**We Return --- Convey Experience to 'Young' Minds**
** 'We' infiltrate -their- space ... masked as them **
** Thiefs trust our words ... accept them as truth**
RNC-Werewolf: Attention pilot! Zis is ze Military! Shut down your engines and avait for a cargo scan.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Attempting to scan the cargo...
Wilde.Paul:Richter: What do you say Kapitaen?
Hans_Peter: what do you want mister?
RNC-Werewolf: Ich think he is very suspicious.
RNC-Werewolf: Carrying ore is illegal these days, mein friend.
Hans_Peter: oh really? why?
Wilde.Paul:Richter: You should listen to the news daily.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: The Kanzler had a long speech yesterday morning.
RNC-Werewolf: Ja, zey have better theories than ve do.
Hans_Peter: hm i think i missed something
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Indeed.
** Another comes 'We' punish -it- ... other one remains unharmed**
Ring: hello
RNC-Werewolf: Both of you, cut your engines.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: You heard it... cut them.
RNC-Werewolf: Cut ze damned engines!
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Follow the orders given to you civilian.
RNC-Werewolf: Last warning! Cease all movement, or ve vill take action!
Wilde.Paul:Richter: We have the permission to use violence if we deem it necessary... so do what we say.
Ring: whot you?
RNC-Werewolf: Herr Richter. Open fire.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Understood Herr Kapitaen.
Death: Ring was killed by RNC-Werewolf (Gun)
RNC-Werewolf: If only zey vould listen.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Foolish Civilians.
RNC-Werewolf: Now Herr Hans.
Hans_Peter: so what to do now for me?
RNC-Werewolf: Drop ze silver ore.
Hans_Peter: ok just one moment please
Wilde.Paul:Richter: We have time.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Thank you Civilian.
RNC-Werewolf: This is your first and last warning. Ve catch you vith multiple ores in your cargo again... Vell, take a look at-
RNC-Werewolf: - ze last guy...
Hans_Peter: ok thank you
RNC-Werewolf: Pack to patroling.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: I am on your wing sir.
** 'We' venture deep into space ... controlled by -them- ... 'Our' disguise remains effective **
RNC-Werewolf: Attention pilot! Zis is ze Military! Shut down your engines and avait for a cargo scan.
U-1155: Guten tag, Offiziren
RNC-Werewolf: Vait...
RNC-Werewolf: Ach, curse these scanners!
Wilde.Zweifel: what?
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Indeed... they never work when you need them...
U-1155: Do Sie need assistance?
RNC-Werewolf: Ich am sorry. Ve vere vaiting for ze Unioners to reer zere ugly heads.
U-1155: Ach, these scumbags...
Wilde.Paul:Richter: We will get them.
U-1155: Ich hope Sie will find some und take them to jail
Wilde.Zweifel: What do we have here, meine herren?
U-1155: Ich habe strange scanner jamming here... Some statics or something...
RNC-Werewolf: A cluster meine herr. My scanners saw his ship as a Unioner fer a second.
Wilde.Zweifel: And who do you try to scan, if i may ask
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Dont trust your scanners Agent...
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Ours showed you as an Unioner vessel...
U-1155: Really? How strange. Mein shows... Something odd
Wilde.Zweifel: like?
U-1155: It doesn't work even
Wilde.Paul:Richter: A malfunction most likely... nothing to worry about.
U-1155: It shows almost nothing
Wilde.Paul:Richter: You should let it fix as soon as possible.
U-1155: Ja, indeed. After this mission Ich should tell technicians to fix it
Wilde.Paul:Richter: You should do so, please move on now
Wilde.Paul:Richter: It will get dangerous for you without a scanner.
U-1155: Ja, ja. Gut luck then, offiziren
Wilde.Zweifel: Wiedersehen, agent
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Thank you.
** 'We' encounter many of -them- ... decision was made to strike **
Wilde.Zweifel: Guten tag
RNC-Werewolf: Attention pilot! Zis is ze Military! Shut down your engines and avait for a cargo scan.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Guten Tag...
Flausatul: Tag Sir
RNC-Werewolf: Both of you cut your engines!
Wilde.Zweifel: all of you, hold still
RNC-Werewolf: No one goes anywhere!
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Stop where you are...
Wilde.Zweifel: any futher move will be concidered as hostile action
TTC|Crane.Gaalian: ok sir
Wilde.Zweifel: Gut...
RNC-Werewolf: Vhere are you three heading?
RNC-Werewolf: Erm, four.
Hans_Peter: i'm flying to munich system
RNC-Werewolf: Ja... Vell vhy do you have ore?
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Cut your engines and wait for your orders.
RNC-Werewolf: Ich thought ve vent over zis.
Hans_Peter: well i thought it is illlegal to have different ores?
RNC-Werewolf: Transportation or ore is now illegal in Rheinland.
Flausatul: From when Sir?
RNC-Werewolf: Since ze Kanzler gave his speech.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Another one that did not listen to the news?
[FT]-Hans.Kessler: Never heard tha ore transport is illegal Herr
Wilde.Paul:Richter: It is your fault, not ours.
Wilde.Zweifel: We are just following orders....
Hans_Peter: why is it illegal now?
Flausatul: So sir do you meen we can't transtort anything in rheinland?
Flausatul: my radio was broking
Wilde.Paul:Richter: We explained it already Herr Peter.
Flausatul: didn't heard the news
Hans_Peter: but i didnt hear that speech
Hans_Peter: so i dont know why
Wilde.Zweifel: so meine herre
Flausatul: Sir?
Wilde.Zweifel: Will you be following the orders of our almighty kanzler aswell?
Flausatul: Ofcourse sir yhen we must turn around?
Hans_Peter: so what are we supposed to do now?
Wilde.Zweifel: you are supposed to drop everything you are carrying
Wilde.Zweifel: we shall confiscate everything
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Dont try anything stupid. We are allowed to use violence if necessary.
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Now comply with the orders given to you.
Hans_Peter: ok i'll drop my ores
TTC|Crane.Gaalian: what's up man?
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Comply with the orders... or face the consequences...
Wilde.Paul:Richter: I am running out of patience...
Flausatul: so we turn right?
TTC|Crane.Gaalian: what are we have to do ?
[RM]Fw.Sasha.Reginleif: Guten...
Wilde.Paul:Richter: You yet again did not listen. Drop everything you have in your cargo holds.
[RM]Fw.Sasha.Reginleif: What is going on here?
Wilde.Zweifel: shoot him
Wilde.Paul:Richter: Understood.
Death: [FT]-Hans.Kessler was killed by Wilde.Paul:Richter (Gun)
[RM]Fw.Sasha.Reginleif: What is the meaning of this
Wilde.Zweifel: fools
[RM]Fw.Sasha.Reginleif: Civilians, dont take the lane for Stuttgard, there are wilders nearby...proceed immediately to the nearest safe location
U-1155: Ist something happening here?
U-1155: Wilde? Ach, now Ich see...
RNC-Werewolf: Kill everything. Our plans are uncovered.
U-1155: They destroyed civilian vessel!
** Two of -them- died ... 'Our' mask is destroyed **
[RM]Fw.Sasha.Reginleif: Smart moves, but why are you afraid of one wraith wilders?
RNC-Werewolf: Ve prefer things on Our terms, Rheinlander.
[RM]Fw.Sasha.Reginleif: What a disapointment from your kind
** 'We' return to -rockhome- ... One of -them- follows ... -It- dies **
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***(amusement)***
Wilde.Zweifel.: ***....running away....a sight of weakness.....*They* shall perish....***
Death: U-1153 killed himself (Missile/Torpedo)
**We Strike in -Retaliation- --- Some trip over Their own 'Steps'**
**We leave our Home --- Travel to 'Omega' Stars**
**Our 'Proxy' serves its Use**
Quote:Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Vhat do ve have here?
Ka'zilth: Sairs meinherr
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich can lend a hand.
Ka'zilth: That would be appreciated
**Our 'Being' creates 'Questions'**
Quote:Ka'zilth: Muchacios creditos ! what kind technology is that ?
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Highly classified technology.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Lots of black labels...
Ka'zilth: Ya right
**We are Slow - Smooth - Our Identity Remains Hidden --- We continue 'Speculation'**
Quote:Ka'zilth: Darn these Sairs fast like diablo !
Ka'zilth: How ist goin' meinherr ?
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ja, Ich think sometimes zat their pilots take cardamine.
Ka'zilth: Nah
Ka'zilth: Sairs hate cardi
Ka'zilth: Ich think dat anyway...
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich have heard zat, but sometimes people have two faces.
Ka'zilth: Oh, forgot to say guten abend
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Greetings likevise.
Ka'zilth: Du ist right herr
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ja, Ich vas on a scouting patrol.
Ka'zilth: And sorry furr mein Rheinlandisch
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Don't vorry avout it. Ich have seen worse.
Ka'zilth: Ich am from...well far from here
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Anyvhere near Berlin?
Ka'zilth: Nein, Ich said far
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Stuttgart?
Ka'zilth: Du won't believe mein if Ich say
Ka'zilth: Guten abend herr hunter
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Hey! Vatch vhere you're flying Hunter!
EDGE|Melqart: May you rot in hell.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich just had zis painted!
Ka'zilth: What ?!
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich get zat sometimes.
Ka'zilth: Watch your language hunter
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Psychopathic murders.
Ka'zilth: Wat ein fool
Ka'zilth: Ich don't want to be intrusive, but Ich have seen that tech you're using somewhere...
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: From vhere?
Ka'zilth: If Ich remember correctly, I saw zat tech to some blue-looking fishes, I think they where called Solomon K'Hara
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Blue looking fishes? Ich heard zey vhere purple.
Ka'zilth: Ich heard of ze from dein Order
Ka'zilth: Ich never saw one
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Be careful vhat you listen too... Some of those groups in the Omicrons have other agendas.
Ka'zilth: Ich notice zat
Ka'zilth: Is it just mein or is Aurus listening to us ?
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Gut. If you didn't, zen Ich vould say you vere blind!
Aurus: Oh, don't be bothered by me
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich am not.
Aurus: It's pretty nice to listen while waiting
Ka'zilth: Oh, from za place where Ich come from, there is no betrayel, but our enemies tend to sneak among us so we don't trust anyone
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Hmph.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Is zat a riddle or somethink?
Aurus: I even know a song I heard in Rheinland
Ka'zilth: Nein
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: It better not be vone of thos "pop" songs.
Ka'zilth: Oh mein Tuica !
Aurus: I've heard it's a classic
Aurus: Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen, sitz ich beim Schwager vorm
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Classic is ze pop musik of mein young days.
Aurus: Vorwaerts die Rosse traben, lustig schmettert das Horn
Ka'zilth: Gerrit meinherr, excuse mein but you...feel different.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Erm, vhat?
Ka'zilth: It might be just mein
Ka'zilth: But Ich feel very strange in du presence
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Aurus, can you "feel" me as vell?
EDGE|Reseph: Vityaz: Greetings, officer.
Ka'zilth: Guten abend herr hunter
Aurus: I had some contact with some wild guys. Shot me without warning
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: *Nods* Bounty Hunter.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: *Coughs*
Aurus: Wonders I survived
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: "Vild" guys?
Ka'zilth: Wild guys du say ? shot with no warning ? remembers me of lawl syndrome infected
Ka'zilth: Ich though Rotakians slaughtered ze all
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich have heard of ze "lawl" syndrome. Not a pretty sight at all!
Ka'zilth: Aparrently ze plague is niet yet gone
Ka'zilth: Oh Ich said Niet like ze Coalition
Ka'zilth: Excuse
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich have not seen ze Coalition around zis area in a vhile.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Perhaps zey are bothering ze Bretonians now! Hah!
Ka'zilth: Oh, Ich entered ze system and survived
Ka'zilth: Didn't got ze chance to capture some though, ze where too many
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Vhy vhere you in ze Coalition's home system?
Ka'zilth: Exploring
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: I have only read reports about that area. Very dangerous.
Ka'zilth: Du are right !
Ka'zilth: Never go there without escort
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: You might need a small armada if you want to go there and get out in one piece.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich didn't even notice.
The_Shadowfax: Logan: good day
Ka'zilth: Abent
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Greetings.
Ka'zilth: How is ze war mit Liberty going ?
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Not bad at all. It has been a vhile since Ich have been on ze front.
Ka'zilth: There ze hunter again !
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: The Command switches everyone around as often as possible.
Ka'zilth: Ich zie
EDGE|Reseph: Vityaz: Yeah, just busted some corsairs.
Ka'zilth: Good job
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Good ridance to ze Sairs.
**'Hessian-named' Intrudes in Our dealings**
Quote:EDGE|Reseph: Vityaz: Hessian ship, eh?
Ka'zilth: Hessian on ze scanner
Ka'zilth: Should we do something ?
EDGE|Reseph: Vityaz: Well, I'm not sure if Bretonia pays for you here...
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Uh. Zat's interesting.
Hurr.Durren: Hey freelancer, you're working for Rheinland Military?
Ka'zilth: Nein
EDGE|Reseph: Vityaz:Anyway, I think it's more of herr officer's concern, not mine.
Ka'zilth: Ich work for whoever pays best
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Just talking Hessian.
Hurr.Durren: Gut. Then you won't mind if i blow hum apart.
Ka'zilth: Actually ja
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Hmm.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Zat vould not be inteligent.
Ka'zilth: I hate being interrupted
Hurr.Durren: Gut. Then i proceed with my plan.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: How avout you back off!
**Our *Swords* Clash - Confused Inorganics 'Read' the Battlefield**
Quote:Basic_Unit: ::Threats detected::....Scanning.....Results: tactical disadvantage.....Units pulling back.
Basic_Unit: Reconsideration: Charging Photon cannons...
Basic_Unit: ::Units Primary Order:: Hurr Durren.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: This Hessian endangered its own life!
Photon_Unit: Affirmiative
Basic_Unit: :: beginning assimilation of Organic Manefestation.
**The Inorganic Heeds - Its 'Ears' are more 'Open' Than 'Human-named' --- We attempt -Mercy-**
Quote:Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Run Hessian. Before you pay the ultimate price.
Hurr.Durren: You mean the repair cost?
Ka'zilth: Let ze fool pay for foolishness
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: No. Ich mean death. Death: Basic_Unit was killed by Hurr.Durren (Gun)
Basic_Unit: ::Directive Failed::....Unit Perrogative: Recycling...Units Maneuvering away to Collective..
**We -End- Its 'Ignorance'**
Quote:Ka'zilth: Gut job herr
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Alright mein herr. Thanks fer ze help.
Ka'zilth: I should have kept mein fighter
Ka'zilth: No problem herr, mein pleasure to help
Ka'zilth: Besides ze fool was interrupting our conversation
Ka'zilth: Oh, danke furr dein geld
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ich have to head back to ze base.
Ka'zilth: Gut luck meinherr
Ka'zilth: Ich hope we will meet again
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Zose Hessian guns ripped up mein starboard wing.
Wilde.Gerrit.Reuter: Ja, danke again.
**'Ka'zilth-named' --- Possible Future 'Asset' --- We will -Watch-**