Evangeline stops and takes a moment to stare at the man and his proclaimed sister; scanning the depths of her memory for any information on who this person may be and why he knows her full name.
Her face scrunches up and she hums monotonously.
I should know you, shouldn't I?
Evangeline laughs weakly, well aware of her memory's failure.
She takes a moment to observe Vixen's infant, albeit quiet and uncontentious at this moment Evangeline was fully aware of the horrors a baby could reign down upon those tasked to support it and the frequent lack of any notice thereof.
I'm just a bad influence on children. Even when I'm not around!
Trust me. Sanya is a miniature terrorist and she's going to grow up into a disreputable legend of one kind or another, I can see it already.
Evangeline, without real thought of the consequences, reaches out and gently rubs Vixen's forehead whilst issuing an uncharacteristically maternal smile.
Vixen smiles slightly. "I'd be surprised if you knew her. She's a BAF pilot...I...think. I sorta remember, but I can't quite tell if she was BAF or BPA...I get them needlessly mixed up, unfortunately."
She lets out a slight sigh at the contact, smiling softly at Eva. "She is...I can only wonder as to how she'll grow up. I worry about her future...more than I probably should." she grimaces slightly, looking down into Licentia's eyes, an odd shade of blue, and chuckles quietly. "I guess everyone is paranoid about their children, but it doesn't help to alleviate my fears."
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Jeremy chuckled. "We met for a very brief time. It was some time ago...you invited an LSF agent onto the Maelstrom then you wigged out, dont remember inviting her, then an Order cruiser stopped by." Jeremy sighed. Rika broke away and perked at Licentia.
"Awww...she's so cute!" The girl said.
"Yeah, when it comes to children, paranoia...I get the feeling when it comes to Rika."
*As everyone continues to converse, a familiar trio enters the room, a rhienlander, a kusari, and a smaller bretonian* Jenson: Seems that we're here in time... Ilo: Very... Miki: I'm ghettin a shoda... *As Miki walks off and hops on the bar, conversing a bit with Feya, Jenson and Ilo begin to head up to Bret, pausing a moment as he continues to converse with the older gentleman...Jenson reaches into the side of jacket, pulling out a small box and slipping it into Bret's bionic hand* Jenson: As you requested... *Bret turns his head to him and nods once* Bret: Thanks..I appreciate it...
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Vixen nods slightly, a small cry from Licentia prompting her to resume the rocking motion. "Life in the Order must be dangerous. I know that I didn't last in Iota for one minute...you gotta deal with those things all over."
She looks down at the small bundle in her hands. "But at least you know who your enemies are...right? I've been attacked by random mercs and idiots for no particular reason at all. Xenophobes..." She chuckles slightly. "Though its been better since I joined the Junkers...i've got some good friends."
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Jeremy sighed. "No. Nomads,are the enemy, but anyone can be infected." Jeremy picked Rika up easily. "But pity the fool who puts Rika in danger." Jeremy paused. "And it isnt so dangerous,when you command a battleship that can rip most house capital apart." He grinned. "Have you met Izzy?"
Vixen thinks for a moment. "I think, maybe, when my..." She coughs and her eyes narrow slightly. "When my gunboat was blown up at Newark, and I was hauled to Minor...But I'm not quite sure, my memory is fuzzy."
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
A young woman walks into the room and looks around. "Well, just as I thought, I know absolutely nobody here!" She starts walking towards the group of people at the bar. "But hey, the congress were invited, so I may as well have a time, even though I'll probably be the only one here." After getting closer, she notices who sent out the invitation, and walks up to him smiling. " Afternoon Mr. Bret! I'm Grace Parker, a Congress member. I heard you were throwing a party and thought I would drop by!"
User was banned for: Reidft
Time left: (Permanent)
Evangeline rests on the bar, casually scanning over the room, observing the miscellaneous activities of those surrounding her.
She notices a new arrival enter the bar and without any hesitation reaches for her non-existent holster and handgun. She mumbles something to herself which only by chance would be heard by anyone around her.
The hell is Congress doing here?
Frozen stiff, Evangeline watches the woman stroll across the room, her eyes tracing their target with catlike focus and accuracy.
After a few moments of internally tense silence, she sighs heavily and leans back on to the bar, propping herself up with her back. The woman responsible for Evangeline's upset was, apparently, ignorant of her presence.
Doesn't know or doesn't care. Let's hope it stays that way.
Evangeline reseats herself into the atmosphere of the party and continues her preferred activity of gently petting Licentia, the kitten purring proudly in a barely-awake state within her mothers' arms whilst both mum and herself beamed with warm, maternal expressions.
It's a good thing you didn't have more than one, Vixen or else I'd've tried to buy one off you. She's just so cuuuuuuute~!
Evangeline fawns over the kitten for a time before swapping her attention and gaze from Licentia to her mother.
Vixen shrugs slightly, chuckling at Eva's continued interest in Licentia. "Well, mostly? Mooch off that hopeless furball who's taken it upon himself to care for me...Though lately, i've been hit with a latent sense of wanderlust, so I went and did some junking...I think I might've found a little something special out towards the Sigmas." She shrugs slightly. "We'll see. So what've you been getting up to yourself? I seem to remember a comment about almost dying, or somesuch?"
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.