Good day. We had same hard day in Delta. Our old EA friends were fighiting one Osires. Captain wanted to deal with EA alone, but I denied his decision. We had could lose another Osires, so I decidet to join fight. We amanged to damage one of EA ships hardly. But Osirises seems to be caught by Ion storm. Me and one EA strarted to mowe out from him. I called for reinf. We were 1 vs 1. But when your fight tood place near dabadoru and took down sheilds of destr was imposible, I returned to our forces.
When DA.Hunta.EA leaved fight, my ex opponent Twinkley.EA returned. With help of our cruiser we managed to take him down.
Attached files: image 1 image 2
To all Order personnel, this is Ikarius, pilot of the Independent Fleet. I understand you likely have more pressing issues and that my communication here might well indeed be unwelcome but as your other members have identified the situation with the Bounty Hunter Capital Vessels is getting out of hand. On no less than four separate occasions to those your members have mentioned, I have encountered these vessels 'patrolling' our system. Those were the words they used on their system wide comm broadcast. It seems to me that either little is being done or that what is being worked on is being kept to the utmost secrecy. Regardless, action needs to be taken quicker than it is already. When only members of the Independent fleet are around, and we usually have merely fighters, we cannot hope to dent their colossal vessels. Those Independent Capital Vessels that are about are in desperate need of training as they are hopelessly under skilled versus these experienced foes. To those of you that are skilled and able I apologise but not all of us are, theres still a good number of Independant Order Capital Ships that are being destroyed due to either a lack of skill or the enemies superior tactics. Now I understand the Order is more focused with threats outside of humanity, namely the Nomad and Infested forces, but when our home is so constantly under threat from these Bounty Hunters there is an obvious need for a shift in focus, if only briefly. My suggestion, though likely there will be no consideration for it, is for an increase in training exercises for both our bombers and our Capital vessels. Fighters also need to learn their role in these fights and all could benefit from even the most basic of training exercises. Secondly these attacks are showing no sign of stopping. We need to change that and they need to be permanently ended. The Bounty Hunters Guild as a whole has been far too aggressive and while we are a conservative organisation there is a point where the defensive policy is costing us more than it should. Its a shame that it has had to come to this but as I see it there is no other way for us to relieve pressure on Toledo and the Isis. The previous reports should be an indicator of just how severe this is getting if they are destroying our Capital Vessels, independent or not.
I hope you do something about this, for the Order stands to lose more and more if this goes on as it has been.
And again, we see these attacks. Mako class battleships and yet more Threshers. And still there is no sign of an end. Some of you were even there and saw. Are you going to allow this to continue? Because at this rate its a matter of time before our operations are severely hindered.
***Connection established***
***Location: Isis medicine deck***
***Sender: Dr. Marcus Freeman***
Greetings, today one of primary fleet pilots were been taken to medicine deck on our battleship due to heavy injure. Ships recorders says, that pilot was injured in action, which took place today in Minor against BHG. Pilot's name Alan Strem. Data says, that he noted only his sholder injured, but real situation was much more worse. Injure took all right side of his body, legs havent harmed, that 100%. 5 Ribs broken, rights side respiratory harmed. Its miracle, that heart havent harmed. Bounes near sholder brocken, muscle tissue harmed hardly enought. Body reconstruction more than nessesary.
His status bad, but stabil. We need some time to return him in normal, yes, I think, we can do this, he will survive, I promise.
Well, what else, yeah, we got pair cuncam shots from his ships.
Here they are. shot n1 shot n2
Well, seems my time is up, need to go, Alan in good hand, trust me.
Have a nice day.
***Signal lost***
***Connection established***
***Location: Isis medicine deck***
***Sender: Dr. Marcus Freeman***
Greetings, today Im gona bring you good news. Alan's reconstruction complited. We replaced damaged parts of his body with new organs, created in small time based on Alan's DNA. Operation succesfully finished 10 hours ago, and Alan can return into action, like nothing were happened.
We did like we promised.
Have a nice day.
***Signal lost***
Ech. I was asked to launch and participate in a brawl with Liberty Navy vessel. Sad to say, I never saw such coward. Not even while I was myself one of them. However, I managed to inflict massive damage to certain ship, using explosive mines, his equipment suffered major damage and he fled to Ellsmere system. Later I had malfunction in my ship and in the middle of the flight, Liberty Dreadnought shot down my ship, damaging my pod too, which, luckily was tractored by others on my side. Thanks goes to them. I owe you one.
Good day.Today i had very intresing meeting with Liberty Carrier in Omicron Delta systems near Freeport.
Captain was angry, that she cant engage my lone bomber in NFZ and told, that i engaged here with missle.
Its really funny, because bomber cant mount missle launcher, only CD. Im shure, that it was BH fighters' CD missle, which traped here ship. Then she started to provocate conflict. When one of zoners asked her, what she doing here, she told this fraze guncam 1
Even zoner were shocked.
But we may still have problem, she spoted one of our cruiser, which was searching nomads in Delta system.
Cruiser came to freeport, to make shure, that there is no nomads on station. Carrier's captain found few nomad brains in secured containers, and started screaming about it. But we were checking freeport for zoners safety, and thouse nomads were captured, while inspection.
Thats all to say.
Hope, you havent forgot me.
Good day. Today we had large fight in omicron minor. For the first ime, seems there was't any good job for bomber. I decide to join Adm.Golanski on bomber and make at least some problems to fighters and one bomber. Then i recived call from OAF osirises. Adm.Stefan was requesting bomber to get 2 BH destroyers.
It was may faworite job. After 4-7 minutes, aproximely... we managed to kill one of them, and my shot finished this capital. guncam1
After small time, about 3-4 minutes, we manage to finish second destroyer. But during this fight, I was tailed by two fighters, who decide to kill me. Destroyer was quicly neutralized, becuase he get stuck and had collusion with asteroid, few seconds were enought to hit them with osi and few snacs. guncam2
I had to leav fight and land on Toledo after enemy caps were destroyed, my ship's construction was holding on last breath. Few direct shots were been able to finish me. But my job is done-enemy caps neutralized.
Good day. Im sorry for such brave, but I saw one of transmission to Primary fleet HC about incident with OAF and posebly, with inficent ships. I would like to ask your permission do make invistigation, and check all thouse things. Im not leaving Minor, cause Im on anticap duty, why not to make another mission. Original mesage
Well, I just asked two pilots form this acident. Its just an conflict of an interests. They all was enjoing view on Isis' right side, and noone wanted to leav. I told them, to avoid such situation in fututer, cause we cant have loses from our hands. Give everyone final warning would be nice, al advice them keep distance between themself if peas time. But offcourse, final decision will be for HC.