*Mateo offers piece of paper to Espi* Give this to my future wife.
*Espi opens the note and reads out loud* : " Spread your damn legs when sovereign comes".
Well senor, I was thinking trough this week, like small ceremony, some meat, couple of dead outcast and hessians to decorate and stuff like that. Which day suits you the best ?
Hm. *Mateo takes out even bigger planner and starts reading*
monday: drinking on leon
tuesday: drinking on cadiz
wednesday: drinking on crete
thursday: drinking on etna
friday: drinking on mindelo
saturday: hangover
sunday: <strike>semi-hangover</strike> drinking on wedding
Gracias senor, sunday sounds perfect. I'll reserve main hall on Leon for such a ceremony. If you could please send our man to bring us couple of hessian and outcast corpses so we can hang them on the walls.
Hola senors and amigos, it's me Diego again. I've come back with a little good news.
It wasn't a very good day today, it seemed that all traders and miners retired.
However, I found this Liberty Mastrodon while flying near Atland yard of Omega-3, to my surprise, the captain of the ship didnt order to dock. Instead, he stood by and paid the tax.
It seemed that he was a gentle guy, although speaking English in a strange accent, so I decided to tax him just 2 millions, here is the guncam shots:
Later when I was docking my ship with Cadiz base, I picked up a strange transmission from a "UAC" ship, talking about a gold shipment, I recorded the conversation here:
I'm now at Cadiz and awaiting for further directives
That's all for now, adios. P.S: Am I invited to the wedding party? If I am, I'd bring some iced rum in case you don't like Espi's brew
Diego out.
Nice work amigo,of course you are invited. When Mateo is getting married its party for whole nation especially for the Black Sails. Patron Espi has captured some hessian which will be ritually killed prior the wedding and hanged on the spikes at the Leon base. Bantonio my own hermano by blood, since we cut each other with knives and then throw a blood on each other will be choosing brides dress. Remember hermano, this one can't fit in outcast pilot skin, so try to find a real clothing. Diego your task is too make sure there is enough alcohol for the whole sunday, we don't want guests to destroy the whole bar if they become thirsty.
The wedding will take place in front of the Crete, with as many attendants who will gather. The ceremony will consist of shooting hessians and outcast escape pods, then placing the burned bodies on our stations. After that senor Espi will connect me and Juanita into another unholy matrimony. In case I forgot the mention, Juanita has 13 sisters which will be ceremonially raped for a week after the first wedding night. Make the preparations or die.
Good news for you Bandito, I've found a good source of drinks for your wedding.
I'm sure that Asesino's iced rum will keep everyone drunk at your party.
Now all you need to do is to sign this contract, then the rum will be delivered...
Oh, and should I ask Espi for his brew?
~ Diego out ~
Hola amigos, Im back to report some interesting things happened in the past few days.
First is the death of an intruder, the "Harry Potter", si, and we had no losses. Shot 1 Shot 2 Shot 3
Well, you still remember the time I have to destroy 5400 units of Berylium ore, si?
Not anymore, I sold my Corry to buy my new -Pirry- and she did great work.
I managed to sell the ores for 7.5 million, this is the log:
and this must be liked by most of us
About what I did today, hm... found THIS DSE ship in Omega-7, a little TALKING and this is what is liked again
After that I went for a shoot n loot game in London, and THIS and THIS is what came back to Tripoli.
That's all for this time, adios amigos.
~ Diego out ~
Hola amigos, more interesting things, and I hope these will wake you up from laziness, someone get on here and report something!
First of all, I and our Espi went to Omega-7 2 days ago, and we were happy to see lots of miners there, we filled our hold will abot 6800 tons of Copper and Berylium ores, si that is fat. But more goods for our Empire is more good for us, right? Image archive
Toro-Bravo's hold has been sold, but my Pirry's hasn't yet, so I took Tiffany on a small trip to Omegas yesterday.
Well, instead of miners, I found more corpses to hang on Leon's wall in Mateo's wedding.
First is an Outcast Tridente who is making trouble to 2 DHC ships, well, he turned on me not long after. Shot 1
My little Tiffany can barely escape from his raping, while still able to take down his shield, but it's always better to call for help.
(Hey I didn't meant to help the DHC) Shot 2
So later Chico arrived and help me with the Tridente, we made him run, but at that time, a Independent pirate flying a ROC nearby decided to help the Outcast. So Chico engaged him while I kept fighting the Tridente.
Well, Tiffany is still fine but she lost one Sally to the ugly body of the Tridente, then a indie Corsair came to assist us so that Chico and I could focus on taking down the Tridente, and the Outcast go poof. Tridente death
Of course we then target the bomber, who was fleeing to Omega-11 and then hugged the Hessians base, thinking that would protect him, but no. We soon took care of him after 2 laps chasing around that base, the Hessians rockies proved worthless too. DHC's words ROC death
Right after the ROC's destrution, a RF ship undocked with "brave words of teaching us a lession"...
I was freaked out because I thought he's another gunboat or a cruiser and was about to flee, but another Corsair came to join us and we decided to attack.
It turned out he was a Pirate Transport *facepalm*, so we raped him. Facepalm Diego
He was flying around the base and screaming like a little girl. Screaming girl
We shot stuffs, he screamed in panic... But he managed to dock his burning vessel. Docking Verteller
Huh... then we flied back to Cadiz to drink and cheer... and write this report, si.
That's all this time, adios amigos.
~ Diego out ~
Hola hermanos, it's me, Diego again.
Well, or as I notice, it's only me again?
Nevermind, we all love el Green, si?
So today I bring you more el Green, start with 3000 units of Copper Ore
Sold to the Deep Trading Co. as usual for 7.5 million, 2.5 million for loot.
And by the way, wake up and do something men.
If you're to lazy or lost in your hangover, give me your story, gun-cam shots,
and 1 MILLION credit, I'll do this stupid paper work for you, everyonr love el Green, right?
That's it. Adios amigos. ~ Diego out ~