Evangeline warily eyes the crystal blue liquid presented to her by the bartender. She freezes solid as a plethora of repressed memories resurface - the colour and texture reminding her of thing she had done her best to forget.
She forces herself to pick up the glass and quickly rests it on the bar table, her hand noticeably shaking as she does so.
Eva silently looks on for the remainder of Bret's speech, lingering in an unmoving trance even when the hosts' praise was directed at her; Vixen's kitten curled up on her lap.
Vixen raised the glass to her eye, suffering a similar, if lesser, relapse into the past. Blue. Oh joy. She thought to herself, casting her look through the glass around the room at the distorted, off-color figures. She looked at Eva with a slight sense of concern, and then sipped at the wine, the unfamiliar taste tickling her lips. It was indeed something very special.
A million dollars isn't cool. You know what is cool? A basilisk.
Jeremy and Izzy took drinks of the blue stuff. Rika drained some grape jiuce, then bounced over to Eva and sat down, and loked at the sleeping kitten, a smile across her face.
Evangeline barely notices the arrival of another party to the seat beside her, her trance-like state only disturbed by Licentia stretching out on her lap. Almost instinctively she bundles the kitten in her arms so it doesn't fall off her lap and continues watching Bret's speech.
The blue liquid offered to her remains untouched as she nurses a second glass of lemonade. She looks down at the kitten snoozing contentedly on her lap, effectively pinning her in place.
She did not have the strength of mind to disturb such a creature but she really, _really_ needed to pee - something which was reflected in her body movements visibly but perhaps only understood by the other women around her.
Evangeline is snapped out of her trance by the young girl beside her and turns her attention to reply.
Do my business? I'm not a puppy, sweetie.
Evangeline delicately lifts the kitten off her lap; a muffled, disgruntled moan emanating from the ill-tempered furball as it is moved against its' will to Rika's waiting embrace.
She quietly stands to her feet and diligently shuffles off to the bathroom.
*Daniel nods in agreeance with Veris, taking a few sips from the glass Daniel: Nien dear..Go ahead..I'm sure one glass wont hurt the pups.. *Feya overhears the two, walking up to them with big, curious eyes* Feya: Did you say pups?.. Evyn: Of for the love of... *As everyone finishes their drinks, Bret lowers his glass, setting it on the nearby table as he looks towards the crowd* Bret: Now to the other reason why I called you all here...Vix...Could you come up here please?
-"If we do not learn at least one thing a day....Our minds turn to stupor"- Kyle Sparrgrove -2005
Evangeline slinks back into the room, acutely aware that something of significance is going down by the locked gazes of the people she dodges on her way back to her residential chair by the bar.