I would like a signature and a transmission header for one of my characters.
Her name is Angela Rose (But she goes by Angel 99% of the time). She's a member of the CrossBone Foundation, and has 3 ships. *CBF*Paradise.Lost (Rogue Gunboat), *CBF*No.5 (L'Ane), and *CBF*Beyond.Beautiful (Jaguar). Here is a picture of her.
If you need anything else, just tell me.
User was banned for: Reidft
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Hello, Rosa.
Seems like you have been waiting for a while with no result, I might as well jump on your request.
Before I begin, I have some questions for you.
1. Do YOU want me to use the pic provided? It is going to be your sig and I am going to make what you want.
2. How many ships do you want to have on your signature? All of them or it is up to me to decide? I can't make out the model of the second ship. (Jaguar, a LR GB and ? )
3. How much are you willing to pay for the job?
User was banned for: banned pending staff discussions
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It's not exactly what I was thinking. TBH it kinda looks like you did some of it with MS Paint. Maybe something more Divine oriented? She goes by Angel a lot more then her real name, so a rose isn't exactly 'her'.
User was banned for: Reidft
Time left: (Permanent)