John Diggs was born at planet Manhattan in 782 AS. His family was middle class living people, his father Aron Diggs was having mixed merchandise store at West Point military academy. He has very curius child, and was going wit his father to store sometimes, and there he began to be admire fellow kadet`s at West Point.
His mother Emillia was working in Interspace Commerce company as secretary, and she was having good relationships with traders who worked for Interspace. John was bright kid, he was tough a bit lazy to study for school, but having good grades.
One day a Capitan from Liberty Security Force named Taye Eldard was having lessones at West Point Academy, and stepped into store of John father Aron. Capitan was hungry so he bought himself sandwich to eat, at register was 12 year old John helping his father. John was so exited when he saw uniform of Taye Eldard, and tell`s him:
"I wish to be someday like you, Capitan at Liberty Security Force"
Taye looked at boy and said:
"Sure we always need good pilots to our forces, but you are bit too young to be accepted at West Point Academy"
John sadly looked Capitan and said.
"Then i will become pilot first"
Capitan laughed a little and says to John:
"Sure u will be pilot, i and can tell you will be one of best"
When John turned 16 years, he writed a letter Taye Eldard to consider his application to sign up West Point Academy.
To Admiral Taye Eldard
I wish to apply to attend West Point Military Academy and to serve in Liberty Security Force later. I finished high school with good grades as you can see from attached infocard. As you know i am now old enough to apply, since it is my life wish to be pilot in LSF. I hope that i will recive positive answer to this letter.
With great respect John Diggs
After few days passed John gave answer from WPMA with following letter:
From: West Point Military Academy
To: John Diggs
John Diggs we have recived your application to attend our academy and become pilot in LSF, we have seen your grades and info. And so we wish to inform you that you are accepted to our academy.
When John seen his he was so happy, and he sit in his starflier and rush to show his father this letter.
Aron read letter and was hapy that his son was accepted in West Point Military Academy, but it was something is his eyes that was sadly looking to John. Then Aron says:
Aron: "John u know your mother and i have worked hard in our lives to get you best possible education"
John: "Yes father i know that you are working hard for your family, and i appreciate your and mother`s effort
to give me that"
Aron: "Son but i think you know that West Point Military Academy costs lot of money for flying school, and we may not have money for it"
John: "Then i will work in your store part time to be able to pay my flight hours"
Aron: "Really? I could use help in store these days, we have lot of traffic thank god"
And so John began to work with his father and attend West Point Military Academy in 798 AS