"The OCV-Destiny's Embrace is in Order space being refit, so it cannot be there to assist anyone. Axel got hit during recon, his sekhmet is being repaired. The Ghost Eye uis laid up at Freeport 2 after being ambushed by a Seige Cruiser. All of my other assets are being repaired also. We lost some ships after the SCRA attack; the Aoi also hit the hanger where your Bastet was Seth."
Seth cursed but remained silent.
"Sorry, but we can only provide logistucs from here. I won't put the Oathkeeper into the lion's den."
"Gentlemen, im not going to blame you. If you dont have resources to participate in operation, so be it. Anyways, i hope you have plenty of time before we will step to the second phase."
He took a sip from the glass and then approached a water dispenser.
"And James, do you remember? Si vis pacem, para bellum."
" landa that was one of the first things they drilled into our heads in boot, peace through strength or the proper translation, if you wish for peace,prepare for war"
<he smiled>" i apologize for my prior judgement on you landa,it would appear that you weren't showing your full hand,me and you are gonna get along just fine"