Hey there man, thought we might be able to talk a bit, if your willing.
You may not remember me, because our interactions were always brief. It was back when i captained The-101-Express, and I have to admit, I didn't mind breaking laws back then.
It's been some time since those days. Well, not that long, but it feels like ages. Maybe I should explain.
Basically, I gave it up. All of it. The smuggling, and a lot of other things as well. I'll tell ya the truth, it never did me any good, never made me feel any better. It wasn't guilt or anything. It was just...
*deep breath* ...I came into space for no real reason of my own...I stayed here because It gives me peace. It's home. Running cargo for very little money was just the work. You know how they say a man who does a job that he loves, never works a day in his life? That was pretty much me for a while.
Smuggling just came from a need to make more money - The law in sirius as it relates to trading, including tariff's and taxes, well...it doesnt promote wealth and prosperity, ya know? We all gotta forge our own lives out here - Just like you and your comrades are doing.
Look, this isnt some kind of "justification" or excuse. Im actually sorry laws were broken. Yeah, I'm sure your not the person to apologise too, but in my mind you are.
Why? Because for one, the RFP doesnt care what I say. I still owe them a fine on The Express and I'm still not sure I'm ever gonna pay it. They do their jobs for their own reasons, but in the end, their government officials. Personally they may appreciate some honesty and common courtesy from a criminal, but I gotta imagine they wouldn't believe it was genuine.
You and Kent and Spire and Owens - Ive heard the rumors as to why your doing this job. your trying to make a home for yourself. At least, its what Ive heard. You've chosen this job, all of you, and I dunno, I have to believe that had we met under other circumstances, maybe we could've been friends - shared a drink in Barrier gate or in a Freeport bar.
So, thats why. Because I think we got off on the wrong foot. I want to fix that.
My name is Dane Summers - if your open to more talking, I would love to listen.
[--- Incoming transmission---]
[--- System ID: Munich ---]
Well it's a start. Yes I remember you, and chasing you, and warning you, and I think firing on you. I can say this is a surprise to hear you contacting me and not someone criminal organization. But I'll give this the benefit of the doubt and see where it goes. Seems you're at a crossroads where you try to decide if you want to make a difference or take the choice of change away from everyone else. I can't rightly make that decision for you but I'm at least compelled to tell you why I'm doing what I'm doing.
When I was back home in Bretonia I freelanced with all types. Running from the law, chasing down pirates, even fancied myself being a Privateer but could never seem to follow a chain of command that had their gears in an anti-clockwise rotation. I started having issues with chaps of mine finding it easier to make a quick credit at the expense of others and watching the badge placate to impending dangers all around them, feeling nothing could end our great Empire. Come to think of it, I figured out the common element in all that scuffle was me.
Sure, I even managed to scrounge up a ship of my own and started making my own way. See Freelancers are the new citizens of all our nations. The virtual back bone middle line where people can't tend to stay for very long. Unfortunately, they tend to start falling off to do what ever they think is right, no matter who the hell it harms or kiss their brains and souls good-bye and become just another cog in the same anti-clockwise system.
Really in freelancing, no one minds much attention to you until you start reaching to one side of the line over another, trying to knock you back into place, what ever the bloody hell that is. Trust me. Many times I wanted to take the Vindicator back home and tear those Mollys and Kusari a new one. But then what? Back where I started from wondering if I made the right choice and all along fighting against something I don't pretend to fully understand.
You wouldn't believe that five people had the same idea but not a shred of sense where and how to do it. That kid Adam had this crazy idea and in Rheinland of all places to make that home you were talking about. Always heard they were a bunch of hard hearted people, but I couldn't very well head to Kusari, being a pirate was just against my grain, and Liberty, let's say I never did quite agree with much that flowed out of there. We're still Freelancers mind you, not doing this for charity but seems always hard to keep the credits going. That's part of the fun and risk we all take. But I figured, the credits will always be there, but choices aren't always willing to hang around.
I'm sure you're not coming to me to be your Jiminy Cricket, telling you right from wrong, but I'd like to hope maybe you're looking for something to believe in. Well, I sat here looking down at planet Nuremburg, read the history and the struggles its been through, I found out it was a lot like Sirius. Tons of effort and resources tossed into it for a new hope, only to have things dashed by the very nature of the planet to kill anything that wasn't already there. Hell of a lot like Sirius. Yet, it still has a chance to be something it was meant to be, something bigger than it is right now. Homes, Mr. Summers. Plain and simple. Life, as basic and poignant as those who came on those sleeper ships who said, 'we will never forget.' That despair I felt was that a lot of us have indeed, forgotten.
There is an unspoken law that governs us, drives us, and gives us fortitude when the whole world around us is falling to hell. Never asking what we'll gain but only asking this, where lies the right? Powers, people, and politics at times make up crazy ways to spew out some twisted history or current event that pushes its people once more. But I'm telling you its right there, right in front of us. The idea and hope is a pretty simple one.
Here's the hard part. Sticking to it. Hours protecting a planet, an idea a hope, is not easy at all. Few shields can protect against lies, and fewer weapons can ward off conjecture, but we stick to it anyway. In spite of our opposition and ourselves, we feel pretty good at the end of the day.
I hope this gives you an idea of what I'm doing out here Mr.Summers, or what we're trying to do. It's taken us a long time to have Rheinland let us in the front door, to say nothing of letting us plant roots in their garden. To be honest, I didn't think it would work, but it has. It just takes time.
We're Freelancers, we're free. Free to succeed and free to fail and at the end of the day, it's ourselves we got to live with, and I can live with that.
See you around Mr. Summers. Godspeed.
[--- transmission disconnected ---]
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
*Strumming acoustic guitar chords in a soft melody*
Well, your right. I'm not looking to you for my conscience.
And, I'll tell ya, I was expecting no reply. Not that I figured you held a grudge for all the times we interacted *chuckle* but I did figure you saw me as standing on the opposite side of the line you had drawn for yourself. I can honestly say I'm glad thats not the case. I'm happy you told me all that.
Ya see, I grew up in Liberty - On one of the more beautiful planets in Sirius, Los Angeles. I had summer all year round, and a beach as my front yard. See, my parents are Ageira Exec's. Both of 'em. My brothers are heading down the same life. As you can tell, I didn't.
*deep breath, exhale* So, I eternally confounded my parents, broke every leash they ever tried to put on me, and did my best not to conform. I just...wanted to be free. I joined the Liberty Navy for a sign up bonus - and it was in space that I had found who i really was. It wasn't a hard choice to decide if space was where i wanted to make my living.
Ya know, I've left behind Liberty, my parents, politics, all of that. The reason is very simple.
With what you said, about Freelancers becoming the new backbone of Sirius - I agree. People who go to space for their own reasons, have the power to really do anything. And your right, some get caught up in pointless wars, either for money, or to try and make some sorta difference. Either way, folks die. Otherwise, they go into some sorta business for themselves, but little money makes you yearn for more money, as I found out. And you either make that money through trade or piracy. It's hard to pick a straight line and adhere to it your whole life, and I think it's because life throws us so many curves.
I was at a crossroads in my life, and found out what really holds me back. So I got rid of it, and decided instead to embrace what makes me happy. It isn't stealing, smuggling, funding another pointless war for some bitter revenge.
It's just bein' here. Flying. Space. I never could sleep at all when I was on LA, because I think I always knew that my true home lay somewhere beyond. So, I gave that up, a sparkling blue jewel amidst so much crap in Liberty. I've never been happier.
And it's taught me a lot. About life, choices, living. Each of us has...I dunno...a power to influence the lives we touch. Every person we kill just leaves a shattered wake behind, like ripples in a glass of water. Nothing we do ever only affects us. Even if all I do is crank up my transmitter and play my guitar, someone will hear it. How it affects them, I don't know.
I'm happy that we actually agree on so much. I think the difference I'm trying to make for people is to be a living example that Life is never simple, that Choices are so very rarely binary. But in truth, I'm not trying to be an example - I'm just trying to be me. It may seem selfish, but really, I'm someone who lives a very unique life, for very personal reasons.
I'm happy to say that I've never taken a life, and hope I never have too. Life's too short waste it killing one another. Our ancestors risked everything to find peace in a new world, and I know, having barely escaped such a war as that, what we do today would disappoint them. But it cant be helped.
Every bad thing I've ever done has only ever cost people money, but the military equipment i shipped out surely helped others to kill - That guilt is something I'll just have to live with, 'till I find something to balance the scales.
I've found my place in life, so far, and I'm happy. You guys are working hard to find your home in a Job that doesn't give you much good will - I'm sure the Rheinland police love what your doing, and I just hope they don't stiff you in the end. If that day ever comes, I'd gladly help you if you need it.
Next time I'm in Rheinland, we need to have a drink together. *laughter* although, I still haven't paid my smuggling fee, so I might have to smuggle MYSELF in. Haha.
And oh yeah...Call me Dane. Mr. Summers is a boring dry Ageira executive.
[--- Incoming transmission---]
[--- System ID: Munich ---]
I'm good to leave well enough alone. I'm also better set to a Freelancer being a freelancer than a pirate or a would-be convict. You know 8 million isn't all that much when you look at the implications of a shoot-on-site policy. Seems we have to tear half the hull off some of these ships before they take us seriously. I also don't want you to just acknowledge your act but really take action to work it out. Life is better with a clear conscience.
Even with all that in mind I'm half tempted to ask for your help here and there, for now I'll just wish you well Dane.
[--- transmission disconnected ---]
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
[--- Incoming transmission---]
[--- System ID: Munich ---]
I'm impressed, surprised, and elated all at the same time Dane. Being true to your word, you paid off your debt to Rheinland with no bickering and even taking responsibility for your actions. Damn rare if you ask me.
Alright, you got my vote.
The best way to help us is to make yourself familiar with Rheinland's policies, restrictions and laws. Rheinland also takes a shine to individuals who help out the local police and companies from time to time. Making Daumann happy is a feat in of itself but not impossible. Republican and Kruger are the more common companies and ALG pretty much cleans up all their messes.
How you help them is up to you. Just want to ward you Dane, we're not loved by a whole lot, and some people may get pretty ticked at you for helping Rheinland. We're not out to help in the war by the way, just doing our part for Rheinland.
It's a bit hard to explain and some things are a learn-as-you-go, thing. Such is the life of Freelancers.
[--- transmission disconnected ---]
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
This is the part where I usually smile and gloat about breaking peoples misconceptions - *chuckle* I actually like it when I surprise people.
As I said, life for me has changed a lot, and I see things differently then I did. I figure some out there would call it maturity, but to be honest, we all have these changes many times in our lives.
Torin, I'll help ya as much as i can - my help goes toward you and your friends finding your home, and finding peace in your lives. There are criminals in Rheinland, and many do what I used too, grabbing military hardware under the table at Munich and selling it either Kusari or Bretonia. They've made their choices, and I wouldn't mind hanging out above Munich and try and let 'em know why I think what they'r doing Isn't the best choice.
In the end, it is there choice - I just hope they find the same kind of thinking I did. Some will, maybe sooner, maybe later. I don't think i can be an informant ratting out Traders or scanning cargo's and giving out the info. It's not that I want to protect them, It's just kind of what you said earlier. We each take sides that we think is right, and sometimes it is, but regardless sometimes people get hurt. I've had my actions lead to the death and suffering of others - lack of action may do the same here - I just haven't chosen any side but my own life - and the lives of my friends.
*chuckle* Man, I just painted myself in a corner there...above all things I do, is that I keep my promises, and I help my friends.
So, maybe I'll see what can be done without doing the wrong thing. As said, I don't mind trying to council wayward smugglers - and if ya want, I can show you my old smuggling routes, which may help your defenses some.
[--- Incoming transmission---]
[--- System ID: Munich ---]
Since Munich is a security nightmare with two pirate bases and more jumpholes than Leeds, yea, I'd like to get a bit of insider information to better position our guys along the borders and other systems.
As far as you encouraging wayward traders who aren't Kruger, ALG, Republican, Daumann, Samura and Kishiro, not to take military Vehicles, well. I can tell you, unless you have some special magic trick to get most traders to see the light, hardly anyone listens to us until we've torn half their hull to hell. It mainly comes from purely being ignorant of Rheinland's laws, while the other half comes from a blatant disregard for law in general. Having it said by freelancers even after we tell them we're working for Rheinland doesn't help most times either.
I'm reluctant to ask you for fire support in our endeavors even though any freelancer can claim bounties and such on known criminals. Stopping and possibly attacking trade ships, even ones going illegal things is normally no business for any Freelancer, normally. It's difficult for me to make this call as Adam Spire usually makes the finally call on these, but he's been gone for over a week. I'll, give it a little more time before we start looking for him.
Other than, that, any help would be appreciated.
[--- transmission disconnected ---]
Sometimes, when all you want is to gain your freedom, you must be willing to risk it all.
*chuckle* Well, I've been through more of this sector then most, and there ain't much I haven't seen.
I've even been to Gallia.
When I used to run MV's outta Munich, the trick was always time - trying to reduce the time of the run as much as possible, and I got pretty creative In it. At the start, I would run Gold for the Molly's in Arranmore. While most people tend to cut through New London on through Cambridge and into Omega 3, and so on, eventually arriving in Stuttgart, passing through New Berlin, then through Frankfurt, and eventually Munich.
Too long for me. Outta Cambridge, i skip down to Omega 5. The deep omega's are corsair turf, and they don't like me. But smuggling for me ain't worth it unless its dangerous and exciting.
After Omega 5, its on through to Omega 11 - the proximity of the ninja planet to a large corona means your Autopilot will literally ram you into Schutz. I've seen it happen - so it's all manual flight through 11 or your a new crater on it's huge ass. After that I pass into Dresden, and through it - to the Frankfurt Jumphole.
This is the part you want to listen too, as I've seen you and your buddies patrolling Frankfurt, and I've always had no trouble slipping past you.
The Dresden jumphole is easy to spot because of a small dust ring it has as a halo. Instead of saving time by using lanes (gold isn't illegal) I instead book it straight from the jumphole to the Munich jumpgate. I bypass any lane pirates and you guys if your patrolling.
Once in Munich, it's simple. I drop off my gold, then hop dirtside and grab as much hardware as I can - then I book it for the Sigma 17 jumphole. I used to count that as the finish until Spire decided to camp out on Atka - after that, i counted Sigma 19 as the finish line.
So yeah, 17 to 19 - pretty simple - now here's where it gets fun. I had a couple friends all develop their own preferences for the next leg of the route. It used to be a straight white knuckle drive through Kusari space, and I had a line all worked up about how I was transporting the vehicles to the Yamaguchi. This route is long, dangerous, and complicated.
A friend liked to shortcut through Chugoku and take his chances with the Blood Dragons. I never did.
No, my route took it up into Omicron Beta, and then Omicron Alpha. *laughter* I can already guess the look on your face. Believe me, it's easy. I was never once caught going through there. Alpha drops out into Tau-37 - Passing through I like to drop in on Freeport 10, have a bite to eat, maybe catch a beer. ya know.
The last part isn't interesting - 37 to 23 to 31. Delivered. Only problem I ever had was running across Colonial patrols, but they were pleased with my sale to Bretonia. *shrug*
My tip's are to concentrate primarily on the entrance and exits of Munich - the middle ain't nothin' but space. Spire has got a brilliant idea using Atka to stage from, but with it being closed now, I guess thats off the hook.
An alternative though is to stage off The Hawaii in 19.
So yeah - concentrate on the Jumpgate into and out of Munich, and the Sigma 17 Jumphole. If anyone is smart as me to head up out of 17, then having Spire stage out of The Hawaii might be an idea. I never used the jumphole to get into Munich from Frankfurt - would have just cost me time - and when going into Munich, I go in with something non-illegal - like gold. That way I can use trade lanes.
*laughter* If anyone breaks this encryption, I'm'a have a bullseye on my back