You may or may not have heard of me. Recently I have befallen hard times.
But on to the main point. I have recently come to represent a position in the group known as Rorry's Renegades. I have VERY close ties to Rip Rorry himself, and he has want of a large capital ship.
So of course, we will need a place to construct it. I already have the workers and necessary materials sorted out. If all goes according to plan, it should take but a few days to complete construction of the hard-line. Detailed outfitting of the ship will be made AWAY from any station, thus the time we need with your shipyard is lessened greatly. I offer the amount of 50 million credits for this service.
Furthermore, after consulting with Rorry, I convinced him to 'kill 2 birds with 1 stone' by offering an OFFICIAL alliance after the completion of this ship. The purposed alliance is as follows:
1:Renegades will never attack/tax/harass Congress vessels unless attacked first.
2:The Congress will be put on the official contact list for cargo haulers. Profits split 50/50.
Quite simple but enough and to the point. Please take both of these requests into thought, if one if found expectable but the other not. Be sure to mention it and we will close on the accepted deal and work on the other.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
You're request is being discussed in Congress now. I am curious though. If our own shipbuilders cannot assemble the hull of a ship that fast with our facilities, how do you imagine that you will be able to do it?
I am a man of.... Unique knowledge. Also, a large portion of this ship's hull is the wreckage of my departed Luxury Liner. So a large portion of the basic hull is already formed. My mens main function while at the shipyard will be to 'connect the pieces' as you might say. Hull integrity as well as technological integration will be done afterwards using.... Methods unknown to most. This is all I can say as to the details of the ship building process we intend to implement.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
Unique knowledge huh? You have such unique knowledge that you can make a shipyard do something it is neither designed nor equipped to do. Maybe you'd like to share this unique knowledge. I think then we'll have a deal.
Allow me to restate myself. Your shipyard will be used as it is intended, reconnecting large portions of usable hull from my salvaged Luxury Liner. The ship design I have constructed is just under half the size of any normal Luxury Liner. While using your facilities no 'special' operations will be taken.
After we have reconstructed the hull, in the manner of our liking, and moved away from your shipyard, will I begin an organic integration into the ship. A process kept secret by most governments that I once assisted in developing. To my knowledge, what I will attempt has never been done on such a large scale. Hence, I will not be conducting this phase of the building process near any other man-made structure or with any large population around. This organic 'ship teraformation' has a tendency to integrate anything remotely organic to the hull. Meaning having humans on board or nearby during this process can be dangerous. Only once this transformation has been stabilized is it safe for humans (or anything living for that matter) to utilize the ship.
During previous observation while studying at Cambridge I found that hulls with this implemented organic structure will have a regenerating hull, without the use of nanobots.
I have already told you more than I probably should, but perhaps it will strengthen our ties if we have a sense of honesty between us.
****Incoming Transmission****
****Comm ID: Arbiter Jack Crow****
****location: Classified****
Everyone's got an answer for everything. We will clear you to tow that thing into the Vieques. You will be watched VERY closely while you are there. You will not be using ANY organic technology while you are anywhere in the Puerto Rico system. Payment may be made to .:j:.Bank.
Your facilities will only be used as they should be, this I guarantee. Any advanced technology will be done FAR from anything else man-made, for obvious safety reasons.
As you receive this transmission my crew are moving to Vieques. We have all the needed supplies now and will begin work shortly. Thank you very much for you generosity and willingness to help.
I would now like to bring attention my offer of an alliance, as I am unsure if you touched upon it in your last transmission. If you would like we can conduct this diplomacy now, or we can wait until completion of the building phase at your shipyard.
Again, many thanks, and best wishes from the Renegades.
I would like to start by thanking you and your men for your professionalism. Your facilities operated perfectly and gave us not one problem.
With our ship's hull now intact I will be giving the command to move our vessel to a far removed and remote location for the completion of its construction. Our time at Vieques was short, but was quite enjoyable. It's always a good thing to see a plan come together. Thank you for your willingness to allow it to come to fulfillment.
Now, to diplomacy. Earlier I spoke of an alliance between the Congress and the Renegades lead by Rorry. What are your thoughts on this? Is it plausible? If so under what terms, or would you like to discuss them in detail?