COMM ID:Angel Kate 'Valkyrie' Golanska TO:Silver Reaper Subject:Aurora Encryption:High
Simply said, Outcasts started to shoot their own spirits. Taking my freelancer vessel for a ride, Aurora arrived shortly in Tau-23 naturally quickly staring panic among locals. It brought interest of Outcasts and soon after that another Nomad entered the system - Harbinger. While Aurora supposedly still lives as it "said" something about transfering to another frame of sorts I was not contacted by it since the event. Its current form was destroyed during clash with said Harbinger, battleship sized squid. Great role within it took Outcasts which as I mentioned decided to shoot at it. I am submiting the proof of it.
What you arrived into was very long aftermatch. Harbinger managed to ran away and dissapeared most likely somewhere in Omicron Alpha system. First time ever I saw Nomad fighting another Nomad.