**INCOM** ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk HMS-DAGOBAZ
On any other day I would consider issuing a warning. Today I simply do not feel like it.
Your bases will be destroyed, your crews lives are forfeit, and you yourselves will find the inside of Newgate to be quite inhospitable as we lock you into the deepest, darkest hole we can find.
The standing orders for all Bretonian ships are as follows:
Destroy the bases. Destroy the ships supplying the bases that refuse to turn around.
Our patience is gone.
Long Live the Queen!
In Service to her Majesty,
The Duke of Norfolk
Fleet Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces.
While I'm more then willing to comply with this order - those unregulated bases often turn out to be nothing more then blackguard nests in the end - it would likely be a fair idea to mark specific locations, especially if a coordinated effort is needed. I wager you military chaps would do what you do best, while us officers would end up on traffic control. Not the most glamerous assignment, but neccesary all the same. Nevertheless, wouldn't know where to go without further information.
- Officer S. Frankson
Ps. I know the war keeps you chaps on edge, but if I may say so sir, you sound a bit... volatile. Perhaps not the best tone for a public message, aye?
**** Transmission Closed ****
Wide awake in a world that sleeps, enduring thoughts, enduring scenes. The knowledge of what is yet to come.
From a time when all seems lost, from a dead man to a world, without restraint, unafraid and free.
Mostly retired Discovery member. May still visit from time to time.
Oh-ho, good sir. While I appreciate the free publicity - after all, this is more or less a recruitment ad for the Zoners - You could have at least given us a bit of warning before you let loose with the bloodthirsty psycho schtick. I don't know if we're prepared for the population explosion.
The Zoners - Because sometimes, you just don't want to be blown to bits by your own government.
Admiral Fraiser, the re-enforcement of the Articles of War in recent times have granted the Admiralty great power over the inner affairs of Bretonia, but it is over my dead body that such power would be used to declare the highest punishment the nation of Bretonia can dispense upon it's own sovereign citizens without due process or a writ of authority.
You seem rather fond of old regulations, so here are two for you; the common Rules of Engagement and the Laws of Armed Conflict apply, and shall continue to apply, to all those enforcing the law within and without the borders of our Sovereignty. Signed,
Tammo McIllheney, MP-Waterloo
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|