Patrician... You Brand? Sorry mate all these names mixed with char names gets a little much.
Anyways, I feel you mistook me. We dislike raids, they are a waste of time, as well as blockading Java. We do not miss your events. We do not under appreciate your RP advances. We are just sick of being the only ones outside malta when capspam comes and have to deal with all the indies yelling "what we do?!?! where are 101st!?"
All I have to say is that a little support once in a while would be nice, and not chenzo running around with his defilers shouting out orders like a madman kplzthnks.
Oh and I don't think I thanked you enough for all the help and guidance you gave me when i was first starting out... And if I didn't pay any of those loans up I'm good for it now;)
Also tbh, I am more inactive than active nowadays. I am just voicing this because of the insane amount of complaints from other clanmembers I am seeing.
College=Life ';==(>.<
Member of RL since 1991, Freelancer since 2003, XTF since 2009 Pythios -- Bio/Char Page
Dont worry about the money; its the principle not the cash. And frankly, do as I do. Dont so much go by what you hear by frothing ragers. GO INGAME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Most of the time people have overstated what is happening and outright lying. For your group to not like raiding, you do it QUITE a bit. If there isnt a raid on, you are pewing outside Alpha or sitting AFK. Thats fine, do what you wish, its a game, blah blah blah. However dont rage and curse at me if I refuse to gank or come bail you out of a fight YOU instigated.
Also, when capspam comes to visit, its almost ALWAYS responding to OUR capspam. If not, then once the raid is over, OUR caps go raid Gamma; its a neverending cycle. Most 101st have stopped having anything to do with it since the capwhores are getting to do what they want. They only want us to go along to have some legitimacy; if someone complains they are told "We were only doing what the Ghosts told us to do". Which is crap.
TLDR: People act like little whining girls when they are anonymous. People rage and act like superman when there is no accountability. GO INGAME AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. Make your own decisions. Take the people involved into account when you make decisions.
Just had a bit of a skirmish with four of your guys in Eta.
I have to say it was a pleasure. It doesn't always have to be silly name calling and those four proved it.
Others could learn from your pilots example.
Maybe my answer was a bit harsh, apoligies, but id suggest you take a more kind aproach than. btw, i dont believe your exuse, told you there was no bounty. should have thought before ya shot. You had no right to shoot. if you wanna discuss it, feel free to add me on skype or xfire.
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever
The guy you had a problem with has a spotless record, which leads me to believe that he was merely having a bad day. I won't be as lenient if it happens again though.
And now for a public service announcement: Leave personal drama out of this thread, or I will have it locked.
A Psalm out of the outcast history books.
The dons are our shepherds; I shall not want. They make us live with a cause; They lead us trough the still vasts of space. They restore our souls; They lead us in the paths of righteousness For The Orange Dream. Yai, though we fly through the valley of the shadow of death, we will fear no evil; For the Spirits are with us; Your leadership and Your cardamine, they comfort us. You prepare a safe home for us in the presence of our enemies; Surely goodness and mercy shall follow us All the days of our life; And we will dwell in the house of the outcasts Forever