Occasionally I give obviously new players a small 'donation' to give them a boost.
I actually 'watch' a new player for a little while, to make sure they aren't a old player starting a new char.
Sudden jumps in character level are a bit of a give away.
How much is too much?
I want to give them a 'boost', enough cash to either get a better ship to go trading in -OR- a better ship with better weapons, so that they actually have a chance of holding their own against the 'bad guys' if they decide to go to doing missions.
I DO NOT want to deprive them of the priceless experience of fighting/trading their way up from scratch, I just want to give them a bit of a hand up.
I use the ANON switch when I make my donations and I don't do it too often these days.
Anything above 30million is too much.15million is actually quite good considering that that is almost enough money to get AU VIII to 'hold their own against baddies'.
PS,I'm starting from scratch,send Wraith.Unit-Spambot 29,999,999:P
I think 1-2 mils is cool enough. It puts them in something with decent cargo to start trading and exploring. But you got to know most of them will blew it on some fighter and will be doing missions forever.
I had my share of donations, its nice to see new players around, especially ones willing to learn and adopt. Back then when I played more, and when I traded I would pick up new players with me to show them routes or to pay them for scouting and such. Teach them about forums, about space about rp etc.
So for anon donation I wouldn't go over 1-2 mills.
Tell to do /restart and give money and guide him to buy Camara/Pelican/Gull. That's less than 10M and probably the only ships worth to start making real money in the beginning.
Here I am thinking 100-200k is a nice amount to receive when you are starting out and you guys are talking 1 mill plus.
For those of us with credits to burn, I guess a million credits is almost the proverbial 'drop in a bucket'.
I do the same, 100k -200k. I think the danger with giving anymore to a new player might well 'upset' them or spoil their fun. Not everyone wants a load of credits instantly and there are still some players who enjoy starting from scratch and building up a character, earning credits and buying a better ship etc.
I actually enjoyed my first visit to disco and the buzz of starting from scratch and discovering new things. I got a buzz from being able to afford a bigger ship or a new piece of kit.
I think giving 15m or even 2m to someone, especially anonymous can take that fun away
There are of cause those new players who want a big transport straight away and 'bug' the high level players for millions. To them I give nowt!