So, it's time for a new sig for me. For my LE character to be precise.
It should contain:
- A Cuirassier fighter in the foreground, being chased by a bunch of Lynxes. :cool:
- The char name: Jean Aigle
- Possibly a picture of this guy.
- Some nice quote: "Toutes les guerres ne sont que des raids"
- All in all a gallish-looking background, feel free to implement a planet, nebulas, gunfire w/e. Main colors should match the Legion's theme (dark red, orange) though.
Wow. Dude, I like it. Only one thing that bugs me: The Lynxes in the background look kinda weird imo, can you make them fly in different directions, maybe a little bit more spectacular? They just look like anxious sheep who stick together, close to each other. Some more push and force is needed! :)
second go. Added some gunfire (might be to much, leave that up to you). Some burn on the ship, and spaced the lynxes out. not sure about flight angles, still have the file though so can add/remove whatever.
Ugh... Your work has fascinated me, Nightfury... I guess you hit the jackpot. You have won. And thank you for yours as well RAL, it's much appreciated.