DataStream Established...
To: Outcast Command Authority
Omicron Alpha
If this Lope Rainerio does not speak for all Outcasts then I will suggest that he does not speak again. As I stated earlier, we are interested in forming a, shall we say, mutual understanding with the group know as the Outcasts of the Omicron Alpha System. In exchange for a neutral standing and unhindered passage through Outcast space, we offer to engage your enemies the BSG, the IMG, and their allies the Corsairs. We also offer a truce between our forces and the chance one day to become our allies.
We dislike using open broadcast frequencies as this may compromise our position. If we broke your protocol we are sorry. We await your response.
DataStream Disengaged...
(OOC: As far as I know the true intentions of the Cylons and their hatred for all humanity is not common knowledge. I know that as per our story line we are few in number and would not freely share that info. Besides as far as RP play on this server goes that attitude won't work and has been abandoned by us at this time. So please keep un-RP knowledge out of RP posts.)
Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to The Cylons
Run Command Carbon Copy
CC to Outcast Council Members
CommID: Lope Rainerio of the Outcasts 101st - The Almada
As I may not speak for the Outcasts as a whole, but I have a say for the 101st who just so happen to have control over Omicron Alpha and Omicron 85 higher then any other Outcast fleet. The other Outcast Dons may step in here if they please, but that's up to them. Now, you wish for some form of alliance to destroy our enemies who have been attacking our home. How intriguing as this might be, but the notice of Outcast forces attacking your ships or vice versa still hasn't been seen in any report.
Before any sort of neutral status is discussed, that incident must be explained first. End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program
From:Reaper Flagship
To: Cylon 'Empire'
CC:Outcast Forces
This is the Reaper Archon Lohingren Hikari, i would like to add my opinion on this 'Peace Treaty' i do not agree in helping these Cylon's in the slightest. our way is to kill all whom wage useless and uneeded war in space i find that these "Cyborg's" Deserve no such honor as to be let through our homeland i find they cannot be trusted. i do not see how we can trust a force common enemy or not when they're main goal is to whipe clean the 'Infestation' of humanity. we do not know if once the colonial scum that plague our homeworld of malta are annihilated. that these tosters will turn on us, i for one think it would be a wise choice to not get to friendly with these one's i shall accept the desicion of the 101st and other Outcast's if we decide to let them enter our space. but for now until given a real garuntee that they can be trusted my vote would have to be nay
DataStream Established.
To: Outcast Command Authority
Omicron Alpha
The explanation of the past fights between The Outcasts and CYLONS, lies in missunderstanding. Few of CYLON patrols were engaged in Alpha by RoS members, and therefore all Outcasts were implemented as Hostiles in our Network Mind. CYLONS attack anything from their Hostile database, so they attacked the Outcasts too. Now, the Outcasts are being removed from the database, and will no longer be attacked by our fighters, as long as our fighters are not attacked.
Mister Lohingren, you must be mistaken. CYLONS are not against humanity, they are against the Colonials, and the others that are a threat to our empire. And Outcasts are, after the Nomad alien race, which are ignoring our efforts for cooperation, the least humans of all in Sirius. We have the information based on our Basestar that there is a supstance that is changing your mind from a human to a supperior species.
Therefore, you are potentialy our greatest allies in suppresing Colonials. In return, we will help you achiving your goals.
|Incoming Transmission| From:Commander Vincent Corona
Location:jygfJgujGuyJhgfygh Error - Location Data Corrupt To:All Outcast Channels
My brothers,
Nearly everyday we are attacked in our own home by IMG ships. They nearly always outnumber us. We have lost many men to these scum. I think any help we can get would be beneficial. These Cylons have apologized and made clear that attacking us was in error. Machines are known to have bugs, why should we not give them a second chance? I think that we should give them the benefit of the doubt until we have reason to do otherwise. Of course, that is just my opinion. I eagerly await your comments.
well considering my new 2nd in command has shown some mercy upon you and would like to give you a second chance. i shall give him the benefit of the doubt and let our quarrel's lay for now. i for now am in favour of letting them pass through alpha, but i would not like to give them complete docking rights on Malta without atleast permission from another outcast member. reason for this is because i have heard of the cylons releasing undercover drones to spy upon human colonie's.
i would also like to state this before i close this communication, any further hostilities against my men or even a minor outcast member in my presence or any of my men's presence will be met in full hostility's once again.
excuse my security in this matter it takes alot to gain my trust i look forward to seeing what you 'Cyborgs' can do in a fight if the treaty follows through.
Comm ID: The Grand Master
To: All Dons, Dark Centurion
While you as a.. race may not share our species characteristics, your reverence and piety are an example to us all. The Blue Lotus Syndicate will maintain neutrality towards the Cylon Empire for the time being and will not fire upon your civilizations ships unless fired upon first.
Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to The Cylons
Run Command Carbon Copy
CC to Outcast Council Members
CommID: Lope Rainerio of the Outcasts 101st - The Almada
Vincent does prove a point in his transmission...
So be it then, The Outcasts 101st shall consider your neutral within our space, but it doesn't mean we have to trust you. Any problems caused by the Cylons within Omicron Alpha or Omicron 85 and we won't hesitate to shoot.
Rainerio out
End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program
<Begin Transmission>
From: XO - Red Hessian Army
To: All Outcast Channels
Outcast Allies,
The RHA's official stance toward this new... race is one of suspicion and zero leniency. We will follow our allies
in maintaining a "neutral" stance, but we also will not stand for any aggressive actions in our home turf,
defined as Desden, Omega-47, and Omega-54. We work diligently to maintain a certain amount of trade
through these areas and cannot have this disrupted by attacks near our primary bases and supply sources.
Cylon ships sighted near Vogtland base, Casablanca base, or in the Hessian Guard system will be considered
aggressors and intercepted. Delay in compliance with orders to vacate these areas will be met with a shift
to hostile rules of engagement.
- Fleet Kapitan Moritz
- Executive Officer, RHA
<End Transmission>
"To gain a hundred victories in a hundred battles is not the highest excellence;
to subjugate the enemy's army without doing battle is the highest of excellence."