I made a thread with a bluemessage before going to sleep. Am I a bad man then? See the point, every one creates a thread for his own means with his own plan in mind. If I plan to terrorise a House or organisation and want to show that I'm a pretty good pilot in an Inferno Kraken Sabre - I should go for it regardless of what one may think about my bluemessage exhibition.
I find it pretty confusing when people claim that them being shot is not roleplay, while a lot of relevant and irrelevant chatter is. I believe in freedom and human rights and me posting bluemessages in a reasonable way in the thread with the roleplay nature of server in mind is protected by Constitutions of the most countries in the world.
I too find some MD just a gallery of blue messages. Even bounty claims sometimes contain more roleplay. But it's up to the person himself what he wants to put on the forums and how much time he wants to infest in writing a message dump post.
Some people are too lazy to write the most basic bounty claim. Let alone a proper MD post. Their choice, really.
Don't focus on the blue message with your name in the right part of it, but post screens of beautiful explosions, followed by an ingame explanation of what happened. That makes much more sense, is more IRP and still shows that you are proud of what you managed.
It's a roleplay... so don't focus on the only OORP item created in a conflict.
I'm not saying to restrict it. Read the #0, Linkus. You'll find that I'm discussing this issue, where Communication Channel gets additional role as Blue Messages Dump sometimes. It's not communicating. It's exacty "look at my blue messages" without possible answer to this "communication" thread.
Some players already say it's to crowded and hard to find important threads. Step forward to a more clean subforum might be to get these "BMDs" out of there.
If someone is so eager to show off blue messages without roleplay, they can do it in ooRP threads too. It's not like they contribute to overall DiscoveryGC roleplay in any way.
It's like someone would upload profit from each trade run in a thread "X Reports" without any proper roleplay or some one liners.
P.S.: Do note that this is my opinion on this matter and in no way do I suggest doing anything right away.
It's a discussion thread for god's sake.
If you point finger at me and tell "deal with it" or similar one liner crap, get the hell out. You are not discussing it and just spamming without any contribution towards ongoing discussion.
Now keep it civil and don't go personal on someone.
If you do it in style, sure. But as Jack said, blue messages are... Not as cool as explosion of a ship and definatly for people who wish to brag only without any effort put into roleplay backing it up.
@ Dashiell
Yeah. But there are many good reports, that tells what happened not only during the battle and who got shot by who. But sadly blue messages are most appealing to most part of players.
@ Jack
Can't add anything more. You hit it right on spot.
' Wrote:I'm pretty sure a mercenary in Sirius doesn't run Windows and fly his ship through a laptop monitor. I'm pretty sure he doesn't take screenshots of his monitor window when he makes a kill. I'm also pretty sure there isn't some deity calling out who blows up who.
Allow me a quick derailment since that post bugs me a bit.
If you say 'Neural-Net' instead of Windows, 'holotain' instead of laptop monitor, and 'USI' instead of that deity, I think you get a close picture how technology works in Sirius. A trick of immersion - imagine in Sirian terms what you experience. I think that nothing stops a pilot to boast trough the whole Neural with his flight-system recordings.
I said it's bad when it's not backed up by proper roleplay and aims to showoff in an ooRP way.
F.E. Rip Red Rorry, while was annoying with constant unnecessary "bumps", did it with roleplay and it certain style. It was entertaining to follow his actions.
But there are some threads where only blue messages are stored, even links are named the same, without any effort or only snipped blue messages are uploaded and is aimed to express how many "kills" individual or group reached without any effort to roleplay.