I need information on destructible ship parts behaviour in the game.
This applies to almost all original ships: fighters, including Mk I and Mk II versions, and capital ships. Are there any ships with parts too vulnerable to ordinary/missile attacks? Are there parts not too vulnerable, but still easy to hit and affecting ship's health? What are these parts (names - fins/wings/etc., where they are located), and to what extent their damage will influence overall hull strength on the ship?
No need for precise statistics. Just your impressions from ships that you killed, and ships you were flying.
As far as I can say from my experience and point of view, eagle and titan wings are mostly prone against missiles and torpedoes when compared to any other kind of VHF. Titan's wing can also easily be taken out with a single successful hit of a mini razor if I am not mistaken. I mean both ships behave erratic oftenly against missile and torpedoe attacks while the RT and RC and the other non-vanilla ships having no wire-frames do not have this kind of problem. A sunslayer can barely make a maximum of 20% hull damage on a RT.
Another thing I can say is, the Osiris is somehow extremely prone to Flak attacks. I dont know exactly what part of that ship causes this since it does not have wire-frames if I am not mistaken again. I haven't added something new here actually but just wanted to sound my opinion.
- eagle (hawk/griffin), guns don t take out the wingtips out easily - but missiles do. not fighter missiles, but capship missiles. those model parts appear to be blown off by even minor blasts ( like hitting the 100% health hull while the shields are down, a missiles scores a blast damage hit - reducing the armor to around 70% - but still the eagle has a high chance to loose the wingtip resulting in the loss of one lvl 9 weapon )
- titan (legionair, decurion), same like the eagle, it tends to loose not only the wingtip, but also the whole wing - so its a bit worse, but in the end, it only looses 1 weapon, too.
- sabre, haven t seen problems with that - but its harder to really spot a missing part on it.
- the bretonian gunboat and the bretonian destroyer. they are not vanilla, are they? - but they are by FAR the easiest to shoot turrets off. one reason is that the bretonian turrets are big - another is that the turrets are allmost not protected by the hull and offer a very big target. ( the gunboat foreward guns are not as easy to shoot down, they have a huge amount of HP it appears )
- nomad battleship, tried to target individual turrets ( npc versions ) - but wasn t able to shoot down any. its hard to tell how exposed they are, cause its all transparent. it showed only a minimal effect when shot by a flak cannon ( 4.83 version )
- kusari gunboat, never seen any damage on my turrets there, and they are quite clearly visible, too.
- containertransport, easy to target and shoot down individual turrets
thats the ships i ever tested destoying individual parts with.
when you hit titan he loose the wings,with weapons,in last fight(again raven claw) my titan in the end was total without wings and from weapons in have only weapon on slot 1,2,and torpedo.(all mounted on nose) the thruster was gone also.
osiris is prone agains flak when flak hit osiris he loose not part of the ship but extremly fast the turrets.
nomad battleship, tried to target individual turrets ( npc versions ) - but wasn t able to shoot down any. its hard to tell how exposed they are, cause its all transparent. it showed only a minimal effect when shot by a flak cannon ( 4.83 version
i was trying this and i was able destroy only the last turrets of end of the ship.(without flaks)
Nailing a Kusari BS in the fan Fin on its bottom side will almost double or thriple the explosive damage it takes if you can get your torpedo in one of the separations.
- yes they tend to lose the wings and top fin, but it usually happens under some quite heavy fire (like a Mini
Razor hit, or full hit on the wing with all guns (5k damage)) and they become very difficult to hit afterwards. -Titan without both wings and fin is more difficult to hit than even the RT.
Eagles - it is possible to shoot the wings off, but it's not that easy. More difficult than on the Titan I'd say. But the reason can be that the wings are smaller and eagle is more agile.
Saber I have managed to shot off one side of it quite a few times, but again with a Mini Razor, missiles just tend to damage the whole ship, not blow parts of
Chimaera Loses those fancy "wings" quite often, but there are no weapons or anything on them and it doesn't damage the hull much, so no problem. The wings don't look really firmly connected anyway. But Unicorn has lost his thruster together with the vertical fin two times in the last 3 days, may just be a coincidence as I never lost it myself.
Wrath I lost one wing just once, under heavy gunboat fire, but they are quite small and difficult to hit.
My conclusion will be that maybe only the Titan wings need to be strengthened a bit, since they look massive and are easy to hit. But when they are on Titan is a bigger target.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
all the wings on the Manta and the hammerhead can absorb a minirazor hit, they get torn off, but the ship takes minimal damage..like, taken down to half hull, where a direct hit scraps the ship.
I've noticed, that, while vanilla ships are vulnerable to splash damage, they are less vulnerable to things such as nova's and minirazors, and the BHG ships are a perfect example of this, where a mini would shred a ship with only one segment, a manta can conceivably take two hits without having to b/b....
and I fly my eagle with the lower wings (middle wing) blown off, because it seriously reduces my hitbox, and actually having it blown off in a fight is often fatal.
also, the avenger is seriously vulnerable to losing wings, has 3 huge ones, that take up about 50% of its volume, and, without them, you have no goodies, but I do believe it turns faster.
Chimeara: a missile hit to the vertical fin will destroy the thruster, cm, and minelayer, leaving the ship crippled.
........Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more;..........But when the blast of war blows in our ears,.....
........Or close the wall up with our English dead...........................Then imitate the action of the tiger;.................
........In peace there's nothing so becomes a man........................Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,.........
........As modest stillness and humility:........................................Disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage!....
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