[font=agency fb]ID: [color=#FFFFFF]Captain Matt Smith Target:All Liberty Navy Officers Location:Battleship Missouri, New York Encryption:Medium Priority: Medium Subject: Promotion
Matt still seems stuck behind a pile of paperwork.
Following James Flinte's amassing o'hours n'wi tha' lad leavin' a fine trail of dead pirates in his midst, he is therefore promoted tae tha' rank o'Ensign.
[color=#00CCCC]COMM ID:[color=#FF6666]Recruit Mark Lin TARGET ID:Liberty Officers SUBJECT:Request for Promotion ENCRYPTION:LOW PRIORITY:MEDIUM
Greetings Officers.
This is Recruit Mark Lin reporting in.
I have recently fulfilled my eight hours of flight experience, and believe I have what it takes to be an Ensign in the LN.
During my eight hours of training, I have encountered numerous criminals, and I've even experienced having my Executioner destroyed by a smuggling transport while working with several other LN ships. (All of these events can be seen in previous transmissions).
As such, not only do I believe I have what it takes to be a true pilot in the LN, but would also very appreciate the permission to upgrade my Executioner to a Guardian VHF, or maybe even an Upholder if I decide that is the path I wish to take. Despite my Executioner serving me well, I am itching to have a real upper hand against these criminals, and I hope you will take that into consideration as well.
I have also begun working my way towards receiving an ID from the Liberty Navy Guard.
COMM ID:Recruit Robert West TARGET ID:Naval Headquarters SUBJECT:Patrol Report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Low
G'evening sirs, ma'ams. Just dropping in my regular patrol report. Nothing terribly exciting today, but I always find it better to keep tabs on those who don't always wish the best for Liberty, than to not.
[color=#FFCC00]Patrol #1
Today I met up with Captain Matt Smith, who was taking a break from his Quartermaster duties to show me the ropes a bit. After some quality conversation about his career in the Navy, and why I had developed an interest in the Navy, we took the time to look into an up and coming organization in New York--the [collectors].
All seemed quiet enough (doesn't it always?) until we rolled up to Rochester to find some... slightly less than criminal conversation going on between these Junkers and two Outcasts. A pirate was also in the area, but when we announced our presence after about two minutes of eavesdropping, he quickly disappeared within the tin can that is Rochester. Although it appeared that the [collectors] were avoiding business with these scummy citizens, their chatter was slightly incriminating. Captain Smith and I took note, and wishing to avoid what could have ultimately been a significant amount of bloodshed, we took our leave.
Captain Smith returned to Ft. Bush to get back to some communications work, and I continued my patrol. After docking for a quick tweak on my ship controls, I emerged from the police base to find a convoy of Junkers rolling through to Manhattan, and then on West Point. There were four Junkers in all, and all of them appeared to be heavily intoxicated. Further scans of their cargo bay revealed mass quantities of alcoholic beverages and wine.
On the bright side, their conversation was quite jovial, harmless, and very entertaining. Below is a quick snapshot of their convoy.
Of course, there's never a dull moment in the life of a Naval Officer, or so I've found, as I stumbled upon two more Outcasts who had just come through the gate from California. Taking note from the earlier incident, I ordered the two criminal vessels out of the system, but they retreated to the Debris field near the gate. Being outnumbered (though with the close support of a mercenary named Tobi.Reaper), I took this opportunity to exit as well.
Patrol #2
Though I have little to mention here, we received word of a Hacker Spyglass near Planet Manhattan, and I was dispatched to assist with handling the issue. By the time I arrived, the only remaining vessel was a Hacker Bomber, however I'm clearly not up to par with [HF]'s best, as my vessel was quickly dispatched. The [LN]-LNS-Minneapolis wasted no time picking me up though. I suppose there's always something to be learned from these experiences (even at the cost of a Naval Heavy Fighter).
COMM ID:Recruit Robert West TARGET ID:Naval Headquarters SUBJECT:Flight Time Documentation ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Low
Good evening. [color=#FF9900]Admiral Malone informed me that it would be appropriate to send my flight logs to Naval Headquarters when I had reached the appropriate amount of flight time as a Recruit. You'll find in the below documentation that I've done just that.
You may also notice that I've come up one second short... my humblest apologies for this lack of flight time. I hope you can make a small exception. I by no means wish to cut corners, but my damn Executioner clock is stuck logging time at 7:59:59! I fear I'm doomed to wear no bars on my shoulders for the rest of my naval career....
//Funny enough, wasn't even watching this, pulled up my flight time after hunting down a Rheinland Gunboat (patrol report to come), and I was at 7:59:52 XD. Thought you'd all get a kick out of it.
As I've said, please see the attached documentation.
In hopes that you'll be satisfied by my abysmal failure in the attempt to achieve eight hours of flight time,
Mark Lin
You've completed your stint in the Executioner and have served Liberty proudly so far. You are hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign. Keep serving Liberty to your utmost.
Robert West
Your pay will be docked the amount you were under the threshold. You are hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign. You've got game, son.
Both of you are now cleared to shed yourselves of the Executioner and pilot a Guardian or Avenger-class fighter.
Whilst flying around New York, I stumbled upon a Golden Chrysanthemum ship moored at Newark Station. There was already a Secondary Fleet Officer present... but I took over the situation to avoid further miscommunication.
She was carrying two tons of Cardamine. A figure in which I didn't see fit to leave alone. I immediately ordered its release and serve a platter of hot plasma unto it. The GC ship left peacefully without any complications.
[font=Times New Roman]Blockade Report #1
I hooked up with a certain USI employee, [*USI*]S.Brennan[R], as I had no backup to enforce the blockade. We camped near Planet Houston to stop potential smugglers. Luckily there were two traders who attempted to run the blockade.
****Uploading part of ship logs****
[08.06.2011 08:58:54] [LN]-Remus.Sius: You two stop!
[08.06.2011 08:59:11] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Where are you going?
[08.06.2011 08:59:29] Avakiir: freiburg station.
[08.06.2011 08:59:39] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Freiburg?!
[08.06.2011 08:59:40] Wahl: Going to freiburg station.
[08.06.2011 08:59:47] [LN]-Remus.Sius: You know there's an embargo no?
[08.06.2011 09:00:06] [LN]-Remus.Sius: You aren't allowed to ship goods to Rheinland.
[08.06.2011 09:00:33] Avakiir: heard rumor, not sure what all that entails for y'all
[08.06.2011 09:00:46] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Well you're hearing me now.
[08.06.2011 09:01:03] [LN]-Remus.Sius: You can't ship goods to Rheinland unless you got a permit from the government of Liberty.
[08.06.2011 09:01:14] [*USI*]S.Brennan[R]: I'd suggest superconductors from denver, colorado to yukawa, honshu, then engine components back to new york
[08.06.2011 09:01:31] [LN]-Remus.Sius: What the employee said.
[08.06.2011 09:01:32] [*USI*]S.Brennan[R]: Nice and legal.
[08.06.2011 09:01:35] [LN]-Remus.Sius: We will allow that.
[08.06.2011 09:01:46] [LN]-Remus.Sius: I'm sorry, dear traders.
[08.06.2011 09:01:56] Avakiir: honshu... sec lemme look at my charts
[08.06.2011 09:01:56] [LN]-Remus.Sius: But I'd have to enforce the laws here.
[08.06.2011 09:03:08] [*USI*]S.Brennan[R]: good thing you decided to stick around, eh?
[08.06.2011 09:03:21] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Had a feeling something like this would happen
[08.06.2011 09:03:27] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Thanks for suggesting a route to them.
[08.06.2011 09:03:32] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Well?
[08.06.2011 09:03:39] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Do have it in your charts?
[08.06.2011 09:03:44] [*USI*]S.Brennan[R]: no problem. its actually quite short and profitable
[08.06.2011 09:03:44] Avakiir: heading up to honshu then
[08.06.2011 09:03:56] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Thank you, dear traders.
[08.06.2011 09:03:57] Avakiir: aye, found it and plotted a course
[08.06.2011 09:04:05] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Many a thanks.
[08.06.2011 09:04:13] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Sorry for the delay.
[08.06.2011 09:04:16] [*USI*]S.Brennan[R]: rochester base pays the most in new york for engine components, otherwise drop them at baltimore
[08.06.2011 09:04:20] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Have a pleasant day now.
[08.06.2011 09:04:37] Avakiir: you as well captain
[08.06.2011 09:05:03] [LN]-Remus.Sius: I'm very grateful for you being here now.
[08.06.2011 09:05:29] [LN]-Remus.Sius: Seems we're done here.
[08.06.2011 09:05:31] [*USI*]S.Brennan[R]: my pleasure. universal likes to keep a good relationship with law enforcement.
My dear USI employee wingman suggested a nice profitable alternate route for them, to which they complied. But then Long Range Scanners indicated that they discreetly took the detour to the Hudson system.
I will be keeping an eye on them.
For Freedom and Justice, Lieutenant Commander Remus Sius
COMM ID:Engisn Robert West TARGET ID:Naval Headquarters SUBJECT:Patrol Report ENCRYPTION:Medium PRIORITY:Low
Whew, hello there sirs. Still getting used to logging in with the "Ensign" prefix. I'm damn proud to have these bars on my shoulder, but they're still something to get used to--no doubt about that. Nonetheless, work to be done--here's the report, as promised, from earlier today.
[color=#FFCC00]Patrol #1
Boy did I hit jackpot today! I was paired up with the LNS-Feathered.Pond|36th in the Texas system today, in search of a few Rheinland craft who were getting nosy along the neutral systems. Sure enough, RIGHT outside of Planet Houston, we stumbled across a Marinenachrichtendienst vessel cruising just out of range of the Mississippi! Unbelievable!
My Executioner was no match for the flying green brick, but my Train Cruise Disruptors were a welcome addition to an arsenal that, prior to my arrival, lacked stopping power. Huginn, the kraut, came to a hault after a prolonged chase right near the center of the system.
For whatever reason, it was taking way too damn long for our transport arrive for us to take this Rheinland captain into custody. In the middle of comm relays with the naval transport San Jose, the Rheinland craft made a break for it! I couldn't believe it, and I genuinely thought he was going to fly his craft right into the sun! The Feathered Pond and myself pursued into the sun's corona, but I was forced to pull back due to the lack of armor on my ship. The two capital ships were able to endure, and took off in cruise around the back side of the sun.
Just when it appeared all was lost, and with no way to stop his cruise, some A grade gunnery on behalf of the gunners of the Feathered Pond took some lobbed shots at the Rheinland Gunboat, and--believe it or not--blew him out of the sky!
Our patrol stopped for some repairs (courtesy of the ARL-1.LNS-Achelous) back at Planet Houston.
Patrol #2
I'll go ahead and formalize this into a separate patrol report, since it certainly seemed like an entirely new deployment. Heading back to the New York system, I came across two Liberty Police Officers (Officer-Steven.Harris and Officer-Frank.Levensky) who had caught wind of some trouble near Norfolk Shipyard.
Sure enough, on my long range scanners, I picked up sight of a Nomad craft! This craft wasn't long visiting though, and escaped back through to Alaska, for one reason and one reason only--between myself and the gate, stood the towering hulk that was an Osiris Corsair battleship, flying under the name of TheHarbinger.
When the Corsair vessel couldn't explain his presence in Liberty, nor why he had violated the Zone-21 Restricted Area, the LNS Feathered Pond made quick work of him.
//The guy was there to escort his nomad friend... talk about some absurd ooRPness
This, unfortunately... is where the report gets a bit sour... We quickly became informed that three Rheinland Buro Der Marineintelligenz vessels had penetrated Liberty space, and were perusing around the Colorado system freely. The three vessels (believed to be gunboats) were later identified as:
Talk about a problem... we quickly moved ourselves to the Colorado system to locate and exterminate the threat to Liberty. We were lead on a 'wild goose chase' from the Colorado system, all the way to the California system. We were unsuccessful in destroying any of the vessels. We did, however, catch a brief glimpse of the three intruders on radar in California, and were able to give pursuit on one.
As we began closing in on the Rheinland craft, we received reports of an oncoming ion storm. The storm was upon us in no time, and the three ships vanished amidst the ion storm, never returning. Their location, and status, are unknown at this point in time.
Successes, failures, while we always aim to improve, I don't think there's anything wrong with a little bit of the good and the bad. That's it for this evening. Erm, "Ensign" West, out.
COMM ID:[color=#FF6666]Ensign Mark Lin TARGET ID:Naval Headquarters SUBJECT:Log Report ENCRYPTION:LOW PRIORITY:LOW
Evening Gents.
I have a minor incident to report about my shift last night.
While patrolling in California yesterday after reports of piracy in the area, I ran upon a certain pilot near California Minor who had shown up on my heads up display as an Outcast-affiliated pirate in a Falcata bomber. Quickly scanning [color=#FF6666]Shikaka, the callsign of the pirate, I discovered that he had a Independent Pirate ID equipped, and before I could even request he cut his engines, he fired shots at me and overloaded my shields.
I quickly equipped fresh Shield Batteries and began engagement of the Outcast. Noticing that he was no match for my superior Liberty weaponry, he made a run through a trade lane to the Magellan Jump Gate. However, at this point another hostile call-sign appeared onto my HUD, but this turned out to be a simple Junker transport, known as Alsatia, who came under immediate attack by the Outcast. Luckily, Alsatia was able to escape as I defended the Junker from the Outcast.
At this point, [Convoy].Android_Data, a member of the Bretonian Armed Forces, began engaging Shikaka as well. Unfortunately, he managed to escape through the Magellan Jump Gate, and we were not able to destroy the Outcast. I welcomed the BAF pilot, after all, my family originates from Bretonia. He told me he was simply transporting Refugees to Planet Pittsburgh, and as such, I thanked him and allowed him to continue.
The following attachments detail the event: Log 1 (First view of Shikaka) Log 2 (Scan of Shikaka, and Alsatia enters the area) Log 3 (The BAF transport after Shikaka's escape)
I also note that this is the first time I am signing off with the Ensign rank.
Damn I feel proud when I put that title in front of my name.
Ensign Mark Lin
Current characters:
[LN]-Mark.Lin - Liberty Navy Ensign (Guardian Very Heavy Fighter)
VistaSoldier - Freelancer (Hegemon Mining Transport) (Mining for IMG, Entrance Permit to Gallia)
Shocking - Outcast (Falcata Bomber)
Da.Real.Boss - Independent Pirate (Saishi Civilian Fighter)
COMM ID:[color=#FF6666]Ensign Mark Lin TARGET ID:Naval Headquarters SUBJECT:Log Report ENCRYPTION:LOW PRIORITY:LOW
Greetings Gents.
Today, I had an off-peak period of patrolling, during one of the quiet periods of Liberty Space. However, I was surprised with how much the crims try to get away with during this time.
So the first incident I encountered during my patrol was near the trade lane between West Point and Norfolk Shipyard. [color=#33FF33][LN]-Remus.Sius (Liberty Gunboat) made a very high priority emergency transmission to the entire NY system, requesting backup. Answering his call, I rushed to the scene where I discovered the notorious Liberty Rogue, Abraham (Sabre VHF) using his experimental weaponry to destroy Remus. Unfortunately, I did not arrive in time, and a few seconds after my arrival, I witnessed the detonation of Remus's gunboat.
Luckily, I was able to tractor Remus into my Guardian, and I engaged Abraham. After a long dogfight, where both of us were able to do significant damage to each other's hull, he managed to deplete me of nanobots first. Understanding that the destruction of my ship would result in Remus's death as well, I rushed away to Norfolk in search of resupply and further assistance.
However, immediately after undocking from Norfolk with a fresh resupply (and also with Remus in safe hands), I noticed a transport under the callsign of Dyzzy, carrying 400 Military Vehicles and heading towards the Texas JG. Using the excuse that I was heading to Texas as well, I was able to closely monitor Dyzzy, and make sure he was not attempting to take the vehicles into Rhienland. Seeming to notice my following, he docked into Battleship Mississippi.
Log 2(Scan of Dyzzy) Log 3(Dyzzy docks with Mississippi)
I then headed back to try and deal with Abraham. Noticing that he was still in the NY sector, and knowing his exceptional piloting skill, I made transmissions to LN pilots, requesting for interested pilots to aid my raid on the dirty rogue. Bob.Kesh(Liberty Gunboat) and, to my amaze, LNS-Douglas(Liberty Assault Battlecruiser) answered my requests. Believing that this was more than enough, we headed off to a location near Fort Bush where Abraham:(He had switched to a gunboat, and changed his callsign with a : ) attempted to engage us. With his bizarre bravery, he even attempted to pull off attacks on the Douglas, and his piloting skills were quite amazing.
However, Choleriker(Liberty Gunboat) also appeared out of the blue, and with the sheer numbers and technology that we outclassed him in, he knew that this was not a battle he could win. Nevertheless, he insisted on continuing his attacks, and unfortunately led to the destruction of Bob. Luckily, with the Douglas so nearby, he was able to be extracted immediately into the Battlecruiser.
Log 5(Choleriker joins battle) Log 6(Destruction of Bob.Kesh)
Even more to our dismay, his flight skills were so good that we were unable to disrupt his cruise engines during his escape. He dodged and weaved through Junker territory before getting his way into the Connecticut system. At this point, with our knowledge of the risks of entering the Connecticut system, we decided to return to Norfolk.
Obviously, this pirate needs to be dealt with soon, with his continuous actions in the New York system. However, his piloting skill is very good, and care needs to be taken when dealing with him. I am quite interested in where a Rogue such as Abraham was able to obtain such piloting finesse.
Ensign Mark Lin
Current characters:
[LN]-Mark.Lin - Liberty Navy Ensign (Guardian Very Heavy Fighter)
VistaSoldier - Freelancer (Hegemon Mining Transport) (Mining for IMG, Entrance Permit to Gallia)
Shocking - Outcast (Falcata Bomber)
Da.Real.Boss - Independent Pirate (Saishi Civilian Fighter)